RCT Discussion / RCT History
11-July 04
DeDevil Offline
your not alone. i have no idea what it was about.Am I the only person that has no idea what the hell guljam is talking about?
DarkRideExpert Offline
Okay,I got RCT1 at a store. I saw a sweet racin game,and RCT. I picked RCT1,and made Coaster Country,my first park. When the file got corrupted,waited 5 weeks to get over it,and started Hydro Thunder,The Core:The Ride,and some sweet steelie. Once The Core:The Ride was sent to Worlds of Fantasy,I decided to rest a bit. I came along NE right after Danimation,and I joined I think in September 2002. After nearly a year of waiting,RCT2 came out. I joined the Station.I found out what RCT2 had,and later started Toxin Lake,my first RCT2 park. It got deleated,thanks to my bro(Goddamnit),and I soon started Hydro Amusement Park. It never got finished,it was too big for my skills,and waited some more weeks.
Joined NE. Found Spotlights,got inspiration,tried to start new park,but I got a new computer.
This is getting better and better,isn't it?
So,after comming back to RCT2,I started some other park(can't remember what it was),hated it,and soon started making designs(For those that remember,Tropico Twister.),I decided to erase ALL of my projects with a fresh start,waited a bit,and soon started Christmas Heights,though released this summer,it got some attention and my skills REALLY improved. Before that, Jersey Gardens was my first 50X50,and it looked great. After CH, THE PHOENIX and Garden Amusements. Soon to be released.
cBass Offline
No kidding. I was thinking more like Burrows.James Joyce eat your heart out! That's just surreal, guljam!
Raven-SDI Offline
Hello.that's because raven is a nerd that would hang out on boards for games that haven't been released
Sort of like all those geeks that would flock to a Sammy Vs. Capcom board
Ya got me Blitz...
§ -
Kumba Offline
In 1999 I got RCT1 for x-mas, after a few months I got a coaster to past its raeting, about 30 of the worst parks in history where then made....
Around mid 2000 my buddys in the neighborhood starting going to some sites, one went to Danamation, I don't know what his name was tho, anyways I thought I should do a "good" park and submit it, so I did, but I have no idea what people thought of it coz I never went to forums back then.
Now I stoped playing for a long time and then started back up around the summer of 02, and I was soon dieing to get my hands on RCT2, in october of 02 (the time when RCT2 was released) I was in college up in gainesville FL, I started checking the Tycoon Planet forums to see if any copys were getting out befor the release date, they were. I was one of the lucky ones to get it befor the release date, and if you ever heard a rumor that target had errors that said you had to be 99 years old to buy RCT2 thats true, they let me have it anyways. I cut my first class to see if they had it then got back to school to get to my second class, but I was kinda mixed up and walked into the wrong one
After all my time playing LL coasters were EZ as hell, I can make them do almost whatever I want so I sent in a bunch to the offical ride exchange under the name Kumba28, some still hold reconds today altho its all huge ties. By now i was posting at the Tycoon Planet forums and had sent a park into Josh' RCT page, soon Josh IM'ed me say that he really liked it, we became friends and still are today, I also was givein a staff parkmaker spot at his site, also by this time I had found RCT Station and knew what a "good" park was, so I tried my best to do one and I made "DC vs Marvel" I released it here as a n00b with about 7 posts worth of crap to my name and got like 2 replys only after bumping it.....
Soon the site I was work with josh at (RCT Central) shut down, it was around this time I thought I should Join a club. To be honest I thought RCTI was the coolest but RCTM the best, so I talked to Kai but did not get in, so then thx to DC vs Marvel, my pics of my next solo (Miami Amusements), and a lot of pleading I got in RCTI and on the day I got in me and Titan released "Tiumba Islands"
After 3 weeks of work I sent Dimensions in for spotlight, needless to say I did not get it (Arnos did) but I was suprised to see it made runner up, I was very happy with that and soon got started on Nirvana, Tiumba:TLI, and Iron Wood Valley, all would also become NE runner up parks.
Soon I got into the NE pro tour, my first entry came in second to Voodoo, then in only 4 days I did "X Gon' Give it to Ya" and that came in second to Six Frags, then one of my worst recent parks came in second to ride6 only weeks after the first two. I had then noticed I was really gona need to take my time and do something awsome if I wanted to make it, and 2 weeks later I made it with "The Zodiac". So then I knew id needed to pull out all the stops to make a high placeing PT final entry, so I put my spirt limit mega park "BP" on hold and worked for a few soild months on what would be "Darwood Grove". Around this time people were quiting left and right, and it forced iris to do a re-draft for H2H3, and to my suprise iris IM'ed me (he never had befor) with a link to the sign ups, I asked about a captain spot half hartedly and he told me to ask for it in my sign up post and I did and enden up getting the spot. I really can't forget the draft, I had diarrhea at the time and was in and out of the bathroom trying to make my picks, I wish I had a laptop that would have helped.... My team was ok but I wanted to make a few deals, so I did 5 in all, some said I ended up with a "Powerhouse" of a team, and im very proud of that.
