H2H3 / Hurricanes/Vehemences Blockbuster Deal

  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I'm not mad at anyone in particular. Not for the redraft or for being traded. They weren't done just to spite me, I understand that. And you're right that it's not just H2H that's got me upset, because it's really not worth stressing over. It's just a series of unrelated events all happening at the same time that seems to have put me into lose-lose situations and that sucks. That's what I meant when I said life sucks sometimes.

    The only things specifically that piss me off about the re-draft is that I really wanted to do parks with DJ and Phatage and Blitz anyway, with or without H2H and now I won't. And I was really excited about the parks I was going to make with them too which are now lost parks that will never get made like everything else I've wanted to make and haven't had time for. And I might not have had much time to work on those parks but if I've got to make other ones than I definately won't have time to make them and I've got enough regrets already. It's just a crappy situation cause there are other people I would like to work with on this new team but I've been looking forward to those other parks for months and now I won't get to make them. Maybe for someone else it seems like I hadn't built anything yet so it's no big loss but for me, those parks were finished already in my head and I love them and I really want to see them made. It's tough for me to let go of that.

    I can't really even talk about it because I don't have a phone right now (I'm working on fixing that) and I don't have access to the internet much right now either. And the other thing is, I could take a pretty good job at USC right now and have regular work that pays well and has benefits and all of that or I could keep trying to get film crew work with doesn't pay well and isn't reliable but is what I really want to do. If I take the USC job I won't have time to crew on films. It's a tough decision to make especially since I really would like to have an apartment and get my stuff out of storage and get on with my life.

    So this is one more thing now that is pulling on me and it would probably make sense just to drop it even if that's just one more thing I'm going to regret. Gah, I'm such a whiner. I apologize. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it right now because I'm conflicted over this. Even more than usual.

    PS - Cork and Blitz and anyone else in LA - I have two free passes to Magic Mountain that expire at the end of the month...

    And yeah iris, the Kings sucking it up certainly doesn't help things cause I take it personally. Those slackers.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    Ed, in all seriousness, there is no advice to give you at the moment. Sounds to me like most of your stress is involved with your career path and the decision you face at the moment. This is not a decision I am comfortable giving advice on because I don't know you well enough to know where your priorities lie. That said, whatever decision you make, make it without regrets and with the firm decision never to look back and think what if.

    As for H2H, it is unfortunate that it is adding to your stress. If that is the case, you should drop it. However, I've been thru the RCT causing stress scene already and have managed to put it back in it's place. For me that is stress release. If you can work it into your schedule at all you may find a value to the game. I think the whole community wants to see more work from you...just to add a little more pressure ;)
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    ed... if it's any consolation... the notion of working with you and the enthusiasm you've shown for my ideas and concepts is what drives me to want to finish things in rct.

    and hot damn, i'll take that pass! MM is my nirvana XD

    We should definitely go again, maybe even plan a bigger group this time (they'd have to their own though, though maybe i could still shoulder some of the funds to get more SoCal'ies on board).
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    1. Sorry, Ed, I'll have to decline the SFMM passes, since I've already been there three times in the past two years and I also have final projects coming up this month. However, I'd love to get together sometime next month (even though I plan on going to Knotts for the Silver Bulllet opening on Dec. 7 and to Disneyland with some friends sometime later).

    2. Obviously, no one can tell you what to do right now, but I'll try to chip my advice and feelings in, and you can take them or not.

    Obviously, the stage you're in is tough. It's essentially (not technically, but you get the point) out of college, and you're torn between your passion and reality. It's a scary predicament to be in, because though young and idealistic, you also need to face reality. I don't know the specifics of your situation, but at the moment, I'd be inclined to take the paying job over the film job just so you can get a cash flow and stabilize yourself. Now, of course, you'll have to weigh your options. If you don't take the film job, what are the consequences? Is it merely a delay, or is it a chance lost forever? My understanding based on your posts is that it's not exactly something priceless... that you'd at least have some sort of chance to return to it sometime in the future. So officially, I'd say take the SC job just to get a little foundation underneath you.

    On the other hand, if your financial situation isn't as drastic as I've interpreted it to be, and you can afford to do more filming, I say go for it. You never want to be pondering "what could have been" sometime down the road. Of course, this endeavour, noticeably more risky, also entails your utter trust in your crew and the people you work with. Trust is a fragile thing, and there's always the chance of scamming and such that you always must be aware of in the real world. I doubt this is an issue here, but I still must bring it up.

    Ultimately, you've got a good head on your shoulders, Ed. Trust yourself to make the right decisions. It may involve some compromise, but that's life. Go through the current, not against it.

