News / Official NE Parkmaker Order

  • gir%s's Photo
    I would kill for a Six Flags park in Raleigh. Really guys, in real life sometimes it isn't all about the super-detailed themes, etc. Sure Islands of Adventures is great, but it's nothing compared to the thrills of a park like Six Flags Magic Mountain.
  • the_legacy%s's Photo
    Thrills!!! Six Flags put block brakes in after the coaster is designed to kill the thrill!

    IOA has more thrills than any six flags put together, apart from X at magic mountain which is just awsome.
  • Titan%s's Photo
    Dang... page 6 and no 40-50...

    I REALLY hope I'm not on it... :twitch:

    My prediction...

    Nem. Chris
    Jacko Shanty
  • John%s's Photo
    There's more to a park than the "thrills"... it's about the overall experience.

    Anyway... iris owes us an update. ;) Page six, even if by totally unrelated posts. :D
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    Im an all good guy. :) Scarface would be higher on my list, but still it takes a lot of balls [and honesty] to make a list like this. It is a very personal list, in terms of rating every body, which is why I anticipated alot of un-happy peeps. But it is by no means your official rating, so if you think your hard done by, keep your head up, If you're high up on the list, bask in your glory. :D
  • Micool%s's Photo

    Micool, you and I both know that your coaster rating is way too high.

    It's actually much too low.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    I would kill for a Six Flags park in Raleigh. Really guys, in real life sometimes it isn't all about the super-detailed themes, etc. Sure Islands of Adventures is great, but it's nothing compared to the thrills of a park like Six Flags Magic Mountain.

    What tha HEIL are you smoking?
  • gir%s's Photo

    Thrills!!! Six Flags put block brakes in after the coaster is designed to kill the thrill!

    IOA has more thrills than any six flags put together, apart from X at magic mountain which is just awsome.

    IOA thrills as in just Dueling Dragons? Hulk is boring. Jurassic Park/Dudley aren't nearly enough to contend with a decent Six Flags park. I would go to SFMM any day. You all don't understand. I'm more of a coaster enthusiast - sure I love themeing, etc. it's great, but coasters really do it for me.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    You must have mixed up Hulk with the Flying Unicorn or something.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Hulk doesn't look boring, in fact it looks like it even roughs you up a little, something that can't be said for alot of Bimmers. And gir are you forgetting about the revolutionary Spiderman- The Ride?

    Personally I would go to IOA before Magic Mountain because overall experence counts for something. Not everything is about thrills, really. Comit at Hersheypark is not a very intence ride by any measure but at night it is a truely beautiful one and extremily fun. You can't measure a ride just by how much it thrills you, you have to measure it by how much it means to you. If thrills are all that mattered SFMM would beat Cedar Point since they have more modern-generation coasters, and yet CP consistantly beats MM in the polls.

    Think about it.

  • iris%s's Photo
    Missing That Little Something...

    Coaster Skills: 6.9
    Theming: 7.9
    Architecture: 7.7
    Creativity/Originality: 9.3
    Productivity: 8.4
    Community Effect: 8
    Naming: 7.8
    Atmosphere/Environment: 7.7
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.5
    The "Wow Effect": 8.3
    Detail: 8
    Variety: 7.5
    -Best Work: "Klamath Lake"
    -Upcoming Work: "Master's Pallette"
    Overall: 95

    Coaster Skills: 7.5
    Theming: 7.5
    Architecture: 7
    Creativity/Originality: 8.2
    Productivity: 7.9
    Community Effect: 7.8
    Naming: 7.3
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8.2
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.5
    The "Wow Effect": 7.7
    Detail: 8.3
    Variety: 8.4
    -Best Work: "Waters Of Civilization"
    -Upcoming Work: "International Odyssey"
    Overall: 93.9

    Coaster Skills: 7.8
    Theming: 7.4
    Architecture: 7.4
    Creativity/Originality: 8.5
    Productivity: 8
    Community Effect: 6.9
    Naming: 7.4
    Atmosphere/Environment: 7.9
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.8
    The "Wow Effect": 8.1
    Detail: 8.2
    Variety: 7.9
    -Best Work: "Scarbrough Faire"
    -Upcoming Work: "Teletopia"
    Overall: 93.3

    44.Mike Robbins
    Coaster Skills: 7.2
    Theming: 7.7
    Architecture: 7.4
    Creativity/Originality: 7.3
    Productivity: 8.8
    Community Effect: 8.2
    Naming: 7.8
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8.4
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7
    The "Wow Effect": 6.8
    Detail: 7.9
    Variety: 7.3
    -Best Work: "Myths, Legends, and Folklore"
    -Upcoming Work: Unknown
    Overall: 91.8

    Coaster Skills: 7.3
    Theming: 7.9
    Architecture: 7.8
    Creativity/Originality: 7.9
    Productivity: 7.5
    Community Effect: 7
    Naming: 7.9
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.4
    The "Wow Effect": 7.5
    Detail: 7.8
    Variety: 7.6
    -Best Work: "The Carnival Of Lost Souls"
    -Upcoming Work: "Disney's Lost Empire"
    Overall: 91.6

    46.nemesis chris
    Coaster Skills: 7.6
    Theming: 7.8
    Architecture: 7.6
    Creativity/Originality: 7.3
    Productivity: 8.3
    Community Effect: 8
    Naming: 8
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8.2
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.8
    The "Wow Effect": 6.9
    Detail: 7.8
    Variety: 5.5
    -Best Work: "Palmsprings Florida"
    -Upcoming Work: "Ports of Alas"
    Overall: 90.8