I think thats all for now.
Wow, a here and a half has passed since then so im gona bumpdate this and I hope you guy also do, or if you did not do one before start one up
After I put togeter my team of amazing parkmakers witch I must name everytime; Coaster Ed, Cork, Phatage, DJ, Blitz, P_BOB, Hevydevy, Aeroglobe, Loopy and myself we got rolling on some ideas. Ed would have worked with Phatage, Blitz and DJ, the ideas I heard in the planning for his park with Blitz were staggering, the ones in the park with Phatage were also nuts, tho him and DJ never really posed much about there own. Myself I was alreddy planning AC with Cork who started after finishing Rockwood prison with P_BOB in like 2 days. Befor we could houst the non-existand H2H championship were were Toonris'ed or something and I had to start a team all over again.
At some point BP was finally released as a super runner-up, I was pretty disapointed, but still don't regreat doing that everglades theme. I did not hang my head for that long asI looked ahead to H2H3.
Now things get foggy, I can't remember were QFTB-X and the release of DWG fall, but i'll talk about DWG first. When it was released I was pretty happy even tho I did not beat John who won in a tiebraker thx to Foozy loving it more then ANY of the other entry, I was also releved it was not DQ'ed after I lost my mind one day and PM'ed iris and confused to cheating, but since I was high I guess he decided to over look it. QFTB-X was fun, really my kind of contest to, I took down Fenix, Voodoo and X-Sector with ease, but the theme assignments were bugging me and I was itching to start my new solo Kumba's Creation, so I submited a really crappy entry and let Cork by insted of beating his ass like im 100% sure I would have if I wanted to, coz his entry that round was weak compared to his others.
After that stuff was all over it was on to NE's third try at having H2H3. This time it really happend, I had lost my unstopable team, but did manage to build a pretty strong new one of; Cork, slob, Jacko (And I passed up tradeing him for JKay!), Richie, Drew, hobbes, OCF, RCTNW, me and Aero who was replaced by Six Frags in week 4. After 5 weeks of the contest we were unbeaten, but once tied after some true bullshit that really was just a part of slob being cursed. The end of the season's only highpoint for me was AC's release, it was liked way more then I expected, tho I was kinda pissed that all the raveing had little to do with what I consiter one of my greatest coaster's ever Azure Avris or whatever Cork named it. So now we were in the finals and slob's curse coupled with Jacko's lazyness resulted in us loseing the champion ship by 2 total votes, what a lovely catle prod to the nuts that was
After that I again forget what happed next, I think it was the duel awards that came like a month after iris decided like 7,000 people in the chat room was to much of an insult for him to hold the awards, knowing I was going win the Non-Parkmaker award (donateing money had something to do with him telling me ahead of time) I decied not to take the TPM aproch and flame had as he remided me sevral times he could fix the results
Well aftetr soon waiting I got that NE Parkmaker spot by a cunt hair over that pesky steve basterd. After that I was working on my solo, Genus:Carharadon, a PT2 entry and a few other things mixed in.
I think that brings me all the way up to today were im killing time waiting on PT2 finals park #6. Hope you enjoy both version's of my RCT History... with no spell check -
RCTFAN Offline
I'm loving this topic, got me thinking of the good 'ol days
My RCT history is a little history and i can't really remeber dates. However.
I remember getting RCT Christmas (probably 1999) and just played it absolutely non-stop. I remember eveyday having to fight my brother to get on the PC our family shared. The game was like a place you could just escape and let your imagination run wild, i had a blast............but needless to say pretty crap, just like the rest of you hehe.
I remeber ploughing my way through the scenarios and replaying my favourites like diamond heights, forest frontiers and evergreen gardens (same as everyone's really lol). Then it gets hazy.
Then i remeber getting LL and AA for christmas and was constantly on that as well. Loving the Ice scenario and the jungle one (lol shows how much i can't remeber) still completely oblivious to the full potential of the game.
