RCT Discussion / RCT History
11-July 04
Jellybones Offline
Ahahahahahaha.^ You can see yourself out.
Anyway, my RCT history, which is very fuzzy. I got RCT1 in January 2000, and played with all the scenarios for a while. Somehow I ended up at Danimation in the summer and at the forums in August 2000, under the name Tyler24 and later, Original Prankstah (sad, isn't it?). But I didn't have Corkscrew Follies so I couldn't download any Spotlights. I remember the first Spotlight on the page when I got there was the newly released Hersheypark recreation. When LL came out in October of that year, that's when I could get a hold of all the old spotlights, and I was generally amazed. I got into this mega-park thing and made a few parks...one was a Christmas park, and one was a Six Flags park. I remember them both being terrible and I'm pretty sure no one looked at them. I was also working on a big park with 22 roller coasters or something and it was pretty shit as well, but I never finished it. If I ever hook up (see also: find) my old computer, I'll show everyone my old RCT1 parks. Then sometime towards the end of 2001, I left the community in favor of new hobbies - Pokemon cards, for instance.
Sometime in 2002 (it was shortly after the ridiculously egocentric D-Day shit) I came back to check up on things and I found this RCT2 thing, and it looked really cool. In the time I was gone all hell had broken loose at Danimation, including the aformentioned Civil War. So I reregistered in October 2002 as QOTSA-2002 and got RCT2 and all was good, except that there was no longer an RCT presence at Danimation. Eventually I stumbled across a link to NewElement. And I registered here at the end of 2002 and I found where the RCT is at. Since I'm too lazy to bother with a park I lasted a long time posting meaningless drivel with lots of swear words, and that's how I became a legend. But right now I'm working on QFTB-X (the X is for XTREME!) and H2H3 and a solo project and I'm becoming useful.
And that's my RCT history. -
Elephant6 Offline
- Got demo of RCT in 2000 or so.
- Decided to get the full game.
- Got LL when it came out.
- My LL disk cracked and I was so brokenhearted I never bought a new one.
- Stopped playing RCT.
- Got RCT2 when it came out.
- Built a shitload of park that takes noob to a whole new level.
- In spring of '03, joined Coasters2k under the name jacko8.
- Got banned, but rejoined as et33. I now regret that, since everyone there with the exeption of dementedbear and RCTandy turned out to be a complete bitch.
- Around April, left Coasters2k, even though I still stalk it occasionally.
- Dissapeared from the RCT community for a few months.
- Discovered NE, and downloaded the RCT2 parks.
- Here I am now! -
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
Mine is pretty fucking long. But I don't wanna' type it all.
I think my brother got the game, for Christmas about 3 or 4 years ago, but I was the only one who ever played it. I found Chocobogo's site, downloaded parks, and was on the forums and such.
I then went off to some random sites to help with them and tried to start a couple of my own. Needless to say, it was quite unsuccessful. Anyways, I found RCTUK.
Ah, RCTUK. Pretty cool forums, mantis was there. Back in the day I was Dman, right? Yep, yep. Yeah, but we all got banned for participating in the 3 word story.
I never really joined danimation. I didn't have a valid email. Fuckers. Anyway.
Next I joined RCT Station as A New Found Glory, because I was dumb and had a hard-on for that shitty song 2 or 3 years ago. Yep, never finished a park there, just spammed and flamed, basically.
Then, I found NE. Back when the site was Blue and Gold and stuff. Cool site, I joined, and blah blah. -
Turtleman Offline
I got rct the first year it came out I think.. I used to play it with my friends and such. But not until LL came out I started going to some forums. I wanted cheats for the game and I came about RCT Station. I lurked there for a few months and then decided to join in August 2001. This was when I was "nice" I guess. I then became a moderator and everything was good. I remember having a wonderful time at RCT Station. Then I started acting like an asshole around the time I joined NE a year later. I did join Danimation, but I can't remember much.
But here I am now. Never released a full solo.
Yet. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Mine is pretty short and n00bish.
I got the original RCT for Christmas when it first came out.. which was like 1999.. or whenever. I don't remember. I tried it, but thought it was dumb because I didn't understand how to play it. I liked Sim Rollercoaster better or whatever it was called. RCT became a dust collector on my shelf for a year or so before a friend started playing it and showed me how to play. So I only played the scenarios.
