Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Begins...Challenges & Deadline
01-July 04
iris Offline
OK, I'm back.
I'm updating the first post now so you can see who's entries I got.
If you sent it in and I didn't get it, contact me immediately.
Thanks to Toon who took the initiative and thought of a plan to save some Bender & TPM's entries will be counted too (and anyone else who already has their park in his inbox).
Everyone else, sorry but it's too late now.
I'm sure a lot of you will try and use the "iris' mailbox was full thing", but you could have easily sent it to Toon or Adix.
I may make one or two extenuating circumstances, but I highly doubt it. I know the inbox was full, and that really sucks...but that was after the real deadline anyway, so you really have no excuse there.
I don't know exactly when judging will start, but I'll get right on posting who's entries I have. -
Kumba Offline
48 out of 64, not to bad, and I think that can keep this going, and maybe Adix has some too.
Im board so lets start round 2 please. -
iris Offline
Ok...just about ready now. Now Toon had decided to be an EXTREMELY generous guy and has convinced me to extend the deadline to midnight. That is eastern time.
There are a few unusual cases though.
Whoever submitted "The Cage", I'm sorry but I don't have Time Twisters (nor do any of the judges) so your entry could not be accepted. I should have clarified that but it's common knowledge around here that nobody uses I'm guessing you're new around here. Unfortunately, I don't even know who you are, so I couldn't give a proper apology, but better luck next time...whoever you are, you're still allowed in other contests.
As for MoonSpoon and Kai, both of which I got missing object data files for their entries, you guys have a little time to fix the problem and send me the pieces I need. You guys will not be in bold, but you're not out of it yet. Just hurry up and fix the problem. Then there's leighx who I'm somewhat confused about, because you IM'd me a few times asking if I'd recieved yours yet...but I never did. Since you live across the sea, I'll give you until tomorrow morning when I wake up to count yours, because I believe that you did finish and try to send. Steve the same goes for have until midnight to get me yours though. I realize my inbox was full and I appreciate that you posted as soon as that happened, because that was proof that you tried to send it. So you can still get yours in.
Now...assuming NOBODY gets an entry in...
Blacklisted People-Can't Participate In Any Future NE Contests (Only Contests)
4.Hopeless Host
11.Mad Dawg
Those Who Didn't Enter, But Can Still Participate In Future Contests
4.Raven-SDI vs. Ann Bowman
If any of you guys submit something by midnight tonight, you will be taken off these lists. -
sloB Offline
Is there any reason these 4 could be exempted? or are you just abusing your powers?Those Who Didn't Enter, But Can Still Participate In Future Contests
1.Mystery Mod
4.Raven-SDI vs. Ann Bowman -
iris Offline
Actually, there is a reason.
I decided that those people that have entered one of the past contests (Legends Challenge, Blockbuster Challenge, Invitational, Hi-Rollers, or the official Pro Tour) have earned themselves one strike. As for Raven, he payed for the last couple contests so he deserves one more chance. -
KaiBueno Offline
I've resubmitted using the recommended methods that Toon and I discussed.
Kai -
BigFoot Offline
I appreciate the "Non-Blacklisted" list too, but if you're giving till midnight (I think i read that right), then I'll send it in, unfinished unfortunitly....
Is your email availbe now (unfull)?
MM -
Steve Offline
It's kind of weird how me and Kai sent our's in around the same time.
Good luck, Kai. I hope your entry went better than mine. -
Junya Boy Offline
Marshy talked a lot of shit, but then sent nothing in....
I was kinda looking forward to the [challenge].
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