    Coaster Skills: 7.5
    Theming: 7.6
    Architecture: 7.5
    Creativity/Originality: 7.5
    Productivity: 7.5
    Community Effect: 7.5
    Naming: 7.5
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.5
    The "Wow Effect": 7.5
    Detail: 7.5
    Variety: 7.5
    -Best Work: "Hacienda Resort"
    -Upcoming Work: "Port Haven Entertainment Resort"
    Overall: 90.6

    48.Six Frags
    Coaster Skills: 6.8
    Theming: 7.2
    Architecture: 6.9
    Creativity/Originality: 8.6
    Productivity: 8.3
    Community Effect: 7
    Naming: 7.3
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8.4
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.5
    The "Wow Effect": 7.6
    Detail: 7.6
    Variety: 6.9
    -Best Work: "The 10th Kingdom"
    -Upcoming Work: "League Of Xtraordinary Gentlemen"
    Overall: 90.1

    49.Jacko Shanty
    Coaster Skills: 7.3
    Theming: 7.5
    Architecture: 7.5
    Creativity/Originality: 8.5
    Productivity: 7.1
    Community Effect: 6.9
    Naming: 7.6
    Atmosphere/Environment: 7.4
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.3
    The "Wow Effect": 7.3
    Detail: 7.5
    Variety: 7.9
    -Best Work: "Urban Sprawl"
    -Upcoming Work: "Teletopia"
    Overall: 89.8

    Coaster Skills: 7.4
    Theming: 7.4
    Architecture: 7.4
    Creativity/Originality: 7.9
    Productivity: 7.4
    Community Effect: 7.4
    Naming: 7.4
    Atmosphere/Environment: 7
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 6.9
    The "Wow Effect": 7.2
    Detail: 6.5
    Variety: 6.9
    -Best Work: "The Rock"
    -Upcoming Work: "Babylon"
    Overall: 86.8
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    So.... who as #51? :p
  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    Coaster Skills: 7.5
    Theming: 7.5
    Architecture: 7
    Creativity/Originality: 8.2
    Productivity: 7.9
    Community Effect: 7.8
    Naming: 7.3
    Atmosphere/Environment: 8.2
    Potential To Build Next Great Park: 7.5
    The "Wow Effect": 7.7
    Detail: 8.3
    Variety: 8.4
    -Best Work: "Waters Of Civilization"
    -Upcoming Work: "International Odyssey"
    Overall: 93.9

    Wow.....not a single six!
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I think Hevydevy is as creative, if not more creative, than most other parkmakers, so i'd have given him more credit on that one. His screens are screens to look forward to.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I agree that I am just solid in everything, nothing really special. I also agree that Waters of Civilization is way better than my rather weak PT entery.

    IO is on the way and I also have work coming in both games coming through rctx. Yay.


    ps- Supertrooper and HevyDevy desirve to be higher than me.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Yet another list I'm not on...
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    I like your lists iris, I actually think they're dead on. I just don't agree with the position ride6 has gotten. A bit too high, and I think deano should have been higher than him.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo

    Waters of Civilazation

    Please... at least learn to spell your own parks.

    I think my "rating" will have changed by the time qftb has finished.
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    You have serious potential, and serious talent deano. I don't think many people see it though.
  • gir%s's Photo


    Hulk doesn't look boring, in fact it looks like it even roughs you up a little, something that can't be said for alot of Bimmers.  And gir are you forgetting about the revolutionary Spiderman- The Ride?

    Personally I would go to IOA before Magic Mountain because overall experence counts for something.  Not everything is about thrills, really.  Comit at Hersheypark is not a very intence ride by any measure but at night it is a truely beautiful one and extremily fun.  You can't measure a ride just by how much it thrills you, you have to measure it by how much it means to you.  If thrills are all that mattered SFMM would beat Cedar Point since they have more modern-generation coasters, and yet CP consistantly beats MM in the polls.

    Think about it.


    1) Hulk is boring. To me, that's my opinion but of course you can argue it. The launch is ok, but everything else is slow and, yeah. No, I'm not forgetting Spiderman. It's a great ride, I love it, but it also suffers from a lot of break-downs and by now it's already outdated - not that it has been beaten by anything yet though.

    2) IOA is great, sure, but it's completely different from Magic Mountain. For me, not everything is about thrills either - I don't know why you would think that. I just said that Magic Mountain definitely has thrills, and that's a great reason to go to any park. How much a ride means to me? I don't even live in California, I live on the east coast in North Carolina. Carowinds is my homepark. Sure, lots of rides there mean a lot to me, but that doesn't make them better than other rides. I'm pretty sure CP has thrills too. TTD, MF, Mantis, Raptor, Magnum, Mean Streak, etc. Magic Mountain has their share of rides, and so does CP. We aren't talking about the general public, or anyone else's polls here: this is MY opinion. I haven't even been to CP anyway so I wouldn't know. I was just saying I would take Magic Mountain for IOA any day.

    Thrills were the main reason I went to Magic Mountain. So? I didn't go there to look at the flowers; I knew exactly what I was getting when I went. I'll have you know I also visited Knott's Berry Farm and Six Flags Marine World. Thrills are definitely not why I went to either of those parks.


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