I can't remember when i came across the Station but it was the very first site i came across for RCT after getting connected. I was just in absolute awe of some of the stuff on there. However i never downloaded eanything cus of our crappy 56k, i just looked through the walkthroughs and screenshots on the forums.
I don't remember when i actualy joined the forums but i know i have had this name since that first day lol. I released a park which was part of a 3 part series - > Pinewood park, pinewood peak and pinewood 'something i can't remeber' -> all being parks based on this one mountain at differnt altitudes. The one i released was Pinewood Peak and i remmber getting some good comments on an AIR inspired flyer (so must have been around 2002).
Now this is where it all gets hazy. I remeber working on the next one and sending screens to Austin Powers who i got chatty with somehow. Which means i was either in RCTI or nearly. Anywho that never got past half way and then i started a duo with IndyJones which got some great recpetion, one particular from a fellow RCTI'er Metro. So i added him to AIM and we got chatty, which i then decided to add all the current RCTI member AIM's and kinda got chatty but not really lol (which explains why your on my buddy list Kumba). Guys i remember talking to the most were Metro, Marshy, AP and Indy.
Anywho i was then sent Pleasure Ridge Park and Archion 2004 to add my bits but i never completed either (although half of my PRP was) becuase that's when the family problems started. Needless to say i stopped playing RCT and asked to leave RCTI for some time to sort out things.
After a long hiatius of about a year i came back end of 2004 and asked to be reinstated but was declined. So in my angst i thought i would make a solo and show them all lol. Which is when the infamous Chawton Woods started.................... I say started becuase as some of you know it's on it's 4th go and still unfinished.
Now between Leaving RCTI and coming back again the station closed and i was quite upset as i really didnt have anywhere else to go, never heard of RCPro or danimation..........then i stumbled across RCT2.com where i started to advertise Chawton woods with lots of praise. It was here i heard about NE and relaised how badly i wanted a spotlight or design there. So i joined and started advertising Oceana park (name suggested by marshy). Although the screens arn't there any more and i don't have a file.
And as if by magic that leads us to the present 2006 with still no solo release by me with a small handful of failed attempts.
Still, i hope one day i'll be up on the spotlight page with the rest of the greats and go down in NE history, but until then................
.......could someone tell me if they have that one park i released!
P.S Kumba remeber saying this ->WOW. um... who are you doing the next club joint park with ?
Ge-Ride Offline
I started playing rct in 2000 or so. I was really horrible. I couldn't play worth a Dingo's kidneys. I kept on playing, and my brother and sister played a bit, but soon enough, my sister got better things to do and stopped playing. I then played Corkscrew Follies at a friend's house, and soon after that, bought Loopy Landscapes. I had all sorts of fun drowning peeps and putting no exit signs at the edge of my parks. I enjoyed making crappy scenarios and killing people on rides. I used to name the guests after people I hated, and drowned them. A few months into this game, and it got boring. I would soon enough start playing RCT 2. I played scenarios for a couple months, but soon enough, it got old. My brother and I made gigantic custom scenarios in the editor, and he was much better at it than I was. After that, he sort of quit and then I worked in the coaster designer, and then I discovered New Elements some time in 2003. I played the game a bit more, quit for quite a while, doing other stuff, and then started playing again with my interest rekindled from more recent theme park visits. I started working on random coasters and seeing what I could make. I did that for a couple months until I started randomly searching some more and seeing what else I could find. I tried to download some crappy Monopoly park, but the person who made it was a total douche and didn't know how to export scenery. A bit after that, I finally decided that I wanted to see what kind of parks I was really capable of. I registered at New Element for the first time on October 23, 2004 under the name GRIDE. I made random stuff, making buildings out of Glass objects, that didn't resemble architecture in any way shape or form. Partially because my brother was a complete biggot and wouldn't let me download anything on the computer that we shared. The first park I downloaded was Basics of my Brain. After experimenting on another computer, I made a random piece of crap coaster where everything is sideways called Floating on air. It shot out of a "building' and randomly went about the clouds. I tried submitting it for a design, and Corkscrewed obviously rejected it. After that, I made lots of crappy experiments in the scenario editor to use some of my newly accquired custom scenery. It was shortly after that I downloaded some crappy scenery and made mirage bridge. I then experimented some more and made crap out of ride track, and shortly afterwards quit NE. Then I started playing more for fun, and practiced my work for the Fusion Contest. It didn't really matter, because I couldn't design coasters very well yet and I didn't use trainers. Everybody knows how that turned out. Apparently nobody liked my Nemesis meets Queer Eye theme. I also got banned once or twice after trying a few other names. Shortly afterwards, I snuck back into New Element under the name I'm using right now. I then proceded to make that perspective illusion in the games thread, and sometime in September started working on a really big crappy multi-building hotel with something for everybody. After lots of tinkering, I finally got good with basic architectural forms. Then I made a more realistic building or something while working on that now abandoned park of short-lived member Hawk. I was working on something for the holiday contest, but it was never finished. And then I started hacking with trainers. I started working for parkwars, and improving my game. I couldn't make anything good using the crappy regular parkwars workbench, and I just wasn't quite good enough. I found ride6's workbench and downloaded every rct2 runner up I could find on the site, and my architecture finally got somewhat cool and realistic. I was working on a new parkwars entry which I was trying to make more realistic, but turned out incredibly fantastical. After that, I started working on a February contest entry which barely got finished in time, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I started using trainers much more, and then I pulled out some old ideas, started refining them and built my Fusion Survivor 2 entry. The End. -
Ride6 Offline
Kumba, next time I'll be a real damn captain and I'll get a good team on draft night and you can be comforted by the fact that you won't loose by a mere 2 points this time (think bigger.).
