Quest for the Best: Xtreme / Feedback
25-August 04
mantis Offline
Due to closed topics, i'll open this topic for people to give feedback in if they missed the original poll - like me.
Sixgun- nice job, Mort, on being the only completed entry and making it pretty nice in the process. I wasn't totally feeling the comic-like fun-ness, but it was very classy. Bit slow on the loop, but that was made up for by some very nice inversions later on. Good luck next round. I guess we have the same amount of time seeing as we're both going on the Carling weekend
Captain America vs Red Skull- looking good, Alec. Kinda similar to what I was thinking of when I first tried, but that sort of in depth theme was totally beyond me so I bailed and went for something more imagery-reliant. If finished you would have totally kicked ass, but I probably won because of the fact mine was easier to grasp (ie cheap victory, sorry). Disney Disney Disney!!
I'll take this opportunity to apologise for my crappy unfinished entry. I'd like to think it was out of character, and i'll be doing my best on the next round to get something better in. Sorry again. WME - not sure I completely understand what you mean about the duels, but hey, they kinda worked.
The Before & Aftermath- in-fucking-credible! Nate you are the best. That line across the middle had my mind fucked up thinking you'd hacked the whole map, but such is the trick of the eye. Bloody hell it had me scared. The effect is one of genius, though. Lovely lovely LOVELY. You're gonna win this thing.
Spectracution- frankly I thought this kicked a hell of a lot of ass. The towers were ubercool (especially the crisscross rising curves) and the coaster was lovely (if you'd have cut out that one warped tight rising curve in that helix you'd have gone some way towards proper ratings). And I quite liked the landscape as it was all raggedy and martian like. Brilliant stuff. Your Disney park is high on my list of can't-wait parks!
Surfing With The Alien- lovely trackwork, especially on the two non-ride-theming buildings (hard rock, ibanez). The ride was very well made, too - nice pacing, good focus (although I wasn't too keen on the final loop...looked a little lonely). Nice entry, ride6. Your LL work is admirable.
The Strings Of Life- would have been cool finished, but hey, such is life. A bit too NNYC for my liking, but hey that's a good thing because NNYC kicked ass. Looking forward to that new project of yours reaching completion.
Timaeus' Journey- DJ, I plead with you - PLEASE finish a project in your current style. All these screens and partially finished things are just teasing us, because they're all so wonderful. I'd be very surprised if your first full release isn't a spotlight. The layering and attention to every little part of the project really put you apart from many others. Lovely. Lovely lovely lovely!
Odeon- well I liked the buildings and the funky sculpture, but to be honest I thought that it looked like taking the easy way out. There was plenty of coolness in the architecture, but that coolness wasn't extended to the little touches, the one-offs, if you will, that make a ride really come alive. I can't fault the skill, though. Good job.
Thor- i'm a big fan of your work, supertrooper. Big Top, Psycho, Scarborough Faire, Soul Train...they all contain that spark of humour while maintaining superior RCT skill. This was a very nice coaster which perhaps lost a little focus in the middle, but other than that was well paced and fun. I liked the hammers, the buildings were very atmospheric. Great job.
Kan-u-Uayeyab- I liked the layout a lot and the theming was very well matched to it. Unfortunately I can't compare it with Phatages because his is missing an object. Oh well. Nice work, Steve, but I can't say i'm not happy at the prospect of more Phatage work (sorry).
The Odyssey- well the underground theming was funkydory, and I quite liked the whole mountain thing, and the hydra wasn't bad (although I thought the mouths looked more like sock puppet mouths than scary hyrda mouths). Twas a bit lacking in other detail, and the station building was like a big lump of nothing, but good job on the atmosphere. It's cool finally seeing something from you!
European Village:
Estechupa- nice ride, Metro, and pretty cool theming too. I didn't like the road that much, but things like the lit up windows and the raven turn through the building meant the road didn't detract too much. Amazing you managed this in such a short space of time.
The Hornberg Kanonade- an entry with a lot of character. I might have given this the nod had it not been unfinished, but in a limited time frame I sense that this was probably on too big a scale for completion. Nice duels on the coasters, but my favourite part was the religious looking building with the waterfall on one side. Very nice.
European Round-Up- nice little entry, if a little mundane compared to your Controlled Thoughts one. It was cool to see a gentle ride making an appearance, though. Props on that.
The Following- *sends Kumba unofficial parkmaker hat* dude you rock.
Gothika- tres funky, X, especially on the pointiness. I like the way you're unafraid to go all out on the scale of things - it makes for epic projects. This one looked a little messy, but you said you were pressed for time so that's understandable. Nice to see a rapids in a non-specific ride round, too, because most people go straight for the attention-grabbing coasters. Nice job. Now where's that cool solo?
The Lost City Of Trizoc- woah, Jkay, no need to give us all seizures. Those fluorescent yellow blocks cascading down the back of the central temple kicked ass. Lovely stuff. Scary shit.
Journey Through Ayuthaya- I get a bit fed up of pretentious real-life names, but hey, when the buildings are as cool as here then why complain. Nice shit.
Lakiki Mountains- Nice unusual ride choice and the colours are pitch-perfect. I liked the bridge between the mountains a lot, too. Good shit.