Then in Summer of 2002, a friend showed me Coasterbuzz where I discovered forums.. and registered under various names because I learned that the site is filled with pretentious a-holes. I bought RCT2 and mainly just uploaded and downloaded stuff from Coasterbuzz games.
So somewhere in the CB forums, there were various links of RCT sites such as RCT Station.. rct2.com.. danimation.. and NE. I remember going to the Station various times out of a google search to d/l parks and stuff. I first registered at the Station.. but it closed almost weeks after I registered. Then I registered at rct2.com where I advertised a couple of noob parks.. and then joined NE later on. I had browsed Danimation several times but never really joined. Later, I somehow I got into RCTI.. where I started getting more and more active and involved. And I began liking NE more so now I have made it my home site.. and rarely go back to CB because it is lame.. and still visit rct2.com occasionally.
The end. -
Steve Offline
I bought RCT when it first came out, I played all those bullshit scenarios and tried to acually make a real park with peeps and everything. I did that until the release of RCT2.
When I got RCT2, I still played the scenarios. Then a little bit after I bought the game, I stumbled onto RCT2.com in search for a decent Disney park (I found lazyboy's). I joined, posted some shit screens, then I heard about NE, browsed that forever and just downloading the parks and never joined.
Then I joined NE in September, under the name steve41 (I later changed it to steve, elemental, and the now finalized Steve). I posted some more shit parks, and I improved and I joined RCTU:P. Then, that club drifted into the shadows, and I popped into rctX for like, a week, then I joined RCTI where I am now (and staying).
Now things are good, I got a lot of stuff going, met some cool people, joined some nice clubs, and I've had some great fun.
And now I'm here. And in that entire time I haven't released a park. Some neat contest entries though. Anyway. Yeah. -
JKay Offline
My RCT history is actually quite similar to Steve's.
My rollercoaster game history started with a game called Theme Park back in like 1995. I played it for a couple years. I only briefly played some of the RCT1 scenerios back in like 1999. Then I came across RCT2 in a store around April '03 and picked it up. Thats when I thought it was cool to beat the scenerios. Then in like August '03, I began to play around with the scenerio editor and designed some really shitty parks. Soon there after, I discovered there was a huge online community with the game and began browsing various fan sites. The first park I ever downloaded was Kumba's Miami Amusements and it made me realize what the game was really capable of. In November '03, I stumbled across NE and was scared to join at first, but finally got the nerve to register and began posting. I was really good at being a n00b then and almost gave up after getting flamed on my Contentment Castles park. I decided to stick with it and the rest is history. -
Dixi Offline
In November '03, I stumbled across NE and was scared to join at first, but finally got the nerve to register and began posting.
I was exactly the same, I remember reading other 'noobs' topics and they were flamed to hell with stuff like "this is just plain shit". Man I miss those days, the standard was so high. I remember advertising my first park at NE, it was called Phoenix Falls, I basicly had to beg them not to flame me. I also used to play theme park, theme park world, and then theme park inc. I still think they are really good games, but most people hate them. -
Kumba Offline
*blushing* thx JKThe first park I ever downloaded was Kumba's Miami Amusements and it made me realize what the game was really capable of.
mantis Offline
That's why it's best to be around right from the beginning cos then you've got nothing to live up toIn November '03, I stumbled across NE and was scared to join at first, but finally got the nerve to register and began posting.
Marshy Offline
I started out by playing and playing the rct1 demo at my uncles house. After a while I found out that my friend had RCT1 on his computer so I went round to his house every day to play on it. After a few weeks I finally got my own copy of the game. But the problem was that my computer was more or less a heap of scrap from my uncles computer workshop, just old unused parts stuck together to make a shitty Windows 3.1 computer without colour, a keyboard or a CD-ROM drive. So then after I finally got my new computer (current computer) I installed the game and played the scenarios non-stop. One of my friends copied me a version of AA after a few months and I started playing on that (I fell in love with Funtopia, it is Funtopia, right?). So then I got LL of another friend and started on those scenarios and finally got connected to the internet. As everyone does, I just scoured the internet everyday looking for park downloads and scenarios, of course I couldnt find many. So then I got RCT2 and was really pissed off at the bad quality of the scenarios. So then I started visiting the rct2.com main site (not the forums) for downloads and such. I was bored one day and wondered what the hell the word "forum" actually meant and I decided to click and TADAAAAAA. I was in the rct2.com forums. I joined around the time that the site was extremely quiet and there were only 5 or 6 posts per day, around the time that Wisconsin was the main park advertised.
