Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Round 2 - European
19-August 04
iris Offline
8.European Round-Up by leighx
-Winner: "European Round-Up" by leighx (Forfeit)
5.The Hornberg Kanonade by Turtle
4.Estechupa by Metropole
-Winner: "Estechupa" by Metropole (3-2)
Next Round:
4.Metropole -
Jellybones Offline
This one was nice. The architecture didn't exactly wow me, though. Not much in the way of detail, at all. However, that was more than made up with the coaster. Very exciting, that one. Wasn't sure which little opening it was going to pop out of next. That's what I like to see. Well done on the coaster front.
The Hornberg Kanonade
Heh, this one was pretty cool. Turtle does not fuck around with coasters, I see. Come flying right out of the gate, there. Lift hills be damned! The castle and the queue line winding up the mountain was a nice touch, and all the winding through the trees and hills and buildings was pretty cool. Only problem: The red side broke down while I was watching it, and there was a fiery rear-ender at the one lift section there on the hill towards the end. That must have hurt.
European Round Up
Also nice. I really liked that. Even though your little car ride wasn't exactly "exciting". But the blend of themes were very cool. The only problem was that I found the areas to be a bit samey, except the Greek Temple. The England and Spain sections were rather similar, and the Fort of Germany at least looked different with its wall. But it was very pleasant, if not exciting.
So, I'm voting for Turtle, here. I liked them all; but none really jumped out at me as "look at me I'm exciting!" But they were all pleasant. Nicely done. -
Janus Offline
European Round Up - Didn't really like this one. The architecture and theming was much to messy and unstructured, the car ride was mostly uninteresting and it all just looked like a random mess of objects.
Some of the themes was somewhat recognisable though, that's a good thing.
The Hornberg Kanonade - Where has your sense of style gone, Turtle? This one looked really random and unfocused, and though the launched dueling woodies was pretty good, the fact that one of them crashed made it seem very rushed.
Eschuepa - Best entry of the round, easily. Despite what the name suggests, it was pretty good, especially for being made so quickly. As Moonspoon said, the architecture was a bit boring, except for the castle which was more unique, but the coaster was great. I like the queue line going around the fountain too, and the yellow flowers gave it a nice atmosphere. -
Metropole Offline
Leighx - Way too messy. Some buildings seemed unfinished and lacked structure. Some looks like they were above to fall in on themselves or break under their own weight. The ride was well intergrated, but nothing about it stood out. The thing i did like in this entry was the village atmosphere. You made compact buildings and some signed so they seem to have meaning. But definately not your best work
Turtle - I was kinda disapointed. While the Woodies had an awesome layout (besides that crash) the theming wasn't all that great. The landscaping and foliaging wasn't anywhere near as good as in Terra. I know that is probably a lot to do with lack of time. Anyway, I count myself lucky that you had a weak round, because I would have stood no chance against a full strength Turtle
Me - Yeah, it was very rushed (2 days) as I was on vacation. The architecture isn't my best, nor is the foliaging or landscaping. Nothing stands out about it, i know, but I'm really glad I'm through
One final comment. Moonspoon, I wish you luck in finding a european village theme that jumps out at you and says "look at me, i'm exciting!"
Metro -
Jellybones Offline
Haha. Valid point. :scarface:One final comment. Moonspoon, I wish you luck in finding a european village theme that jumps out at you and says "look at me, i'm exciting!"
Toon Offline
Well, here seems like a good place to apologize for not getting my entry in. Not to make excuses, but between losing my assistant manager at my restaurant and an initially unplanned extension to our family holidays, I was unable to submit anything. My apologies. Now, off to look at those who did submit something and comments shortly.
Sorry again -
KaiBueno Offline
Damn good reasons if you ask me...Well, here seems like a good place to apologize for not getting my entry in. Not to make excuses, but between losing my assistant manager at my restaurant and an initially unplanned extension to our family holidays, I was unable to submit anything. My apologies. Now, off to look at those who did submit something and comments shortly.
Sorry again
No worries from me! (Best of luck hiring a replacement)
Kai -
CoasterForce Offline
Metro's was awesome...perfect pacing, good interactions, overall it was just one kick ass entry. -
Metropole Offline
Has all of the interest for QFTBX gone? Come on guys, most of the topics including this one have hardly any comments. Only 3 people have actually given comments on the 3 entries in this topic, and one of them was me who entered the damn thing. For such a large scale competition and so much hype for this round, there seems to be little interest.
Metro -
Steve Offline
Best of round for me. I liked the architecture, I'm a big fan of that style you got goin' Metro. The coaster was kickass, too. I loved that huge helix, too bad it only looks good from one angle.Good job on the win, dude.
The Hornberg Kanonade
This thing had awesome potential. If you had finished, you woulda' made my choice between you and Metro very difficult. The launch was something I didn't expect, which is really a cool touch. This thing had great atmosphere, which kicks ass, too. Good job, lookin' forward to that solo.
For some reason I can't see leigh's. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Metro's: I was shocked when I opened this. I thought your "vacation" was just a joke - and that you really did spend the whole 2 weeks on this. This entry was incredible.. the coaster alone had a great layout with great supports. Your architecture and foliage was great as usual.. although I could tell it was a bit rushed sometimes. But overall, this was awesome.. especially for just 2 days.
Turtle's: Great coaster.. I loved watching this thing move. The rest however, seriously lacked that great Turtle quality that you have in all of your other parks. The architecture seemed unfocused and random. It really was not like your other architecture which you can pull off beautifully. Landscaping was okay, and the foliage worked, I guess. So I thought the coaster was great, but everything else lacked quality.
Leighx's: Like all of your parks, it was great at first glance. I couldn't even tell what the ride was at first until I hit the see-through scenery button and found the puny little car ride. I thought it was a cool idea to have the car move through all of the buildings and the village and such, but it was just a very boring ride - it needed to move faster. After looking at the architecture for a while, I could tell it sort of looked messy and rushed.. so you may want to work on that in the future. -
X250 Offline
Metro's entry was sublime considering the time limit he had for it. The Hornberg Kanonade was brilliant and would have stood a chance of beating Metro's masterpiece if it were finished.
I cannot see Leigh X's entry either, shame... I really like Leigh's work...
-X- -
Turtle Offline
Just so people know, i only had 7 hours to make my entry in, i've been in Belgium for the last 2 weeks...
Not to make excuses, i know it's rushed, and not up to my usual standard. I really enjoyed making those coasters though...
I'm downloading the other entries now, well done to Metro. I knew you'd come through...
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