(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Mirage of Middle Ages
04-September 04
Anolis Offline
Hi! I'm new here and I'm a german n00b!
I hope my English is understandable
So this ist my first Design. I build with the middle age scenery from Toon.
cu Anolis -
Panoramical Offline
It looks really excellent, and I'll applaud your architecture and use of quarter tiled scenery. However, in the last screen, you've used too many dead trees. Also, I'd like to see some rides and some buildings that actually serve a purpose. Otherwise, it's good. -
Metropole Offline
Nice start. I like your use of 1/4 blocks. I agree with Pano on the overuse of dead trees. Also, I don't really like that entrance building. The thin walls make it look a little unstable.
Metro -
DarkRideExpert Offline
You took the words right out of my mouth.Nice start. I like your use of 1/4 blocks. I agree with Pano on the overuse of dead trees. Also, I don't really like that entrance building. The thin walls make it look a little unstable.
I agree with the dead trees. Try to add some trees with Orange leaves, get some spooky and/or haunted scenery in there, and it'll hit the spot 100%. -
sacoasterfreak Offline
I like this alot. Don't change the grey ones in the main area, I don't believe I've ever seen something like that before. The entrance arch is awesome!!!
I like how you've captured the midieval feel in all of the screens, the grey stone buildings especially. It looks like you tried too hard with the black castle, it nearly looks like something straight out of Mario Brothers. Stick to your original styling with it without trying so hard to make it look evil. Maybe put some black watch towers in the forest around it, and dead, decaying land in between all the dead trees, instead of dead trees on every square. Perhaps even a couple of half-destroyed peasant houses or a trashed out stables building.
Keep it up!
Anolis, I don't know where you came from, or what motivated you to come to NE, but I like what you're doing alot and I'm glad to have you here with all of us. Welcome to NE, if you keep this up, that park could really be something special.
Perhaps a name change though, and integrate multiple themes rather than sticking to a midieval theme throughout the park. You will do whatever you want, it's your park, but you post screens to ask for advice, so, there's my advice.
I fucking couldn't imagine what you would do with an Atlantis theme.... .omg.... -
X250 Offline
Nice start! Great use of Toon's new scenery, the first screen is great- luvvin the bridge. The last screen is okay, but i must agree with panoramical that the dead trees are far too overused and the whole thing seems a little bare.
Overall though a superb start- this really your first project?
-X- -
posix Offline
whoa, talent aus deutschland, ich bin von den socken.
sieht in der tat sehr vielversprechend aus. man erkennt schon noch, dass du noch kaum parks gemacht hast, aber ich denke du könntest ein richtig großer werden, wenn du viel baust.
der eingangsbogen vor der brücke gefällt auch mir sehr gut. es wirkt alles überzeugend mittelalterlich. mir fehlen ein paar 1/4 blumenvariationen zwischen den gebäuden und den wegen, aber das ist ja dir überlassen.
das "gruselhaus" (?) in dem bergen ist ziemlich noobish. also, die rocks drumherum. ich würde niemals einfach die landschaft durch die gegend hochziehen und verschiedene bäume und büsche drüber verstreuen. das ist einfach billig und haut nie wirklich hin. überleg dir was du genau machen und wie du es angehen willst. aber einfach drauf los und mal sehen was mit etwas glück später rauskommt ist wenig effektiv.
trotzdem, mein post soll jetzt nicht in den falschen ton geraten, ich finde es soweit sehr hübsch und freue mich auf neue bilder.
p.s.: kommst du von irgend'ner anderen deutschen rct seite? -
Wicksteed Offline
Hi Anolis;)X
Yeah this is really great!
I think you improve with every screen you show...exept the last one
Keep it up!
Posix: Jo, kommt er, wie ich -
RCT_Master Offline
OMG THAT IS AMAZING!!! It all looks perfect, except for the last screen, I'm not really a fan of the little black castle but man the 1st 2 screens are hot. Like Pano said before, you've made very good use of your 1/4 tile blocks. I like the arches bordering the bridge, they look so good there. Everything is perfect! The big gray stone building is so cool, I love your use of the arches, even in the entrance. The colors, gray, peach, and brown, all fit in perfectly. I think you used 2 many dead trees though, in the last screenshot. Lighten up on them a bit. I think it all looks fine though.
Keep it up and who knows, maybe you could have a Runner Up or something...
