(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney ImaginStudios Ohio

  • GuestSU182%s's Photo
    Hey Guys

    Since you know that all the parks are submitted are RCT Parks. and I'm working on a new studio experience Which is really an actually a Studio. and the Downtown Disney is really going to be theamed downtown with Imagination and will be the first downtown disney to include a big screen TV and an IMAX screened AMC Theater. I don't wan't you to so you the photos cause it will ruin the suprise. and also I'm having trouble getting the second entrnce to be usable. and sto[ the flow of guest from comming from the Studio Store. I'm currently using the Beast Trainer, DragonsIOA Trainer, and The TRG Swiss Knife Trainer to wipe out all of the guests. :'( And I need to fix those bugs when I publish it to the NEspotlight. and also I need a .PCX to .BMP or ..JPG. I need someone to fix all of the bugs in the park. Please?
  • Disney Freak%s's Photo
    You're the best!
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    [sarcasm] I'm sure it'll be as popular as the Disney Studio's in Paris. [/sarcasm]

    From the sound of it, you aren't as popular as SAC, Mala, Cork, TPM, or Alec, so I wouldn't be surprised if this and your other topic were closed within the hour.

    Have a happy fourth of jew-lie.
  • GuestSU182%s's Photo
    Okay, Tell me how to get a second entrence operational and Stop the guests from comming from the studio store.

    P.S. .PCX To .JPG I need it.
  • yyo%s's Photo

    [sarcasm] I'm sure it'll be as popular as the Disney Studio's in Paris. [/sarcasm]

    From the sound of it, you aren't as popular as SAC, Mala, Cork, TPM, or Alec, so I wouldn't be surprised if this and your other topic were closed within the hour.

    Have a happy fourth of jew-lie.

    Obviously you don't know who SU182 is.
  • Silenced%s's Photo

    [sarcasm] I'm sure it'll be as popular as the Disney Studio's in Paris. [/sarcasm]

    From the sound of it, you aren't as popular as SAC, Mala, Cork, TPM, or Alec, so I wouldn't be surprised if this and your other topic were closed within the hour.

    Have a happy fourth of jew-lie.

    Obviously you don't know who SU182 is.

  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo

    [sarcasm] I'm sure it'll be as popular as the Disney Studio's in Paris. [/sarcasm]

    From the sound of it, you aren't as popular as SAC, Mala, Cork, TPM, or Alec, so I wouldn't be surprised if this and your other topic were closed within the hour.

    Have a happy fourth of jew-lie.

    Obviously you don't know who SU182 is.


    Was that really neccesary?

    Is this really neccesary?

    SU182, post a pic plz!
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    No, it's true this guy has a topic 9 pages long advertising duh bestest groupie perk evener! (Never mind that it's in the landfill ;))


  • Yung Wun%s's Photo

    No, it's true this guy has a topic 9 pages long advertising duh bestest groupie perk evener! (Never mind that it's in the landfill ;))



    And your 6? 7? Maybe 7 1/2?

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ha. NE,classic. Where ya can act like a bitch and no one can do nuthin about it.
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo

    No, it's true this guy has a topic 9 pages long advertising duh bestest groupie perk evener! (Never mind that it's in the landfill ;))



    And your 6? 7? Maybe 7 1/2?

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Ha. NE,classic. Where ya can act like a bitch and no one can do nuthin about it.

    At least you're not a hypocrite.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Lol. 7&1/2! Try twice that dip shit. SU182 is oblivius to all we say to him so acting like an ass in his threads can only be expected.

    And CGM, thank you.

  • Yung Wun%s's Photo

    Lol.  7&1/2!  Try twice that dip shit.  SU182 is oblivius to all we say to him so acting like an ass in his threads can only be expected.

    And CGM, thank you.


    Look, shut the hell up. I don't give a shit who he is alright.

    I don't think the guy is God or Jesus now is he? So, I dont care who he is.

    Post a screen...

    Quit suckin his dick. Get off him.
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    How the hell are we sucking his dick?

    If anything we're ridiculing him, moron.

    Really, no argument you an bring up is valid, because there really aren't any. And you're a dumbass.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Lol.  7&1/2!  Try twice that dip shit.  SU182 is oblivius to all we say to him so acting like an ass in his threads can only be expected.

    And CGM, thank you.


    Look, shut the hell up. I don't give a shit who he is alright.

    I don't think the guy is God or Jesus now is he? So, I dont care who he is.

    Post a screen...

    Quit suckin his dick. Get off him.

    He's never posted a screen before and I don't believe he knows how.

    And incase you haven't noticed he is completely oblivius to what we ask/tell him to do. SU182, god or Jesus? Such a consept is laughable, God has knowledge beyond anything we meager humans can imagine. I'm not even all that religious but even I can believe that.

    Why don't you quit sucking his dick? You're the one standing up for him, I was only defending the entirity of NE. Live with it or get the fuck out!

  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo
    i have to side with yung wun on this one. what if i started a topic saying im planning a park but i wont show screens untill its released? who the fuck cares? what are we supposed to say? yippee? this topic is pointless.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    Who the hell is he, anyway?

    And, don't take advantage of the freespeakyness of NE. You still will get banned. :|
  • Adix%s's Photo
    It appears that most of you don't know SU182... don't worry, at the end of all this, you'll be going "Thread Delivers"
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Personally I know this park will be groundbreaking, upbeat, and spectacular!
    Can't wait to see your next piece SU182.

    Maybe its time for another groupe park?
  • Yung Wun%s's Photo

    Who the hell is he, anyway?

    And, don't take advantage of the freespeakyness of NE. You still will get banned. :|

    I dont say stupid shit though.
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo
    Adix, give me his number so I can call him and tell him how great its going to be!


    And your 6? 7? Maybe 7 1/2?

    I don't think the guy is God or Jesus now is he? So, I dont care who he is

    Obviously you do.


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