Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Round 2
02-August 04
Corkscrewed Offline
I just sent mine in.
And if everyone's going to drop out, Iris won't be the only one pissed... I want to win the damn tourney fair and square! Or at least keep it going... though at least it'll free me up. Still, if you're gonna make a commitment, at least try something. I just talked to Iris, who's in a foul mood, and for good reason (after I found out the exact nature). I thought he was just overreacting, but if a good half of the bracket isn't planning on sending anything in, he's probably got a right to be uberpissed. C'mon guys, if I can get something done in two weeks (granted, it's a short period of time, but you can at least send in something half done), so you can you. -
JKay Offline
Good point Corky. I just don't understand why people sign up to give up so easily. True there was only a two week window this round, but still, people need to at least do what Scarface did to turn in something. I mean I could create a "Toilet Bowl" in like two hours if I had to. As for mine, I have at least 30 hours invested in my entry and really only spent so much time on it to keep this contest as competitive as possible. So come'on NE'ers, lets see a good turnout this round. -
Leighx Offline
I only had about 1 week to do mine but thats no big deal i have managed to pull something together just needs a few finishing touches but i am confused on what is going on. wether to finish or not, if he is cancling
Scarface Offline
For the note also...I only got back from ibiza last sunday and have exams all this week. So to turn in an entry u dont need that much effort
Even if it is shite like mine -
Dixi Offline
I've been working alot lately. Plus my first entry was almost done when I stupidly saved over it. Anywho, I have a second entry half way to completion. I think I'll be able to squeeze something in, and it should be quite good quality considering how much time hasnt gone into it. -
Jellybones Offline
I'm not done yet, but certainly I'll be done with mine by midnight tomorrow night with room to spare.
And I only had a week, anyways.
Metropole Offline
I'll be getting an entry in. It will be built in a whole 2 days...and it isn't a theme I would have picked (to be expected) but it will be in. Probably at the last possible minute.
Metro -
penguinBOB Offline
Mine will be complete... maybe just not as many buildings as I'd like to have though. -
artist Offline
Im going to attempt getting mine in tonight.
I have a day and i have to work untill 3.
This sucks. -
Metropole Offline
Chris, the Deadline is tomorrow, not today. You have another day to work on it.
Metro -
Scarface Offline
Well i have done another 1 hour 30 on my entry so it at least has a chance.
Its pretty decent for 4 hours work
ill try and email it, if it fits.
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