Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X East-Woodies
27-July 04
iris Offline
Wooden Coasters
11.White Knite by Hevydevy
--Winner: "White Knite" by Hevydevy (Forfeit)
14.The Mime by MightyMouse011
--Winner: "The Mime" by MightyMouse011 (Forfeit)
7.Behemoth by Turtleman
10.Excalibur by ride6
--Winner: "Excalibur" by ride6 (8-0)
2.Favela by natelox
15.Delta Beast by Valp
--Winner: "Favela by natelox (6-1)
Congratulations to the winners.
Round 2 of East Bracket:
Only one top seed advanced, although there were very impressive showings from the two forfeit winners, the upcoming Hevydevy and the surprising MightyMouse011 who looks like he could be very tough. ride6 legitimately upset the higher seed Turtleman, so congrats to him. -
x-sector Offline
Favela all the way. Nate it was a beautiful entry. I would of liked to see bokti enter -
Corkscrewed Offline
7.Behemoth by Turtleman
10.Excalibur by ride6
--Winner: "Excalibur" by ride6 (8-0)
I don't think anybody saw THAT coming. I suppose Turtleman was rushed and didn't do as good of a job as he'd have liked. Congrats, ride6! Obviously, you're well aware that THIS contest is a battle... or something. -
X250 Offline
I voted for White Knite by HevyDevy, i am no guru of RCT1 (having rarely played it around a mates house).. But i liked this entry, nice colours- and the theming was exquisit for the limits of the original RCT1.
-X- -
Metropole Offline
I also enjoyed Hevy Devy's entry very much indeed. The layout of the woodie qas exsquisite, and the 4 way fly by was excellent. I must say that Ride6's entry surprised me. It was indeed an excellent entry and deserved the win in my opinion. Nates entry was also excellent, but nothing really stood out to me. Still, it also deserves it's win.
Metro -
Themeparkmaster Offline
Hevydevy's was very impressing, this and his last contest entry where parks I really enjoyed looking at. However Nate's was by far the best and if anything was too good for this early round. -
Kumba Offline
Hevys and nates rocked, also fucking awsome layout by ride6, I did not know you had coaster skills like that. -
posix Offline
excalibur, easy for me.
i don't remember having enjoyed something ll that much in a long while. best woody in ages.
and yeah, hevydevy's entry was very impressive indeed. the coaster was overdone and not my style but the park design was very well done. especially the coaster's station. -
Drew Offline
I voted for Excalibur. It had a very nice layout and the theming was nicely done. Favela was okay, but I didn't like it as much as Excalibur. Also, MIME didn't please me at all. The only good thing in the park was the architecture. The coaster was very boring. -
mantis Offline
In order of preference:
Favela - wow, nate, just wow. The city slums are called Favela, right? I think so, and kinda got that vibe from the rock/dirt mixture and the ramshackle look of it bring out this totally unique texture from the's bright, but it's got this kind of distressed look to have this knack for incredible texture, seriously. This sort of work is why you always get my parkmaker of the year vote, and I why I think you are one of the best. You excel at every aspect of the game. I've predicted you as LL champion, so I hope you don't disappoint! Thanks for this - it's one more example of your work from which I can learn.
Whight Knite - wow, amazing layout Hevy! Carnival kicked ass, your Disney screens are always of high quality, and this was just a fantastic ride! Lovely sculptures, great sense of humour, and that dip with the multiple tracks back and forth was great. Shame about the ratings, but that's just a minor quibble with an otherwise excellent entry. It's a shame you had to win on a forfeit...good luck against mightymouse - that promises to be a great matchup.
The MIME - hehe, another bastard child of WombI love the idea of all the chambers, and it was great fun following it all around the place. The memory stealing pirates can eat my bubbles, though, cos they ain't getting a look at my brain lol. Great job, MightMouse, you never fail to impress with these coasters, and you're one of NE's most prolific parkmakers of late (it's a real shame you didn't make it on to the PT, but this makes up for that!). Great job.