I joined the Station a few months later, And yes, I DID join a club called "RCT: Shapeshifters" owned by Xcite, and he advised me to download AIM so I could talk to the club members, and then I was bored yet again one day (this was the time when you just stayed on the forums all day waiting for people to post) and I saw that Metro was online and I decided to contact him, we spoke for a few days and decided to make a park together called "Wild Wonders" (this was after I released my first park "Afrika").
So then I quit RCT: SS after Xcite got booted from the site, leading to a collapse in the club and I set my sights on joining RCT:I, I had to wait a while because I was stuck behind Kumba in the waiting list. I finally got in after a while.
I made a few parks with them, quit and joined SDI, then I quit SDI and joined RCTU:P, and then I went on a few month break and came back and joined RCTU. And so-on and so-on (this is the part that my hands got tired of typing and I decided to rush the rest of the story =P).
I'm here. Hi. -
TsUnamI Offline
I just got the original RCT1 and I loved it to death. The park with Grapevine ruled, kept editing it and editing until the coaster got old. That was the fun that I got out of RCT then. I happened to find the official website and downloaded ALL the tracks they had. I loved them. I never finished the scenario, I just found it fun to edit and build roller coasters. Then CF and LL came out. That was my heaven. I ran into New Element and dowloaded Universal Island Extreme. I was wondering and wondering HOW to make a park like that. It was amazing. A friend showed me chenario editor. Sweet heaven. I started to hack and stuff, never successful. I downloaded Tropico Horizons (That was the most recent Spotlight when I joined) and loved it. I found Elrocko's parks and that is what made me want to start making parks again. After a few years my abilities to make parks never grew. I wanted to make parks SO bad but I just couldn't. I downloaded some of iPark's parks and was amazed, and I wondered why I couldn't make a simple park. I took a break for awhile.
We moved out of our old house to the new house. I found my RCT LL CD again and I started to play again. No luck on the parks. I fell in love with Elrocko's parks, I just couldn't make a good park to satisfy myself.
We moved again.
We are now settled in our newest house. I lost my RCT LL CD. I wasn't too sad, just because I KNEW I couldn't make a park. I took a long break. RCT2 was announced, I was SO excited. I was ALREADY planning my parks. I went to the store and bought it RIGHT AWAY. I found the scenario editor and I was like... "THIS is MY game." I was convincd to prove myself and make a good park. Not too much longer did I find Wormwood and Euroscape. I decided to take parks seriously this time around. I downloaded some custom scenery and was on my way to making one of the most satisfying parks EVER. I finished some of it, and was like... "How am I going to show this off?" I joined the New Elementforums finally with the s/n MantisFan794. I advertised my first park. The European Expedition. It went swell, I got good comments from non-parkmakers and 2 parkmakers. I think I just found my game, I thought. I quit that park with loss of imagination, then advertised Carribean Myst Resort on ACN. No one liked it, so I quit again. Then I started my new park, Warner Bros. Spring Resort. I worked SO hard on it, and It featured some cool ideas (does anyone remember my underwater skatepark?), I advertised it here. I was SO CLOSE to being done, and I got an error trapper. I was NEVER able to finish it. Grr. I took a break. Played The Sims for a bit, then came back. By then I had gotten TONS of experience, IMO, this was my best park ever. The Golden Bay. THE most detailed and eye-pleasing park that has come from me. EVER. By then I had the s/n SWY by the way. I lost inpiration, again. I caught the Disney trend, and made a few. I failed miserably, and lost more inspiration, and decided to take a seious break. After the break I started to build Warner Bros. Spring Resort back up again. I lost more inspiration, too bad the park was pretty cool too. I lost ALL my inpiration. I treind to make more parks, including Sea World's Golden Waters, Phantasia Tribute, and Golden Bay 2.0. I never finished a park in my whole life, after going through ALL those projects. Now I just download RCT2 parks, and cherish them. No more parkmaking. A shame, too, cause my real talent showed when I advertised The Golden Bay, and that had potential, ALOT of it. Now I just sit here and wait for RCT3 to come. I just hope I get successful in that game... Oh well, I always have my XBOX and Gamecube...
