Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Round 4 - East Bracket

This topic hosts comments for 2 parks(View Parks)
  • iris%s's Photo
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    1.Unexplainable by natelox defeats
    4.If You Have Guts by Ablaze

    Congratulations natelox as he moves into the Final Four to face Jacko Shanty in the first cross-game match-up of the tournament. Nate has proved to be the most dominant performer in all of QFTB-X so far, and smart money would be on him to finish the entire tournament on top, thus cementing his place in the all-time top five parkmakers. Ablaze starts his new name off with a bit of a sour note as he goes down to nate with a pretty subpar entry compared to most of his other work, but still a great run to the Elite 8 by Ablaze where we saw great entries such as Guylian and Sixgun.

    Winner: NATELOX
  • natelox%s's Photo

    iris, on Oct 27 2004, 10:54 AM, said:

    Nate has proved to be the most dominant performer in all of QFTB-X so far, and smart money would be on him to finish the entire tournament on top

    As much as I would love to believe it, it may not be such a safe bet. It really depends on how just the competion moves; see I'm going to Australia in Decemeber for a little over two weeks. It's relative to if I can beat Jacko Shanty in November and how fast (or slow) the competion moves. On another note, my park was below my normal work in my opinion. Between my old computer breaking, buying a new one (an Apple at that) and thinking of an idea, I had approximatly 10 days of work on it. I'm also curious as to if this is the first map completed fully on an Apple computer. I know Toon and Chapel use Apples, but I don't know wether they use them for RCT or not.

    As for Ablaze's entry, it was fairly dissapointing to me. It seemed like it was thrown together without much thought or planning. The most promising aspect of your entry however, was that it didn't look like a carbon copy of your previous work, which is a good step in the right direction.
  • Ablaze%s's Photo


    On another note, my park was below my normal work in my opinion.

    Same for me, I got the impression you could not produce something that amazing in the time you had so I thought I'd save up for the next round. But you prooved me wrong, so congrats, and I thought it was a very nice entry.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Good job on getting entries in. Mort's was a bit small but hey I do like dive machines quite a lot and the shuttle was pretty neat. Nate's was a bit weird - liking the glitchiness and the random loop there.

    Good luck in the next round, Nate, and bad luck Mort.
  • Nic%s's Photo
    Wasn't really fond of either to be honest.

    nates was the better ride.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    I was expecting much more from Ablaze. His entry seemed rushed and uninspired to me. Nate's on the other hand was a better combination of darkness and a crazy good coaster. I loved every second of it although it could have been better without all the glitchy.You still got my vote.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Ablaze, i wasn't too fond of this entry. There didn't seem to be any direction to it, half realism, half fantasy. It didn't really work in my opinion.

    Natelox, this was a better entry. Nice use of barren-ness when it was needed, and the treeing was superb. The ride was good too, although i didn't care for the glitchyness.

    My vote goes to Nate.
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Natelox: what did you use to get RCT on an Apple? Virtual PC? I assume so, but was just wondering.

    I'm thinking of starting to play again (strange timing too, considering RCT3, but it always seems to happen that way), and seeing as you got it to work, I'm just wondering what you did...

    I would post comments on the parks, or something, but, I can't (due to my wonderful iMac, of course).

    Oh, yeah, good job winning, and loosing, all the winners, and loosers, and stuff...
  • natelox%s's Photo

    cg?, on Oct 30 2004, 08:41 PM, said:

    Natelox: what did you use to get RCT on an Apple? Virtual PC? I assume so, but was just wondering.

    Yeah, I use Virtual PC 6. They have a version 7 out now which is supposed to offer better video support. As it is, I have a 64mb Video Card, but Virtual PC (6) only allows 16mb of video support. I have a 12" Powerbook, 1.33Ghz, 60Gb Hard drive, 512MB of RAM and RCT runs fairly slow; meaning the roller coaster trains don't move that quickly. Zeroing and Restoring clearances is the only real pain in the rear however.
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Thank you...

    My system is about as good as that, maybe a bit better in some areas, and worse in others, so, it should work. And yes, they do say that Virtual PC 7 has better video support, and I do hope so from what you said about the trains, and stuff...


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