The Final Showdown At House Of Blue Leaves- woah, Croky, this is one of my favourite films ever, and good golly this was a pretty good attempt at a KB theme. Go Go was a great touch, but the one thing I could find was the water clock?! That's one of the most atmospheric bits in the scene, I thought - maybe I just missed it in the park. A reference to O-Ren's slippers would have been cool too (with the little blocks underneath). Also the a couple of samurai swords would have been cool. Anyway, great job, and the duels were perfect for me.
X2- great architecture, Titan, it's just a shame it wasn't finished, cos then it would have challenged Croky's. Especially with the steelblockwork underwater and stuff. Nice layout, too. Make's mine look even more shit than it actually was.
Haunted Mansion- I think Six Frags' "It" still takes the cake for hallowe'en themed park, but this was a very nice try. The colours worked a treat, and the creepy clackety noise of the ride added to the atmosphere. Kevin, you need a park under your belt, like DJ, but I guess up until that happens things like this will be enough to keep me going
Open Range- I know you wanted one train to lead the other, and then swap over, but that just seems like a bad excuse for bad timing. I can imagine being in one of the trains and thinking 'wah? where's the other one gone?" Anyway, this was pretty mundane on the whole, and i'd have given Kevin the nod for pushing the boat forwards. It's a good entry, pbob, but special always wins against good.
There ya go. Thanks Phatage (and ja227) for the uber-extractor. It really helped this time. LL entry of the round probably goes to Nate for his uberness, and the rct2 award goes to Kumba for hilarity and greatness. -
Kumba Offline
*Puts on Hat*
Thx Mantis, and to all you guys that liked it so much, I can't say I agree coz I know it was unfinished, maybe that was a good thing coz I had to leave out the part were they rape the women in the village... -
Jellybones Offline
Thanks for the feedback. Nice to see that people care about the contest.
I promise the next thing I do will be uberbetter. -
MightyMouse Offline
First off, I appologize for such a terrible entry. I only had a few days, or so, to get it from start to finish. Thanks for the comments though, Mantis. -
Ride6 Offline
Gothika owns, the end.
I love it X.
I haven't gotten to look at many of the others but I am disapointed by Mantis and Alec. You two can do so much better.
ride6 -
Corkscrewed Offline
I'll give a few words on the ones that I remember:
Dayam! I knew you were good, but I didn't think you were this amazing at architecture. It's the "Foozy Style" done pretty darn well, but with a few of your own twists. Color use was amazing, though atmosphere was a little bare, given the setting and the prolly-not-finished state. However, what was there was mind blowing. I loved it.
Impressive. You can sometimes be annoying on the boards, but you certainly do have some skill. Your woodie was pretty darn nice (and complete too!). Nothing super innovative, but very enjoyable to look at.
Geez, Iris loves you to death and maybe I'll have to get aboard the bandwagon too. To date, I've typically only seen your sci-fi type work, but this is pretty amazing on its own. A shame it wasn't finished, but at least the ride itself was pretty adequately themed with some very detailed architecture and a better overal atmosphere than Jacko's. It's gonna be one crazy match up between you two.
Motherfucker I dodged a cannon. If you'd finished like... 15% more, I prolly would have been fucked over. Amazing use of architecture and quarter blocks, and great "high tech" looking work. I love the underwater dives, the glass covered launch, and the entry plaza. Absolutely gorgeous... FINISH THIS!!!!
Um... yeah... prolly not so good. The mansion itself was impressive, but that was about it. Unfortunately, your match up with Bob was one of the weaker ones of the round.
Still, I'd have given the win to Kevin for three reasons:
1. You chose a 2004 movie, which doesn't fit the required theme of it being a 2003 movie. If he was specific, he did it for a reason.
2. You hid your name on the map, which is also against the rules and basically meant a DQ (if anyone had bothered to catch it). Technically, that's a no-no.
3. The ride itself was far below the quality of your Edge of the World. You say you meant for it to be a chase but it just comes off as sloppy, like you made it like that then had to justify it after the fact. If you really did want the "good guys always win," you should have made the good guys pull ahead at the very last moment after being behind all course, not have them pull ahead midway at a turnaround. The theming parts were pretty nice. Great western town, but still, all of the above was enough to give Kevin the edge in my book.
Funniest thing I've seen since Butta's PT, and definitely at least 2nd funniest thing I've ever seen in the game! I loved the drones and the cult group and the rituals! The signs and different parts (and Lorena Bobbit) were a great touch! Fantastic creative idea and very well executed!
Even if it was a ripoff, it was a fantastic ripoff. The ride layout itself wasn't super awesome, but the theming made up for it. Very nice work... and great to show you can do any style in a pretty manner.
Nice racers and great duels! Theming was a little lacking, perhaps due to time, but it was pretty good when it was there. Flybys were great, as I mentioned, and this had a very pleasant feel to it.
A nice entry but not a real winner... seemed like it was made in about a week or less. However, those spires were very impressive and extremely cool. Kudos on those.
Pretty damn awesome Virginia Reel there. Style is not as detailed as some, but is still very nice. Great coaster layout, and nice theming and built-in architecture.
A little erratic in theme, lacking a sort of central style, but pretty nice. The duelers were pretty nice, though a lot of it was just mirrored stuff. Still, you filled a map and did pretty well. Not exactly my cup of tea in terms of looks, but definitely some great effort shown, so I have to give props to that. Should be a great matchup in round 3.
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