And I lived happily ever after....
The End. -
iris Offline
Most people that have been around here already know mine. But let's see if I have the patience to actually sit here and type it.
I started out a noob at Danimation back in mid 2000. I made all the regular noobish mistakes, i.e. being way too anxious to meet new people. Anyways, the first thing that got my name out there at all where these polls....pretty similar to the one Valp made a day or so ago, asking everybody's favorite everything. They were probably more irritating then fun, since I asked just about every possible question and the poll was about fifty questions but hey, I was having fun. Anyways...some time passed and eventually I became a normal member, but still could not break out from the rest of the crowd if my life depended on it. So one night at about 3 A.M. I made my first "List". I listed my top fifty parks that I'd ever seen, and I believe at that time my number one park was Lee's Faultline. Time passed and I started doing the List on a monthly basis because it was the first thing I ever did that garnered a huge response. Eventually I decided to change it up every other month and list the top looking upcoming parks coming out, with large descriptions of each. I panned the Advertising Forum non-stop and basically lived in there for a little while seeing every screen that had been posted. So, I posted my top upcoming parks...and gradually more and more people wanted to see their name on that list.\
So people started sending me parks to test. I would write elaborate walkthroughs spotting every single damn thing in the park, and eventually I became known as one of the best three park testers (Corkscrewed & Sean O) were the other two. Their walkthroughs were public though and mine were just written in e-mail responses to each respective parkmaker. It didn't matter how good or bad the park was, I judged it. Took a shit load of time but that's how I made a name for myself. Eventually I got the bigger names to start sending me their parks and that's when I became "famous". Everybody wanted their name on my list, or one of my walkthroughs so I became one of the experts as far as RCT went. I became friends with all the major players at Danimation, from Buster to sacoasterfreak to Kryptic Master (aka Fatha). Every cool looking upcoming park that was coming out, I would have seen already.
So then about a year passed and I was very happy with my place at Danimation. I was a very prominent figure in the community, everybody knew me and I was the supreme source of RCT knowledge. Then Dan made a casting call for new mods, and since that had always been an ambitious goal of mine, I applied. To my surprise, I had a lot of support for me when I applied...lots of posts like "yeah Iris should be one", etc. that really made me feel like I had the spot locked, especially since they were looking for mods in the Advertising forum which was my 'specialty'. Anyways, as the story goes...I did not get picked. They picked three morons instead of me and I got royally pissed and threw a temper tantrum. Fortunately I did though, because my little tantrum was the first little flare in what eventually erupted into the Danimation 'civil war'. I went completely apeshit on them and more people then I expected got my back...big name people too that I had become friends with, the best parkmakers at the site (well some of them). Then I talked to Alex who smugly informed me that there was a fourth mod spot, and if I didn't overreact it would have been mine (easy to say after the fact, but fuck her) and Adix got that. Still, I had crazy mad support from everyone who was complaining that it should have been mine (wow it was such a big deal then) and so they were cornered into giving me a chat mod spot, although I had no idea how to use mIRC.
Anyways, it was then that I met Adix. He was known as a cool guy but still very new around the community. I was pretty pissed off that this asshole n00b had gotten the spot over me, but once I talked to him in the chat room he was very cool...telling me he believed that I shoudl have gotten a spot, etc. Probably didn't mean it, but didn't hurt to kiss my ass since I was a more well known member at the time. Anyways, I became friendly with Adix, and at the same time a project I had started known as "New Element" (named by Nevis) grew. It was originally supposed to be nothing more then a RCT Club, similar to X-Designs and Two Flags at the time (and RCTU, M, and I now). And since I was such a popular dude, I got all my big name friends to join it. Kryptic Master was a good friend of mine as was Corkscrewed, so they were two of the original members. Nevis was a great friend of mine who I met through IOAGuy, so both joined my club (although Nevis wasnt known for being good yet). Natelox was in, mp3mystro was in, KumbaMaster, and even Buster who was well known as a "Dnet Fanboy". And that was (very unofficially) the first group of parkmakers ever. I could be completely wrong about some, but that's the memory I have of it.
