Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Begins...Challenges & Deadline
01-July 04
Steve Offline
The fear of not being able to participate in future contests is pushing me to do more though, to say the least. -
Kevin Offline
I'm curious to see what Ice Dragon will come up with, and I hope he finishes in time.
As for me, its safe to say that my entry will definately be in tomorrow.
EDIT- Its gonna take a little longer than I thought. -
laz0rz Offline
Voodoo's new name is Diego? Interesting.....
I'm just waiting.
At least one match-up has been completed now: DJ vs. DD. -
natelox Offline
I am moving as fast as humanly possible. I've been very busy as of late with family issues, a new job which I work six days a week, and including this, three NE related projects. I know I'll be able to finnish in time, but you'll have to wait one more day iris. -
Tech Artist Offline
I am trying my hardest to finish and since my idea came to me 8 days before this was due which really screwed me over and work and such has givin me less time to work on this. So I will send somthing in but I can't promise that it will be complete. I will finish this whole thing and release it if I don't finish it in time for the contest. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Nate, I can safely say that you'd probably be the only person who can not make round 1 and still be able to participate in future contests due to the fact that you've never missed a contest before, so we know you're a contributor. -
Turtle Offline
I should most definitely finish in time, i've just left it a little late, that's all. Expect mine in later today.
Do we send to
Also, what details do we add when emailing? Does that mean we can't put our name on the saved game itself? Because the judges would be able to see that... -
mantis Offline
I'd just attach it to an e-mail with a subject title like "QFTB-X Entry from mantis" or something like that, and call the SV4 the name of the ride or whatever. That'd be simplest. Just make sure that there's no hint of it being yours except for in the e-mail text.
Send it through or through AIM or whatever.
And hooray for the one completed match up! -
Corkscrewed Offline
25/64 in, only one matchup set.
C'mon guys, at least make it 32.
I hope to see a flurry of submissions like... tonight. Or tomorrow (probably the latter). -
Richie Offline
Iris should have mine, if i sent it right. Ive sent parks by email before and it hasnt made it -
Corkscrewed Offline
Interesting (maybe not) that Toon is the only #1 seed not done yet. I mean, even JKay is done, and he had like... 8 hours? (exagerration) -
the_legacy Offline
Toon, is that kind of person, a perfectionanist, i can tell. He is done, but is worried he is gonna wake up in the middle of the night and go "oh shit" I forgot to put that plant in that plant pot on the window balcony!, and I have already sent it in!" Toon wants to post it last minute so he will avoid these regrets he is bound to have!
It gives me some hope though as his computer might crash at 11:59pm and is d'qed! I have to have some hope!
In a way I don't want Toon to go out though as I want to see his work in future rounds, as he has not released much. To me, he needs to back up that no.4 slot and iris's list by producing some kick ass work that we all know he will produce.
Don't take this personally Toon, -
Toon Offline
Ironically, I'm not yet done due to computer problems...
I know I have to release more stuff. -
Turtle Offline
Toon, is that kind of person, a perfectionanist, i can tell. He is done, but is worried he is gonna wake up in the middle of the night and go "oh shit" I forgot to put that plant in that plant pot on the window balcony!, and I have already sent it in!" Toon wants to post it last minute so he will avoid these regrets he is bound to have!
It gives me some hope though as his computer might crash at 11:59pm and is d'qed! I have to have some hope!
I'm beginning to like this guy!
On a completely unrelated note, i've finished my entry, and am sending it in as we speak... That makes at least two completed match ups... -
Fenix Offline
Well, I probably wont finish. I honestly just started my entry right now. I had the bench and the land all ready, but no kinda of contruction had begun until now. I've had an idea in my head for the past 2 weeks, but have had no time to work on it. The past 3 weeks have been chaotic and I'm surprised I'm even attempting to finish. I doubt I will, but i'll give it a try.
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