Um, basically all that's happened since is that I stalled around for a while releasing a couple minor things like Banana Valley (no custom sceanery). Basically I was trying to build my creative juices back up after the draining 8 months that was the "IO era" for me which was followed rather quickly by h2h3. After recovering I wore myself down into the dirt again with the PT2, first whipping together an entry for the dueler round off a design I'd built to do a park with Chapel who I just missed at Cedar Point earlier in the summer (we unwhittingly rode Magnum together, he even reconized me... dammit!). Anyway I themed the duelers in 4 days, as a result of the rush job the best stuff was built early on. There's a group of buildings at the far end of the coasters launch hill that I'm quite proud of. Particularly the one with the green roofs, it was the first and I spent a good 3-4 hours on it. After that I had to speed up the pace of course. Anyway that won and I was in the PT2 and now we're just passed halfway through the finals and my entry isn't out yet.
My PT2 was an intense building project to say the least. Innitially I believed I could whip it together in one month (and why the hell not, I did it in the olympics with Light Shaddows Valley and even had a few days to spare). As a result of that thinking I was tinkering with Soul Calibur and some side stuff related to a mini h2h that fell through. Meanwhile I started and cancelled about a half dozen innitial attempts to get my PT entry going. Finally on Halloween night I started the map that ended up as my entry, which I finished the day before it was due; after badly rushing ever since about December 20th to make the delyed date. I won't stall next time that's for damn sure.
Anyway right now I'm slowly picking on Metro's massive Soul Calibur, filling in the big holes still left in the map with mountains, trees and a few buildings. I've got another solo all planned in my head but I need to make an objects list for it and tinker in the editor for a week or so before really start it. I'm looking forward to really building on it, though not to the making of the workbench... And also to H2H4 which I obvioiusly want to be a part of as a partisipating captain.
That brings everything up to date... At least in rct.
ride6 -
Enigmatic Offline
I started playing rct in 2000 or so. I was really horrible. I couldn't play worth a Dingo's kidneys. I kept on playing, and my brother and sister played a bit, but soon enough, my sister got better things to do and stopped playing. I then played Corkscrew Follies at a friend's house, and soon after that, bought Loopy Landscapes. I had all sorts of fun drowning peeps and putting no exit signs at the edge of my parks. I enjoyed making crappy scenarios and killing people on rides. I used to name the guests after people I hated, and drowned them. A few months into this game, and it got boring. I would soon enough start playing RCT 2. I played scenarios for a couple months, but soon enough, it got old. My brother and I made gigantic custom scenarios in the editor, and he was much better at it than I was. After that, he sort of quit and then I worked in the coaster designer, and then I discovered New Elements some time in 2003. I played the game a bit more, quit for quite a while, doing other stuff, and then started playing again with my interest rekindled from more recent theme park visits. I started working on random coasters and seeing what I could make. I did that for a couple months until I started randomly searching some more and seeing what else I could find. I tried to download some crappy Monopoly park, but the person who made it was a total douche and didn't know how to export scenery. A bit after that, I finally decided that I wanted to see what kind of parks I was really capable of. I registered at New Element for the first time on October 23, 2004 under the name GRIDE. I made random stuff, making buildings out of Glass objects, that didn't resemble architecture in any way shape or form. Partially because my brother was a complete biggot and wouldn't let me download anything on the computer that we shared. The first park I downloaded was Basics of my Brain. After experimenting on another computer, I made a random piece of crap coaster where everything is sideways called Floating on air. It shot out of a "building' and randomly went about the clouds. I tried submitting it for a design, and Corkscrewed obviously rejected it. After that, I made lots of crappy experiments in the scenario editor to use some of my newly accquired custom scenery. It was shortly after that I downloaded some crappy scenery and made mirage bridge. I then experimented some more and made crap out of ride track, and shortly afterwards quit NE. Then I started playing more for fun, and practiced my work for the Fusion Contest. It didn't really matter, because I couldn't design coasters very well yet and I didn't use trainers. Everybody knows how that turned out. Apparently nobody liked my Nemesis meets