(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Lost Isles - The Release!

  • yyo%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Finally here's the release of Lost Isles. Major thanks to Caddie Gone Mad for finishing it off fore me when I lost all intrist in the park (is area is preatty much the entire left side of Forgotten Civilization). I didn't send this in, mainly because 1: my yahoo account isn't working lately, and 2: I'm too anxious to release this already.

    Anyway, the park is very outdated (the entrance is built in the BG-ish stlye I used to build everything), especially Voodoo Isle, which is mostly, water, trees, and the wooden coaster "Witchdocter". And most of the landscaping sucks.

    Aztec Ruins is nice area, themed to just that, featuring the great B&M inverted "Wrath Of The Gods", and some nice "aztec" architecture

    Seven Churches features "Revenant" CCI wooden coaster and the watercoaster "To Hell And Back". This was probably the least inspired area, as this where I lost most of the intrist in the park, and it shows.

    And now the last area of the park is Forgotten Civilization, and consequently the best. I built everything up to the "Hurricane" flat ride, then filled up most of the empty space with water before cgm got the park and finished the rest.

    So yeah, there's the park. Very outdated to what I can build now, but I hope you still can enjoy it. Here's the download Lost Isles zip

    And here's a link to the topic, link
  • Richie%s's Photo
    The Revenant and Wrath of the Gods areas were the best. I really like both. Revenant was the best coaster in the park IMO, it had nice pacing and i loved the helix type elements half way through. Wrath of the Gods would have been much better, if it was just a little bit faster. It crawled through the corbra roll (which would have looked better if it was wider). If you built it slightly lower, it would of had more speed. The overall layout was great. The other 3 areas seemed quite rejected, IMO the entrance are was the worst part of the park. It was very dull, and wasnt much there.

    Enjoyable to look at, its well worth the download.
  • Kraken%s's Photo
    The main problem with the park, I think, is not what's there, it's what's not there. It's a full sized park, and there are only 3 major attractions, and none of these have particularly strong layouts. The water coaster was also very underthemed-I didn't even notice it until I was in the park a good 10 minutes.

    I wish you had built more rides instead of leaving so many areas with just the typical buildings and architecture. Much of the park seems like very well done filler.

    I lost all intrist in the park

    It really shows.

    What you did do is executed well, and the themes are all very clearly conveyed-this is the biggest strength of your park. The coasters, especially Wrath of the Gods, all have very tight, well-done layouts. However, they lack speed, which really brings the quality down.

    Overall, I'd describe it as a well done park(I did like it) that suffers from a lack of detail and overall cohesion as far as rides are concerned.
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    My stuff is the bestest.
  • Alpengeist%s's Photo
    im getting my rct back tonight,then i will download it,and it looks very nice from looking at the screens


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