Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Round 2 - Mythology
19-August 04
iris Offline
6.Thor by supertrooper
14.The Odyssey by MoonSpoon
-Winner: "Thor" by supertrooper (5-0)
10.Kan-u-Uayeyab by Steve
2.Wrath of Hades by Phatage
-Winner: "Wrath of Phatage" (3-2)
Next Round:
2.Phatage -
Jellybones Offline
I got killed.
And, rightfully so.
I only had a week to do this after my "holiday", but I procrastinated until Saturday anyway. Then I spent all my time solely on the freaking mountain. Sorry about putting in a half-assed job. Though even a full job by me looks half-assed. (See my first round entry.) So technically, this was quarter-assed, from me.
More productive and less stupid comments from me later. -
iwillkillu999 Offline
Thor had some great ideas and the hammer was very nicely done, but Steve and Phatage's match up was alot closer for me. -
Jellybones Offline
Wrath of Hades
Didn't work. Damn it all to Hell...or should I say HADES!!! Heh heh heh...
Well it doesn't matter that I turned mine in unfinished and sucky, because supertrooper would have kicked my ass even if I had three RCT Epiphanies in the span of constructing my entry. This was very well done. Especially the hammers, and the hands, holding the hammers. I really liked that. And the coaster was great. An honor to lose to you, sir.
Another big wooden coaster! Splendid. Also, the themeing here was fantastic. Very Aztec ruin-y. Seemed the bits near the water were kinda bare, though. But the misc. temples and houses scattered about were very well done. Might be my favorite pending Phatage's situation.
The Odyssey
Gee Moonspoon, if you weren't such a lazy bastard maybe this would have been awesome. What you did get done, though, was good. Even though the temple was ugly, inside there the tables and the fire pit were a nice touch. And the cave detailing a mockup version of Troy being taken by Odysseus was a nice touch. The Cyclops was a little underwhelming. But the sculpture of the 9-headed monster Scylla was a great sculpture, followed by that whirlpool! And then the Oasis with the sirens was good, especially the escape route with the coaster part around the side of the mountain. And the water tunnel lift against Poseidon was pretty cool as well. Wow MoonSpoon, you were almost good, there. Too bad you suck at RCT. -
Janus Offline
The Odyssey - Um. I liked that you themed it underground, and the scylla sculpture was pretty neat, but the rest was mostly, well, um.
Kan-u-Uayeyab - Very nice, nothing wrong with it at all. The coaster is maybe a bit slow over some of the hills, but generally it's good, and the ending is cool. Not sure on how Mayan the architecture is, other than that temple, but it looks good and I suppose that is what you were going for. Nice colour scheme, atmosphere and all that.
Thor - I really like the hammers and especially the hand holding one of the hammers, very well done. Great coaster, pretty nice architecture and cool in general. After seeing the mine train from round 1, this feels a bit boring though, but that's just me I guess.
Wrath Of Hades - Wow. Amazing use of the land blocks, and the little things around the main thing was cool, the tree, the Fate thing, what I guess is a glimpse of the Elysian fields. Too bad you didn't finish everything, but that's ok. The actual Hades coaster was nice, how it went through the portcullis doors was a nice touch, but it felt a bit pointless just going around and around the rock pillars.
Can't decide who to vote for... -
Steve Offline
So close. Congratulations on the win Phatage.
Hmmmm. I liked the hand and the two hammers. And the subtle 1/4 land blockage is a neat touch. But I just felt like the coaster was too small and that it could have been better (I need to teach you how to make cobra rolls). Cool buildings, too, but it's no Soul Train. Good job on the win.
The Odyssey
Heh. I wasn't really sure what to expect here, being that I've never seen your work, but I gotta say it was better than I expected. You had neat little ideas, like the underground theming, and the cool snake sculpture thing was awesome. Work on your landscaping, though.
Wrath of Hades
Well, I can't say I've been the biggest fan of your work, but I must admit, you have some cool fucking ideas. I just guess I don't like your style? I dunno', but the land block use here is emmense. I could definately see that was the main focus. The coaster was alright, I had a bit of trouble following it. Very cool tree thing, too. I also felt like there were too many flames everywhere which made my computer go very goddamn slow, but hey, still a decent entry. Good job at kicking my ass.
Whoa, this thing is fucking awesome. Good layout, neat foliage, and excellent buildings. Cool mayan temple thing, too. The rest really sucked some shit, though. -
Metropole Offline
Another good round
Thor - Quite a nice coaster layout. The hammers were excellent. I love how that one looks like it has scarred the landscape. Well done with that. Apart from that, it was just good. Nothing outstanding. Solid entry. But it still won best of round for me
Wrath of Hades - I don't like this as much as your other work Phatage. The coaster just seemed to messy and twisted. The landscape was impressive with the use of 1/4 tile blocks, but the extreme use of fire made my computer slow which may have contributed to my apparent dislike of this entry. I did really like those fire poles by the sides of the paths though. And good idea doing that corner seperated by the wall to show that it's like paradise outside of this hell. Anyway, i didn't enjoy it as much as your other work, but still an interesting park.