Magnus Offline
jo er kommt wie ich von rctworld.[font="tahoma"]whoa, talent aus deutschland, ich bin von den socken.
sieht in der tat sehr vielversprechend aus. man erkennt schon noch, dass du noch kaum parks gemacht hast, aber ich denke du könntest ein richtig großer werden, wenn du viel baust.
der eingangsbogen vor der brücke gefällt auch mir sehr gut. es wirkt alles überzeugend mittelalterlich. mir fehlen ein paar 1/4 blumenvariationen zwischen den gebäuden und den wegen, aber das ist ja dir überlassen.
das "gruselhaus" (?) in dem bergen ist ziemlich noobish. also, die rocks drumherum. ich würde niemals einfach die landschaft durch die gegend hochziehen und verschiedene bäume und büsche drüber verstreuen. das ist einfach billig und haut nie wirklich hin. überleg dir was du genau machen und wie du es angehen willst. aber einfach drauf los und mal sehen was mit etwas glück später rauskommt ist wenig effektiv.
trotzdem, mein post soll jetzt nicht in den falschen ton geraten, ich finde es soweit sehr hübsch und freue mich auf neue bilder.
p.s.: kommst du von irgend'ner anderen deutschen rct seite?[/font]
wobei naja es gibt noch nen paar kleinere seiten auf denen wir auch beide sind.
naja bin mal gespannt wann ein solcher post von dir (posix) über meine sachen kommt.
wobei hattest du mit das nich schonmal gesagt
talent hat er auf jeden fall und man muss auch noch bücksichtigen dass er noch nicht besonders lange parks baut.
was den park angeht kann ich mich meinen vorrednern nur anschließen. die ersten beiden screens sind absolut geil.
und was am 3. zu verbessern ist wurde auch schon gesagt.
hast es aber geschickt gemacht die beiden schlechteren screens die du auf rctworld gezeigt hast hier nicht zu zeigen.
mach am besten weiter so
jetzt hast du mir zwar den effekt meiner mittelatlersachen hier versaut, schließlich war ich ha eher angefangen als du, aber naja jetzt ist es so wie es ist und ich hab ja auch noch nen paar andere ideen. -
black_dragon Offline
Spreche English bitte, viele sprechen keine Deutsch
It's looking very good! I like the use of 1/4 blocks!!!Good luck with this project!!!
Black_Dragon -
Turtle Offline
Echoing what everyone has said before... first two good, third one not so good.
I'd like to add that the foliage could use some work in the first screen as well, however you get away with it there because it's green, and so not as noticeable as the black mess you have in the third screen. -
posix Offline
maggi, as if medieval themes would be something new.
and anolis, do yourself a favour and leave rctworld. -
Toon Offline
Looks a little familiar, but I really like how this is put together so far. Your landscaping and tree work is a little weak compared to your architecture so I would suggest studying some of the spotlights for inspiration there. If you have LL, I would think you could look at some of those spotlights as I think the best examples can be found there.
One word of caution. I don't know how big this park is, but if you plan on continuing with the detail you have, make sure the park is not too large (I would say 120X120 or smaller based on what I see. That object limit will sneak up on you fast. -
EGF Offline
Hi Anolis
The Screens all look really nice, I like ur style!!!
I hope that u gonna change the 3 screen, because the plants are not that good, keep them up!
PS: I hope my english is not too bad! -
Anolis Offline
Toon, this is an only 50x50 large Coaster Design.
I think a medieval themed park can not be larger than this Design because the medieval theme is going to be boring by to much use. -
Highball Offline
This park looks incredible so far. I'm going to feel stupid for not knowing this, but where can I find this new scenery? I didn't even know it existed. -
Phatage Offline
I'm sort of expecting the coaster to be a launched inverted, maybe even themed to a Pheonix rising or something. Seriously, I know that many people say to get inspiration from others especially when you're starting out, and Toon is as good of a choice as any, but I really think that you've taken it a little too far with this. Maybe to start off you can do something similar to a respected person's work but still have some original ideas, but I honestly thought at first you just took pics of Toon's qftb entry and called them your own, and then maybe a pic of either Mala's protour or X's modified version of that particular section as the third screen. You've certainly picked top notch inspiration, but with what you've done you haven't expanded on anything or went into detail in a particual aspect of what these people did, you just merely copied them. X on the other hand as I've mentioned him a couple of sentences ago expanded on some of Mala's architecture ideas and added stuff of his own into the mix. This was fantastic when Toon released it, but I see no point for a follow-up without anything new. -
chapelz Offline
I have a very bad feeling anytime anyone uses Toon's medieval objects they are going to be flamed for 'ripping' Toon. -
Toon Offline
I'm not worried about it...the scenery leads to the look. I do see differences in how things are put together, so I'm not going to accuse him of ripping me off. Originality is what truly separates the great RCT2 parkmakers imo, tho. Until you find new ways to put objects together, you won't be considered a great parkmaker.
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