(Archive) Advertising District / Walt Disney ImaginStudios Ohio

  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    I need to post 2 screenshots from my PC.

    Then post them.
  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo
    jesus fucking christ who the fuck is this guy? you say hes soooo good at RCT yet he doesnt know how to post a fucking picture? listen up!
    1) open up your park
    2) get to the spot you want to show us
    3) click on the disk icon on the top left corner
    4) click "screenshot"
    5) close rct
    6) open up MS paint
    7) click file - open
    8) go to C drive local disk, program files, infogrames interactive, RCT2, now look for a file named SCR1 and fucking open it
    9) click file again and then "save as"
    10) save it as a fucking JPEG
    11) show it to us
  • DragonInferno%s's Photo

    you say hes soooo good at RCT yet he doesnt know how to post a fucking picture?

    Obviosuly you can't detect sarcasm.
  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo
    obviously i cant
  • laz0rz%s's Photo

    listen up!

    4) click "screenshot"
    5) save game
    6) close rct
    7) open up MS paint

    Obviously you can't detect something else, dummy.
  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo
    if he opens his park and takes the screenshot, the game will be opne for about 15 seconds therefor having no reason to save. what are you talking about?
  • VC15SA%s's Photo

    listen up!

    4) click "screenshot"
    5) save game
    6) close rct
    7) open up MS paint

    Obviously you can't detect something else, dummy.

    Obviously you're five years old.
  • TsUnamI%s's Photo

    if he opens his park and takes the screenshot, the game will be opne for about 15 seconds therefor having no reason to save.  what are you talking about?

    Obviously you don't know that when he [i]opnes[] a park, he HAS to save cause the boy is 12 and therefore does not know what in the world to do so a saves it and then brags about it to everyone so he looks smart. Adur!!!!!!!!!111!1

    ...and obviously I am stupid therefore I don't know what I am taking about...

    when can I die?
  • Highball%s's Photo
    omg let this topic die!
  • VC15SA%s's Photo

    Obviously you don't know that when he [i]opnes[] a park, he HAS to save cause the boy is 12 and therefore does not know what in the world to do so a saves it and then brags about it to everyone so he looks smart. Adur!!!!!!!!!111!1

    ...and obviously I am stupid therefore I don't know what I am taking about...

    when can I die?

  • GuestSU182%s's Photo
    From The P.C.

    P.S. Due to bugs in the rides, This park is on hold, Until I can fix it.
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Oh, boo hoo.
  • Disney Freak%s's Photo
    ^ What he said....
  • DarkRideExpert%s's Photo
    Geez,people. Lighten up. It's just on hold. :lol:
  • YourPalJay%s's Photo
    This park has been on hold since he started this topic. Maybe Mad Dawg will come help him - make it a group park!!


  • Highball%s's Photo

    Maybe Mad Dawg will come help him - make it a group park!!

    How about fuck no.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    From The P.C.

    P.S. Due to bugs in the rides, This park is on hold, Until I can fix it.

    This is bullshit.
  • GuestSU182%s's Photo

    How about fuck no.

    How about yes, The quere line won't work with rides I put underground, and stop mocking me or each other. P.S. Contruction Pictures, Comming Soon In My Picturetrail account.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    I really, really, really, really miss my mod powers at the moment. :'(
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    How about yes, The quere line won't work with rides I put underground, and stop mocking me or each other.  P.S. Contruction Pictures, Comming Soon In My Picturetrail account.

    Telling someone whether or not they're involved with your park. That's good shit, SU182.


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