Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Round 4 - South Bracket
27-October 04
iris Offline
2.Flight From Dracula's Castle by Corkscrewed defeats
5.Mt. Morbid by Kumba
Congratulations to Corkscrewed as his extremely impressive streak continues, as Cork seems to really have elevated his game since last round with Paleos Bay, and continuing it here with his very creative Halloween entry, in my opinion, the best of the entire Elite 8. He takes out a very pesky 5 seed in Kumba, who has taken out some very big names on his quest for the best, including Adonis/Diego/Voodoo and most notably X-Sector, a #1 seed. Unfortunately, Kumba went a little too overboard with hacks in this round, as the flying witches seemed kinda stupid, and a failed hack stopped the train on the tracks, failing it from finishing it's course. Meanwhile, Cork seemed to somehow out-hack Kumba, and outplay him too as he goes on to face JKay in the Final Four.
Corkscrewed Offline
Yay me!
Kumba, your entry had some potential, though I think it was a little too bright for the theme. The colors seemed odd for witches, unless these are like HypnoToad witches...
I don't think the flying witches were silly... after all, I had bats doing the same sort of thing (too bad the trainers don't let you set coaster trains to only one car). It just became weird when they slowed down and came to a standstill. Shoulda put chain lift segments to keep the speed constant. The ride itself was pretty fun, though, with nice elements and transitions. I think you cheated with too many booster segments though, but oh well. Still a decent effort, though I think I would have owned you anyway.
Speaking of JKay... bring it!!!!(Actually, I just hope I have time to put up something decent).
Richie Offline
Congrats Corky!
Flight From Dracula's Castle
OK, i have 1 HUGE critism for this.. I dont like unfinished maps. I cant beleive you didnt theme the inside of the crypt?!?! The whole thing was amazing, really, amazing. I'd definately say its best of round, and also best of the competition so far. I loved the whole idea of it, and it executed perfectly. The ending part seemed a bit neglected compared to the rest of it, i think maybe that part should have been invisible too. Just seemed off.. but anyways, AMAZING!, really. Congrats on your win.
Mt. Morbid
I did enjoy lookning at this, but i think there were too many boosters. Coming from you, this is quite a weak coaster, maybe just rushed. In a previous entry (i forgot the name sorry) you used a lot of bare land and it worked, in this you have used it a bit round the edges and IMO it doesnt work at all. I loved the colours, they were fun like halloween is, but its definately your weekest round so far. Were you pushed for time on it? -
Corkscrewed Offline
Actually, the "unfinished" part is meant to be a wasteland. It's all barren and desolate. So technically, it is finished, just according to my vision.Congrats Corky!
Flight From Dracula's Castle
OK, i have 1 HUGE critism for this.. I dont like unfinished maps. I cant beleive you didnt theme the inside of the crypt?!?! The whole thing was amazing, really, amazing. I'd definately say its best of round, and also best of the competition so far. I loved the whole idea of it, and it executed perfectly. The ending part seemed a bit neglected compared to the rest of it, i think maybe that part should have been invisible too. Just seemed off.. but anyways, AMAZING!, really. Congrats on your win.
Mt. Morbid
I did enjoy lookning at this, but i think there were too many boosters. Coming from you, this is quite a weak coaster, maybe just rushed. In a previous entry (i forgot the name sorry) you used a lot of bare land and it worked, in this you have used it a bit round the edges and IMO it doesnt work at all. I loved the colours, they were fun like halloween is, but its definately your weekest round so far. Were you pushed for time on it?
Also, why theme the inside of the crypt when you can't really see inside it unless you demolish part of the building? I've never really believed in that. Oh well, pet peeve.
The last part of the ride should have been invisible, but I needed diagonal track and some banked curves to keep the intensity down and you can't really make those invisible unfortunately. -
X250 Offline
Flight From Draculas Castle is without a doubt my favourite entry of this whole tournament, it had everything, and those hacks- how the hell do you do them?! Anyway, i love the layout of the whole ride, and the way it builds up tension before it blasts through the castle- i really need to know how you do these hacks so well, last time i tried something like this i had to reinstall rct2!
But yeah, fantastic as usual corkscrewed- reminded me of the film 'van helsing' for some reason...
Kumba's entry was also good, great fun to look at but i agree with Richie when he said they were too many boosters.
-X- -
Kumba Offline
Well I got to admit I really blew off this round. I got loads of school work atm, and knew if I won I could not continue makeing good stuff on a deadline. Also I did not really have any ideas for a "Halloween" theme, so I used this Mt Morbid theme witch will be one of the main themes in my next solo Kumbas Creation. That will be way better tho, I saved all the really good ideas for that. The coaster was hard, its fucking reating as a bitch so I cheated with boosters, but I liked the layout so much I added them so it could stay the same. That flying witch hack did not "fail" I just happend to make it at 2:30 am hours after the deadline and that was the best hacking I could do at that time, and it did not have a planned course, it was ment to go in a circle, I just kinda did not care it would stop, lol. The point of that opening hack was to show of the ride car rideing upsidedown, that was a fucking neat hack even if the other was crap. I still like a few things in this entry, I had been dieing to do archy in those colors for a long time, I liked that best in this entry. Well guys im sorry thats all you get from me this round, I did not want to toss in the towel, but I was just unmotived and not in a parkmakeing mood, lucky for Corky too coz if I had been on my game and used the other good idea I had, I think I would have won
Corky - Holy flying butrerss' Batman! @$%&
Id add a real reply, but ... I think thats the best reply I got in me atm.. oh I did like the bats.. and the hounds.. -
Corkscrewed Offline
But yeah, fantastic as usual corkscrewed- reminded me of the film 'van helsing' for some reason...
Well, it's about Dracula, who's Van Helsing's nemesis, so that's probably it. I basically took a loose page from the Dracula myth and totally evolved it into... something... just for the sake of my story.
And the hacks are basic invisible track hacks. Bats are tracks that merge into themselves, but I have chain lifts to keep them perpetually moving. Hounds are just a crapload of chainlift straightaways set at a higher speed. The "luge coaster effect" is basic hacking, but you have to figure out the order and method of making things go into each other, as forwards and backwards hacking require different positioning of track. -
Metropole Offline
Corkscrewed: Awesome, the castle was fantastic. It was huge and those towers looked awesome! Nice idea with the bats to, and the general entry was definately the best of round. Good job with the hacking too.
Kumba: It was good, but a bit too disjointed for my liking. Didn't really flow with bits here and there, and not really a wholesome entry. Kinda hard to explain, but your earlier entries were much better (as you have explained) -
JKay Offline
Corky: I must say, this was a cool approach to Dracula. It had incredible landscaping and some spectacular hacking, although I did find the flying witches more annoying than interesting. I loved all the symmetry goin' on in your architecture. The barren landscape was okay, but not really my cup of tea. Paleos will still remain my favorite entry from you so far. Can't wait for next round!
Kumba: I'll look at yours soon. Corky's took all my D/l time last night(4.56MB) -
Steve Offline
Cork, man, that was insane. The bats, the castle, the architecture, its all too much!
Great job though, seriously fucking awesome, my good man.
And Kumba, you've done better for sure, but nice layout. And fix those colors.
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