Excalibur - really nice, solid entry, ride6, with some nice little details to really set it off. The turnaround was really well done, and I liked the mixture of rights and lefts (something i've been looking out for more recently, having turned Cocytus into a left-turn-addict's wet dream). Lovely foliage, good all round theme immersion...just generally wicked. LL suits you.
Delta Beast - an excellent layout, with some very nice architecture as well. I think it was very nice, but suffered a little from not having real 'more-than-nice' bits to it...even the most simple things can still have things that lift them above 'nice' status (as it is used in the community). Still, the turnaround was one such moment - great job on that element there.
Behemoth - I gotta say i'm a sucker for the turning-drop-into-diagonal-mini-incline-and-drop combination on woodies, but dude, you're seriously disappointing sometimes. It's like you have a big high (TDF screens, Palisade Falls etc) and then mess it up big time (Contest dropouts/unfinished entries, general twattishness). Ah well, if you'd finished it it might have been cool, although it would have been like Palisade mark2. Now just keep working on TDF PLEASE because we deserve that park after all you've put us through lol.
Great, great entries. It's a shame there were some no-shows, but apart from that I had great fun looking at these. Bring on round 2! -
gymkid dude Offline
damn! Nate kicked the shit out of everything else...this is my favorite entry of the whole division, including the flyers. Very slummy, yet...attractive? Awesome, and I'm glad to see something differentesque from Nate.
Other notables: turtleman sucks for not finishing. Ride6's wasnt that great.
HevyDavy's was easily the 2nd best entry. I loved the layout, that thing really rampaged across the map. Great job, you are v. promising.
Mightymouse...where did you come from? I guess looking at X's work has caused you to stop sucking...but I like it. A change for the better from you. -
Janus Offline
I really liked Nate's and Hevydevy's. Favela looked like something I've been wanting to build, with the woodie interacting so well the landscape and theming, cool elevation, and nice flowers.
Whight Knite, very fun theming, great layout. Love the name too, it really fits the sort of strange atmosphere of the woodie. -
Ride6 Offline
HevyDevy's displays more effort than any of the others but I honestly can't get into it. Just like with Carival of Lost Souls, I'm impressed but I don't really like the park. Natelox's was spetacular except for a few nibbles. Like the crooked windows, those have never looked good anywhere else and they just seem out of place here. The ending of the woodies layout was less than great too.
I'm not sure where to place my vote so I'll just do the obvious.
ride6 -
thorpedo Offline
I voted White Knight. Hevydevy has certainly taken over the dark, creepy feel since his Hi-Rollers, and this is no different. It's absolutely amazing. And I like the "dry, red eyes" thingAhh, Ben Stein.
Great job to everyone else. Favela was a close second, and then Mightymouse's entry, which surprised me to say the least. You're improving fast. Great job to ride6 on the victory over Turtleman who...didn't really do much. A beautiful entry.
Valp's was good aswell, although it's probably my least favorite of the round. Good job everyone. -
natelox Offline
Yes, you're right. "Favela" is portuguese for "slum." The original plan was to make the park much more gritty and slum like, but due to time constrants (which were due to a lot that is going on in my life right now) I had to use many more trees. Thank you very much, all of you for your comments. And mantis, your's made my day.Favela - wow, nate, just wow. The city slums are called Favela, right?
As for my personal favorite, it would be "White Knite." My only problem was the lack of originality. It seemed very inspired by Posix and a few other parkmakers which left me wanting to know what Hevydevy's work looks like. You get my vote, but I'd love to see something more personal and original next round. -
MightyMouse Offline
Now that I'm back from my short vacations, I may as well blab about my favorite entry(s)...
Ride6 - Everything was awsome, in my opinion. The simplicity was just incredible. I loved the castle piece, in which the coaster was built beneath. Color was, without a doubt, the best attribute in the entire park. The layout rocked and the themeing was just incredible. Loved it all. Great job.
Natelox - I absolutly loved it. Landscaping was very cool, and every bit of architecture was designed really well. The layout was sweet too. The park layout was designed really well, also, in my opinion.Very nice. Terrific entry, in my opinion.
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