(Archive) Advertising District / Sixflags : Marine World
13-November 04
JAYJAY Offline
I am recreating the northern California Sixflags park with RCT3. Wildlife, Wild Rides. I havent been able to spend that much time on it yet but here is a few screens of my work in progress. Enjoy, Comments are much welcome, good or bad. Photo Album -
gir Offline
Granted there isn't a lot there, it looks accurate, except I generally think Medusa is yellow. -
JAYJAY Offline
Well its more of a bright lime more than anything, I personally think that is the closest color that there is to choose from. -
JAYJAY Offline
After comparing the colors again, I agree with you gir. Yellow is more accurate to use. -
Sparker9014 Offline
im not a fan of rct3 but this one makes it look okay
you might make me reinstall it...... -
Drew Offline
Are the coasters in the park actually that close together? V2: Verticle Velocity looks awfully close to Roar. It looks okay though. Were you able to have the inclined verticle twist on V2, or is that just inclined straight track? -
JAYJAY Offline
Ok, Heres an update. I have started to build Monsoon Falls. Its far from finished but There are 2 screens showing what is finshed so far. Also an overview of Medusa, I also have changed some minor things with Medusa for more accuracy. I will update soon, comments? get the screens here ... Photo Album
Drew: Yes, the coasters are that close together at SFMW. This park was originally a animal park, then sixflags took over. So they did not have much room to work with for coasters so almost all are in the front and close together. Medusa, Roar, and Zonga(which I have not done yet) are all in the old parking lot. As for V2, for now I just have a straight incline until I figure out how I want to build the ride, RCT3 doesnt have that option for that ride type. -
gir Offline
Good luck with Zonga. It's one of my favorite rides, but it is seemingly impossible to recreate in RCT, let alone RCT3. -
JAYJAY Offline
Ok I have a small update here. First is a screen of the progress of dolphin harbor, there is still alot to be done with it so keep that in mind. Also I added two screens of my new Vertical Velocity, I changed the ride type so I am able to have the twist. Even though its not launched powered im happy with it like this. I will update soon thanks, comments?.
Photo Album -
Meretrix Offline
I don't want to sound like a shmuck, but your layout of Medusa is wrong. The Sea Serpent element is backwards in your version. In the real version, you enter the half loop from the left side and work your way to the right. You have it the opposite. Just pointing it out. The park does look nice though.
Sorry...SFMW is my home park. -
JAYJAY Offline
Yea I am 100% aware of that, but...RCT3 does not have all of the right track elements that medusa has. So there are two things that are off before the sea serpent, the dive loop, and the barrel roll. I was very dissapointed that RCT3 did not have the Zero g-roll for the floorless roller coaster so those two things throw off the rest of the ride basically. So I have them backwards so the ride finishes smoothly.It is also my home park. -
Coasterbill Offline
No zero G roll!!!!Yea I am 100% aware of that, but...RCT3 does not have all of the right track elements that medusa has. So there are two things that are off before the sea serpent, the dive loop, and the barrel roll. I was very dissapointed that RCT3 did not have the Zero g-roll for the floorless roller coaster so those two things throw off the rest of the ride basically. So I have them backwards so the ride finishes smoothly.It is also my home park.
I swear RCT3 doesn't sound all that great! -
DragonInferno Offline
What about the inverted impulse coaster?:As for V2, for now I just have a straight incline until I figure out how I want to build the ride, RCT3 doesnt have that option for that ride type.
By the way the park is looking very nice.
JAYJAY Offline
Inverted impulse coaster is the real type for this ride. However, RCT3 does not have the coaster elements used for this ride so I had to use otherwise. -
JAYJAY Offline
Did you not read what I wrote, Yes it is the right coaster type. But RCT3 does not have the right coaster elements to do the ride accuratley.Inverted impulse coaster is the real type for this ride. However, RCT3 does not have the coaster elements used for this ride so I had to use otherwise.
CP Freak Jon Offline
The only complaint I have is that ugly front twist. Not only is it inaccurate as an element (have you even BEEN to SFMarine World?), but the coaster track choice looks fugly too. Stick with the inverted impulse and ditch the front twist...
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