Related Games / RCT 3 Demo
27-September 04
sacoasterfreak Offline
And the lord spake, and he proclaimed that upon the release of RCT 3 , there will be much pwnage and l33tness for the SA. And for the others who are willing to try, all will be rewarded!
Now, I dont know how to fucking use it. Can anyone AIM me and like.. walk me through these fucking menus and shit? I cant figure SHIT out!? -
Junya Boy Offline
Well...... 27%....... 14 hours and 49 mins left to go....
I need to upgrade my modem..... If anything...... -
OhioCoasteRFreaK36 Offline
has anyone else noticed that the music names end in .wma? I am hoping that this means we can add our own music to the game easily with Windows Media Player. -
Roomie Offline
it deffinetly has park maker qualities. ive been working at it and got some damn good sections going. unfortunatly i lose them all. but im getting used to the new building controls and its starting to look pretty good. can't wait for the full release.
I'll make a good park out of this yet
and yes you can add any music you want -
CP Freak Jon Offline
I love RCT:LL so much...
I can stand RCT2
RCT3 just plain sucks...
Here's the review I posted at, I must be the first to post a bad review, aren't I?
As a whole, I see this being the ugly step-child of the RCT family, picture it as the Beast rides at King's Island.
The original RCT was an awesome game, and is (in my opinion) still the best out there. It provided a new look on gaming and computer fun, not to mention rides and parks. It was "The Beast" of RCT gaming.
RCT2 came out, making some uncertain of its limits and abilities. While it provided some new challanges and features, it still wasn't as good as the original. It was the "Beastie" of RCT gaming.
Now this big bad "mother-cusser" comes along, providing a new angle at the game. It resembles the original only in the most minute details, and overall will change the community forever. It is the "Son of Beast" of RCT gaming.
Now why do I compare these to King's Island's Beast coasters? Because it's very similar in my opinion. The Beast is an awesome ride that will never be topped by any other attraction of its genre. The Beastie was a way to "add on" to The Beast while providing some new features. Son of Beast was the ride everyone thought would be awesome and insane, but turned out to be rough and unrideable.
Sorry, I guess I'll be one of very few that will stick to RCT and RCT2 gaming. I just don't see what you guys like about the game so much that makes you want to buy it and play it. -
sloB Offline
It honestly took me like 30 minutes to make a custom invert on that scenario.
The worst part is, literally the second i finished, the damn thing ended. I didn't even get to see it go! -
Rollerblade Offline
After farting around with this thing for about 2 hours, I was able to build a suck ass kiddie coaster, and a really lame looking station around it. The build tools are very clunky and you can't place walls or fences on a space where a path is (so you can't "stack" fences next to each other, to create a "double fence" effect, which is stupid).
It's also really tough to navigate without any type of "grid" to give you ref points. Connecting pathways on uneven terrain is a nightmare.
The game definitely could be used to create some great spots here....but it will take a TON of patience. The learning curve has been reset to 0 for all parkmakers. I don't know who at Atari thought this control interface was easy, but they should be shot.
But....nighttime sure does look spectacular. -
Toon Offline
Not to mention that the scenery menus are terribly designed making it a time consuming experience just finding the scenery you want. Also, why the limited color pallette? -
natelox Offline
How's it run on your Apple Toon?
In other news: My computer is completely broken. It can't get to the start menu or anything because Explorer crashes when I start up. I cannot acess any files, so I think everything is lost, including Ouest. Hopefully iris or a few other people I have shown it to have a copy of it, but this does not look good. Luckly, I am buying a new computer in the next week or two. -
Tech Artist Offline
I get it all installed and it gives me this crap how it performed an illegal operation and it will be closed. I reset and the same thing. So I uninstalled it and deleted the setup program and am redownloading the setup program. Hopefully this time it will work cause if it doesn't I'll be so pissed.
Does any one got any idea what the problem might be?, cause this shouldn't be happening.
I'll post my thoughts when I get the demo to work. -
aero21 Offline
I am really going to spin this in the postive. I really like what looks like a pre-finalized version. I think everyone needs to keep perspective on this. I don't believe this demo was meant to give us everything, but to provide a visual of what is comming Nov 1st. I agree that the coaster buiilding menu is irritating, but it was irritating with the original RCT at first as well. I just look at this as a challenge. Some things I noticed were:
- custom music
- I am also going to go out on a limb and say custom sceanery looks to be a unlockable option(in the future).
I say this because I noticed the ride and sceanery files are in individually marked folders (just a feeling)
- sceanery is confuseing but much more varied than past versions.
- coasters are reallt going to make this game shine! The selection already looks great!
- Ground manipulation is going to be awsome (once i get the hang of it) especially with the abillity to
manipulate large areas of land at once.
- on ride flats rides!
---Things I didn't care for---
* Why did they have to make the sceanery tabs cascade? it's like sceanery tabs inside of sceanery tabs.
they should have left that as it was.
* The track selection buttons are quite confuseing and the stations are hidden inside another tab instead
of being with the construction tools.
* the fireworks are great but you either have to zoom way out or force you perspective from ground level
to see them.
As far as the camara goes, it takes some time to get used too, especially the free floating camara with button three (or by holding both mouse button together) but I found useing the E key to be easier and much smoother.. I have no doubt that there will be some of us here that are going to be able to build some seriously sick stuff, and I can't wait to be part of it. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Well, since I was doing like 1.5 megs a second, I d/l'ed this pretty fast. I'll edit this post with comments...
What's the exact time limit anyway? And other than that, is the game unlimited, or can you also not save either?
Well, I got the hang of the camera after a bit, though I couldn't figure out how to put it in iso mode so that ENTER got you to rotate. Tutorials really help though.
I haven't had a chance to play around with the architecture, but I can definitely say that building things will take a LOT longer. I made it to Tycoon level, so that's cool, but I wish I had more time. I think if we had a totally free mode, we could really play around.
The cool thing is that RCT 3 will allow you to take pics AND record MOVIES. That's pretty nifty.
I agree that all those casading tabs make things really annoying. I guess I'll have to get used to them, but the old screens were much neater, especially with scenery. The scroll wheel on the mouse doesn't work on the windows, which is irritating.
Overall, I'd have to agree: I'm not sure I'd want to make a Spotlight with this, but some NE Designs would be really fun to do and not to hard. I'll definitely stick with RCT 2 when for parkmaking though. -
zach Offline
45min limit, unable to save.
articulated wooden
observation tower
rockin tug
ferris wheel
double ferris wheel
swinging chairs
swinging inverted ship
train ride
and thats about it. -
Tech Artist Offline
Ok, I give up. I can't get this to work. I have tried time and time again to get it to run only to get this stupid illegal operation message when I try to run it after I install it. Here is a screen of what I am talking about: Click Here.
Also, Atari probably won't help since they said that it isn't supported by there tech support.
So does any one got any ideas on some how fixing this problem?
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