    3. Which brings us to H2H... I would say compromise is needed here as well. Naturally, you are no quitter, but sometimes circumstances take things out of your control. In this case, I'd recommend lowering your H2H load, to the point where it's only one park you're making for the whole year, and devote energies towards the little things, such as giving creative advice, critique, and motivation to your teammates. I know you did this for us when we were teammates, and you deeply inspired me to completely scrap one map and start over (you know which one, but I won't mention it out of respect for secrecy... and the fact that exposure will do my team no good). Sure, those won't show up as stats, but I think they can often be more valuable.

    Remember that there are more ways of helping a team than just making stuff. Know that you don't have to be amazingly active to make a huge impact. Just your presence can motivate team members, and if that doesn't work, try verbal feedback.

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with straightening things out in your life and such. I'll PM you my cell... you can gimme a call anytime you'd like. Also, if you remember Termite from Ty's Pleasure Dome, maybe try talking to him. I think he was in a similar situation right after he graduated, in terms of figuring things out and possibly his financial status. Maybe he could help you out as well.
  • Micool%s's Photo

    We should definitely go again, maybe even plan a bigger group this time (they'd have to their own though, though maybe i could still shoulder some of the funds to get more SoCal'ies on board).

    (pick me)
  • iris%s's Photo
    Also Ed...if you were really lookin forward to working with those people....I could set up a collabo of sorts. I mean just the chance to work with you would make just about any parkmaker giddy. Hell, we could even call it the "Keep Ed Around Campaign", and have it be like you, blitz, janus, phatage, etc.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I'm inclined to think this fucking sucks but I'm not blaming it on you Ed, shit just happens. But like corky said if the film chance isnt a once in a lifetime offer I would go with the SC job and establish your finicial self first.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Alright here's the deal. I'd like to stick around and stay in H2H3 but it's not a job, it's a hobby so I've got to make sure I'm even able to do that first. There's a lot of things that have to happen in the next three weeks to make it possible for me. I want to stay in H2H3 but at this moment it isn't possible. There's a chance I will be able to do it in three weeks but there's a chance I won't. If I'm going to drop out it'd be better to do it now than right as the season starts when you wouldn't have time to find a replacement. But then I'd hate to drop out and find out later that I do have time. It's usually best to hope for the best and plan for the worst, so I think you should start looking for a replacement now and hopefully by the time the season starts, either I'll be able to stay on the team or you'll have someone else. I know it really sucks for you chapel, I'm sorry to put you in this situation. That's the best I can do right now.
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    (pick me)

    well then, get on the horn (AIM me) and tell me where you are at =D
  • Toon%s's Photo
    Why am I think of Ricky Williams right now??? ;)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    Alright here's the deal. I'd like to stick around and stay in H2H3 but it's not a job, it's a hobby so I've got to make sure I'm even able to do that first. There's a lot of things that have to happen in the next three weeks to make it possible for me. I want to stay in H2H3 but at this moment it isn't possible. There's a chance I will be able to do it in three weeks but there's a chance I won't. If I'm going to drop out it'd be better to do it now than right as the season starts when you wouldn't have time to find a replacement. But then I'd hate to drop out and find out later that I do have time. It's usually best to hope for the best and plan for the worst, so I think you should start looking for a replacement now and hopefully by the time the season starts, either I'll be able to stay on the team or you'll have someone else. I know it really sucks for you chapel, I'm sorry to put you in this situation. That's the best I can do right now.

    I have a solution to Chapel for this:

    Place Ed on the newly formed Inactive List spot. It's basically like an injured list, since it allows you to retain him on the team while having a spot open to choose someone else. If Ed can come back, then you'd have to drop his replacement, but at least you retain him. If not, his replacement keeps his place.

    For Ed, we can make an exception, and if everyone's cool with this, we can even incorporate it into the actual rules (1 IL spot per team per year).
  • MightyMouse%s's Photo
    I have no objections, Corky.
  • iris%s's Photo
    Damn chapel, sorry things turned out that way.
    Cork's idea doesnt sound too bad though. If you want to start asking people though, you can have any replacement at the site you want. Not that you'd find an equal to Ed, but there are some pretty quality parkmakers at the site who could possibly help you out a lot.
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    Anyone seen cBass around?
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    cBass has been a bit enigmatic lately.

    He was gone for quite a while, showed up for a few days, and now is gone again.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Turtleman is back at the site and in RCT I think (judging off the new pics of TDF he has in his sig).
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    cBass or Mala would be the only players (talent-wise) that could make up for the loss of Ed but neither of them like to show up much so it might not matter... Mala is a very nice guy and so is cBass but they're lives are just too busy to play rct as anything more than a hobby.

  • Toon%s's Photo

    Anyone seen cBass around?

    I have had word from cBass. He has basically hung up RCT to concentrate on his music and band.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Alright, I'm in.
  • MightyMouse%s's Photo
    :D Yay.

    I mean....Nooo0OoOooo0ooOOoo0oOoo0O.


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