Queer Eye theme. I also got banned once or twice after trying a few other names. Shortly afterwards, I snuck back into New Element under the name I'm using right now. I then proceded to make that perspective illusion in the games thread, and sometime in September started working on a really big crappy multi-building hotel with something for everybody. After lots of tinkering, I finally got good with basic architectural forms. Then I made a more realistic building or something while working on that now abandoned park of short-lived member Hawk. I was working on something for the holiday contest, but it was never finished. And then I started hacking with trainers. I started working for parkwars, and improving my game. I couldn't make anything good using the crappy regular parkwars workbench, and I just wasn't quite good enough. I found ride6's workbench and downloaded every rct2 runner up I could find on the site, and my architecture finally got somewhat cool and realistic. I was working on a new parkwars entry which I was trying to make more realistic, but turned out incredibly fantastical. After that, I started working on a February contest entry which barely got finished in time, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I started using trainers much more, and then I pulled out some old ideas, started refining them and built my Fusion Survivor 2 entry. The End.
As far as my own history... I've been playing for under a year. Always loved coasters but somehow never found out about RCT until I saw it for discount. Lurked around for a while, finally decided to sign up to show off my own park, which you amateurs will see when I'm about half done with it. In the mean time, you supposed "great parkmakers" can all continue to be jealous of me.
(EDIT: Meant under a year, not under a month)Edited by Enigmatic, 03 March 2006 - 01:18 AM.
CoasterCrzy Offline
Sorry, said some things that shouldn't be said...
How could you be very good in a month? It takes time and practice to be good at RCT...Edited by CoasterCrzy, 03 March 2006 - 12:04 AM.
ChillerHockey33 Offline
I mean fuck, if it takes you this long.. this shit better be fucking good.
-Ryan -
tracidEdge Offline
just stop with him, seriously. it's old.
as for my lengthy rct history, my friend burned the original rct for me summer of 02, and i got LL for christmas that year. I played all the scenarios in the original one and stopped at like the third to last one, i think. when i got ll, i began looking for some good parks to download. the first place that actually inpressed me was rct-inc, maybe. i dunno, the one with the thirty some pages of p-spots. the first park i downloaded off there was woodfield, and it absolutely blew me away.
from then on, my friend and i made a bunch of parks that basically just ripped off woodfield. i did that for a little while, then i found ne. it took me about six months to find out this place had forums (haha), and until then i'd just go through the spotlights and designs and stuff, downloading whatever was new or looked interesting.
about the time womb was released, i joined the forums. the first thing i advertised was a park using the pt bench. it sucked, and all it did was rip off of pyro, but apparently it impressed a few people, which was cool i guess. unfortunately i saved over it and couldn't recover it. after that came "sleipnir," a b&m sitdown that i never finished. i think maybe one person liked that (panic).
during the construction of that, i started project cradle, my first actual full-scale solo. i was pretty ambitious with that, had a few guest spots. pretty cool park, looking back. unfortunately for that, it fell victim to a lack of planning and organization and was ultimately doomed from the beginning. i think i sent that park to corkscrew for a custom flat ride, which is pretty sweet, but after i got it back i never really touched it. maybe i'll release it later.
while that was with corkscrew for what seemed like half a year, i started another full solo, project moonchild. again, lack of organization killed this, and i'm not sure if i'll finish this or not. i doubt it, though. i don't really like it. nowadays, i started yet another solo, hopefully it'll be finished becuase i actually planned it out in detail, instead of just winging it the whole way.
i released i think two designs that were actually finished, though neither was very popular, the second getting maybe four posts on the release. i've also started god knows how many other designs and miniparks, none of which got very far. except maybe one, which is almost finished, haha. i really need to work on my motivation.
so yeah there we go, my amazing rct history. enjoy it. -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Its been an honor. The best RCT community that has actually stuck around. I do admit I miss the good old days with Danimation, RCT Station, and my site X-Designs.
I just hope a few of us can keep this community to go even longer.
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