Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Begins...Challenges & Deadline
01-July 04
deanosrs Offline
^ If you restart your comp, that always puts it right for me. If not, it's probably an object error, unless you just hacked the game to shit, in which case one extremely annoying solution would be if you exported objects last time you saved to clear out your object folder and reload the saved game. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Good thing I'm not going against you this round, eh?I bet your layout sucks more than a lolly sucking on another lolly!
Mine rocks. -
rK_ Offline
ahhh, thank you deano^ If you restart your comp, that always puts it right for me. If not, it's probably an object error, unless you just hacked the game to shit, in which case one extremely annoying solution would be if you exported objects last time you saved to clear out your object folder and reload the saved game.
Junya Boy Offline
You know the only downturn to sharing the scenery is that opponents may have the same any event it may turn into judging the execution and the coaster, and just pushing the "theme"aside.Hey Junya, Ive started !!! Thanks for that awsome scenery
Jellybones Offline
Judging the COASTER?!? In a ROLLERCOASTER Tycoon contest??? I can't fathom such a thing!!! -
Scarface Offline
i have 6 days between now and 22nd to finish
Working Nights are shit. The layout of my coaster is also shit. -
Junya Boy Offline
Judging the COASTER?!? In a ROLLERCOASTER Tycoon contest??? I can't fathom such a thing!!!
Look bitch....
Mr. Iwantatitleofanasshole
It required a THEMED coaster.
Its obvious judging would consider all aspects of the coaster and its surroundings, and how well [the coaster] was executed and themed, therefore primarily judging parkmaking skills. Remember dumbass, QFTB is for parkmaking, not just coaster designing, regardless of it being a roller coaster game or not....
again, let me reiterate.
dont try to be an asshole wit me -
Jellybones Offline
Yes, themed coaster, got it. But you know some asshole is gonna come in with some inoperable coaster. Hey, maybe next round we can all build HOTELS! -
hobbes Offline
Junya, I think he was just kidding around. Ya know, like a joke?
Ah well, I'll let you guys settle it out. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
Nope, mine actually works this time.Yes, themed coaster, got it. But you know some asshole is gonna come in with some inoperable coaster. Hey, maybe next round we can all build HOTELS!
Unconventional? Yes.
But it works.
Ha! What are you gonna do? I answered a question that wasn't directed at me.
Bet you're embarrassed.
¡Ha sido servido! ¡ESCUELA VIEJO! -
laz0rz Offline
Ya mean, "Ya know like sarcasm?"Ya know, like a joke?
[IMPRESSION=Jamacian guy]Ya man, you need to be literate.[/IMPRESSION] -
Steve Offline
Well, my mine train sucks. I restarted it, and its looking better.
I'm just lacking the motivation to finish this thing. -
Jellybones Offline
Christ man, it's only a mine train. Just make one. Not that big of a project. If you bail out of this you're gonna look pretty pathetic. -
Corkscrewed Offline
I kinda feel like my entry isn't good enough, that the quality isn't brilliant.
I should blame X-Sector for this, but you won't know why until you receive his Love. -
Turtleman Offline
Its this Sunday Fenix, Build Fast!
EDIT AGAIN: Okay.. It's due 2 weeks from today....
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