(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney ImaginStudios Ohio
04-July 04
Toon Offline
Ok, I try to be nice and all, but....
Play the game, have fun, enjoy yourself, but don't post screens like that and expect people here to like them. Even if they are unfinished they show no signs of ever being good. Can't you see that the only reason this topic is still open is because people are laughing at you?
Please, someone close this topic. I really can't take it anymore.
This has gotten ridiculous and cheapens the whole site.
Close it... -
Jellybones Offline
I don't think the mods care about your input as to close this topic or not.Don't close it, I want sombody to post why has my park just gotten bugs and gltches, you know the guests comming into the gift shop outside of the park. How to complete my second entrence, and how to fix the bugs about the rides put inside of the building suddenly chrashing.
DragonInferno Offline
Holy Shit, I think I just soiled my pants after seeing those screens.
I didn't know anything could suck that much. Proves how things can change your perspective. -
Highball Offline
Here's a thought for you SU182: I said no, i fucking mean no. So crawl back into whatever dark corner you came from fuck yourself silly.How about yes, The quere line won't work with rides I put underground, and stop mocking me or each other. P.S. Contruction Pictures, Comming Soon In My Picturetrail account.
natelox Offline
Wow. I'll try not to be an asshole about it, but please forgive me if I come off that way. I don't like it. As many others have indicated, the architecture is not very good at all. I won't bother giving you tips on how to fix it up because there is a lot (too much) of room for improvment. I would suggest downloading a few RCTLL spotlights. Look at them, look at the architecture, look at the themeing, that paths and everything. Judging by the screens I've seen, I would assume you have never downloaded a spotlight park, and that would be the best place to start. Now, if you're going for some classic feel, it isn't working for you. Good luck! -
Highball Offline
What the hell gave you that idea?Just a complement, It's not a group project, and you mean no Mad Dawg, But were still friends
Zephyr Offline
^ LOL. SU182 is a comic genius.
But seriously, someone should take care of this nonsense.
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