Kan-U-Kayeyab - Very nice woodie layout. Very nice architecture. Very nice foliage. Nice landscaping (on the most park) with certain horrible bits (you know what I mean) However, I think this lacked the Mythical feel that these entries should capture. Looked more like a jungle/ruins entry to me. Really needed something to make it seem mighty and mythical like the other entries did.
The Odyssey - Eek. The mountains landscaping wasn't bad. Good use of fountains inside it though. The big building was roman like, so props on that, although it did look a little dull. The lakes didn't look natural to me. A little to square in some cases. You could have a mixed and matched a few more ground textures to get a more involved, complete feel. Some muddy grass, and mud textures would have worked wondered in some places. Unlucky at going out, and I'm glad I finally got to see some of your work!
Metro -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Wrath of Hades - Wouldn't work.. missing object.
Thor - Very creative.. I liked the hammer and the hands. The coaster was good, and your architecture was great as always.. but I think I liked Soul Train better. Something just seemed to be missing from this one.
Kan-u-Kayeyab - Nicely done.. the architecture worked very well and that coaster had a nice layout. Foliage could use a little improvement.. also, it didn't strike me as very mythological, but I still enjoyed it.
The Odyssey - lol -
Steve Offline
lol, I spell the name of my entry wrong in my post and everyone follows.
It's Uayeyab, not Kayeyab. Heh. -
Jellybones Offline
The Odyssey - lol
Yeah I really fucked up the lakes. I had meant to put in some of the mud and dirt/grass that you had talked about but I just ran out of time. I had much bigger plans, specificially the rest of a Greek fishing village instead of just a random path through trees before the ride, and a better detailed Troy in the start of the cave. Granted, no one told me that fences and walls couldn't be placed underground (damn you RCT2 restrictions!). But even if I did get the rest in it probably still would've blown.The Odyssey - Eek. The mountains landscaping wasn't bad. Good use of fountains inside it though. The big building was roman like, so props on that, although it did look a little dull. The lakes didn't look natural to me. A little to square in some cases. You could have a mixed and matched a few more ground textures to get a more involved, complete feel. Some muddy grass, and mud textures would have worked wondered in some places. Unlucky at going out, and I'm glad I finally got to see some of your work!
Glad you liked the mountain, at least. That's what I spent all my time on anyway. -
Evil WME Offline
Since when does Thor have two hammers, and only one hand?
the rest of the entry suited me however. A deserving winner.
Moonspoon, i can't say i really liked your entry, tho the creature thing was nice.
And well, of all mothers of gods and superior beings. Phatage! STOP it. I have never ever ever seen something quite as hideous in RCT as this. It's nothing, it's fire, it's an ugly coaster (surprise at the ratings actually being anything.. but whatever)
The huge wooden coaster was my favorite of the round, edging out Thor by only a bit. It was lovely. The coaster was nice, and the theming reminded me of a splendid mix of SACF and Natelox. Steve, this is the kind of effort that you can put into a full map (i guess it's not the eye-catcher that'll do well for a contest) and let the praise mount up. You just should work a bit on some of that architecture, don't like the multicolored windows much, and they don't really fit. -
VC15SA Offline
Moonspoon- Landscaping lacked, but the creature looked really good as did the mountain. I was not sure what to expect, but it wasn't that bad. Better than I can do! Good job.
supertrooper - The layout was nice and the hammers were cool. Definately my favorite.
Phatage - I did not like this one too much. The coaster was quite interesting and the rest was nice.
Steve - I really like liked it. Everything looked nice. It was close, but this was my second favorite. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Aww, I'm sorry MoonSpoon. You just need more practice, that's all. I liked your mountain and the snake thing made out of 1/4 blocks. The station was ok, too. If you went up against MachChunk's Toilet, I'm sure you'd win. You just had some bad luck. -
Phatage Offline
Why should I?Phatage! STOP it.
I am sorry for the unfinished effort everybody, one thing I would have really loved to do was to create more things that had to do with Tartarus like maybe the Titans or the 40 something sisters that killed their husbands on their wedding night (I forget their name) and something I really wanted to do was the three headed dog Cerbeus (sp?) but time was really an issue. If I hadn't known that most other people were also struggling with time as well, I simply wouldn't have entered which is what happened with my rcthq contest entry thing. I figured I rather not send in anything than something rushed, and in the end decided I'd be better off working on it at my pace and will eventually send it in for their mini park spot. I'm also sorry for all your computers going slow, but how the hell are you suppossed to make hell without fire? I wanted to take an idea that was pretty well known and set my own view to it, I sort of had the idea like the castle was a giant stalagtite or stalagmite, whichever sticks out from the bottom, that over the years has grown from the evil from the world above falling into it. The custom supports with the fire were also suppossed to be a big point of this entry, but with the time I didn't get to do as many as I would have hoped.
Anyway I won't have the chance to view anybody's until tomorrow when this thread will most likely be closed so I'll just say good job for everybody who got theirs in and that I'm really looking foward to the next round. Speaking of the threads being closed thing, isn't there a way just to close the polls and not the entire thread? I remember when I was a mod at that we could do that maybe the poll can be set with a timer to automatically close or something, because I know I would have liked to comment on some of those round 1 entries. -
Titan Offline
This one was easy for me... Steve's.
Plain and simple IMO. ST's was very good, but still classic ST. Steve's was one of his first great releases, and thats why it got my vote.
Reviews when time permits...
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