So, after my little war with Dan & Alex...they gave me the job of moderating the "Forum Spotlight" for them. I was pretty thrilled because I figured this would be right up my alley. Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was doing because I didn't read the "Rules & Regulations of Being a Mod" e-mail they sent (yeah, they took it that seriously) and I accidentally deleted an entire thread, which was a full week's round of parks instead of one post...because I didn't know which "delete" I had pushed. They completely went nuts on me and fired me, and really layed into me, but I let it slide. Then I had posted sign-ups for the new "New Element", where I could add all these parkmakers to my club. I remember x-sector joining then, roomraider was in, I believe rctrealpark, aero21 joined then, Fanatic of RCT, etc. I had a huge list of great parkmakers....really completely blowing away every other club there was...it wasn't even a comparison. Then one night when I was feeling nostalgic, I wrote my infamous "Danimation Evolution" post, which outlined by history at Dnet and how I felt the site was unfortunately declining, in a very professional and sincere way. Anyways, in a post that didn't break any rules or bash the site at all....I got banned for that...completely. IP Banned everything, I couldn't go back to the site that I had visited non-stop for the past few years.
It was then that I decided New Element couldn't just be a club....but in fact a website. A whole new website. At first the idea was started as a rip off of POLAR's "Two Stars" site...a website that basically had parkmakers and a spotlight, and was what Danimation used to be for RCT...a place for the game and nothing else. That was my vision, and since POLAR's Two Stars never really got off the ground for more then a few months, I took over where he left off. If his site failed, then NE would never have existed. I remember seeing the sneak preview of his site, something nobody was supposed to see...where Sandia Peaks by Joe Holland was the first Spotlight they had, the parkmaker pages were beautiful, and I just remembered how much I wanted to run a site just like that. So when they went down, I took the initiative. Originally I had Buster building me a website layout, but I really didn't like the way it looked...way too amateur-ish. So I talked to my good friend at the time Sboarder who was amazing at web-design and he created the original look to New Element. The vintage blue & gold. I posted at Danimation under the alias of "Marx" and "Makaveli" as I figured out how to get past the ban with help from the 'hacker legend' Red Dog, and I quietly informed everyone who I was ever friends with about the opening day of New Element.
The day came and it was a huge success. The spotlight was unveiled as Nevis' groundbreaking "Universal's Island Xtreme", and when people saw that park...they knew this site was for real. On a whole different level then what people were used to seeing with RCT. We had hidden parks, stealing the idea from Danimation, from people like Fatha' Grinch...big names. The List made it's full return as a full feature this time, kinda like how you see it today but with a lot less features and less cool looking. We had NE Designs from Nevis as well to help the site open...an idea I took from RCPro, but this one with Sboarder's permission. And of course the Parkmaker section that was and still is our cornerstone. So I opened up the forums and things got big in a hurry.
New parkmakers came and went, and we've since grown as a site into the undisputed king of RCT sites. And me, I'm just a measley 18 year old punk who threw a tantrum and got all of his buddies to join his side after he didn't get his way. But hey...Dan was a punk ass who deserved to get hacked (lmao at whoever hacked the RCT forums that one time) and Alex is a stupid ugly dyke that is too afraid to give her real name on a message board because so many people hate her. And while I may be a young arrogant punk, I treat most people pretty well...and I devote all my time and effort into this site, and keeping it number one.
So...I'd like to thank all the parkmakers that have ever 'worked' here for all their help. This site wouldn't be the same without you guys:
2.Bokti aka Harakiri
5.Coaster Ed
7.Evil WME
10.Gutterflower aka Roomraider
28.Blind Guardian
31.Fanatic of RCT
32.Hyper Helix
33.Last Arch Angel
35.Nitrous Oxide
37.Roberto Roboparks
38.Scarface aka adamrct
40.Tony aka KumbaMaster
47.Magnus Polyspaton
52.Stealthy (going way back)
53.Butz (wow way back)
54.zeNshiFt aka Hoffman George
The full staff of Parkmakers that have ever put on that red and silver suit.
Thanks! -
JBruckner Offline
Great post iris, it all seems so long ago.
No one knew me at Danimation but I remember reading that parkmaker list for NE on Danimation, I was like jesus they have alot of good people.
Oh well, it's good the community has someone like you iris. -
guljam Offline
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the dog and it gives a Buddhist mass and when it will go over end it goes over that moral cultivated land which it does to peel and cloud dignity my right su the friend of 5 villages of the providence daughter does ten years those legs of the place where the leg of the fairy comes out and su the place where is it does and su increases Kim end order Sea Yuss where the son of the friend who knows is the mother of evacuation.. That person when the cone phwu with su thu it is eating the cone phwu with su thu biting, that the box the vibration feels with a rustle in her body and huy the American one goosebumps rises and the vocabulary power of the impression which is mysterious quite Uss all! ! !
hya! It was a real impression and cyo I liked, ' Pak separation ' The female lover place now which is it does not meet but to former times it loved in vain cyo from dream that child pe, that child where sees the D groove blood but it will do and that child boyfriend it will do and the photograph it will take
together and and it will hang and and and to see it cried It is like that and me it decides and goes with the place which lives in former times and that child of awareness like that nine bedspread me Iss than in the mind which is glad Oh! Oh! Oh!! le Oh! Oh! play this Raess cyo The place name which is the Pak separation younger brother Hoon in Pak Uss cyo.. That child it did and there was it played but the truth fun and From dream that unit of realness grass Uss cyo I in Pak separation send a real eye tearing confession with sincerity awareness " Difficulty... " It is like that, me " Egg U you pe D groove fatigue it will see and but me it will be extensive, " le It did and Hoon in Pak should have played together, the
printed style of writing bicycle and khik the board thass cyo ccwuk The place which comes out to the old dream which goes but.. The new Rog new Rog memory is born. It runs just with that piece, well! the bedspread When muscle place me some the friend whom it does unpleasantly goes appeared well! those le nine line me of the bedspread slowly, " At 80 height at 80 height.. " It is like this.. Nail good season to catch the inside bicycle and well! the bedspread to this time be like that " At 160 height at 160 height " The store putting paragraph it comes with the bicycle like this, well! the bedspread I am horrible, screen month lyess cyo! From that time at real speed per hour 160 height Um Chung being born month lyess cyo as the mountain cycle must do or Um Chung cries at above and thwung the bulgy place it passes just, the younger! That time realness actually.. Candle su reel! $$ln But.. Grudge the absurdly big construction site was one and well! the place where it becomes the bedspread container assembly house the body which gets pursued is west awareness two it entered That Raess it trembles that suddenly Boong to float, Robots came with middle age and well! it was that maze of the bedspread but Rightly there is a door before, well! the bedspread It is like that and opens the awareness door
from before pheng! It does and it breaks.. With the shock it was bumped against by the wall and before it died, cyo In you shoes Hoon in Pak substitution escape Haeju Uss cyo This picture will cultivate and me professional it will hang and the place where it is a picture which depicts.. 100% it is identical,! -
Panoramical Offline
Er basically we've bot 2 Copies of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, 2 Copies of Wacky Worlds, 2 Copies of LL, 2 Copies of the original RCT. I got into parkmaking in October 2003, i made path whores before that...got into the original RCT after a demo that came with a PC Magazine, though it was good so bought it. and there we are... -
Mike Robbins Offline
Am I the only person that has no idea what the hell guljam is talking about?Bedspreads???
Corkscrewed Offline
Sherri Alexandria Smith to be exact.Alex's real name is Sherri Smith, no kidding.
Anyway, reading Nate's post brought me back. It's really cool to see how far you've gone. I like to take responsibility for "finding" you, but of course, in reality, it was all you. Still, I do remember when you were a nervous n00b asking me to test your park. Those were good times.
And of course, Iris took us way back. Don't forget, Matt. I made you. You wouldn't be who you are without me.(yeah, obviously I'm kidding, but remember when you were asking me "how to get famous?"
Mike, you are the longest-serving RCT community member in my memory. There may be others who've been longer (not many I'm sure), but I remember your Seven Wonders and wondering if I could ever get that good. I remember Cav's RCT Depot and its coaster video downloads (which killed bandwidth and eventually brought the site down partially because of the bandwidth, and also because Cav didn't have time of course). Back then, I was absolutely abysmal.
And yeah, I'm not sure what guljam said either, but just agree with him, or he'll stab you with his samurai sword!
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