Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Begins...Challenges & Deadline
01-July 04
Corkscrewed Offline
Yes, the deadline is the 22nd, which is Thursday. I have a feeling he'll let you turn them in up to 11:59 PM EST on Thursday (that's 8:59 PM PST and sometime Friday morning for the Europeans I think), though don't quote me on that. It's just a guess. -
JKay Offline
^thanks Corky, but I bit the bullet and turned it in last night. You know they say, stick with your instincts, dont' second guess yourself; So I didn't. Bender902 where are u? -
KaiBueno Offline
Thursday morning for the Europeans actually.Yes, the deadline is the 22nd, which is Thursday. I have a feeling he'll let you turn them in up to 11:59 PM EST on Thursday (that's 8:59 PM PST and sometime Friday morning for the Europeans I think), though don't quote me on that. It's just a guess.
Thanks on the clarification...
I wonder how Steve's doing...I'm moving along...more to go...
Bueno-(sorta) -
Bender902 Offline
I'm getting there. Slowly. But surely. Don't woprry Jkay, yours will probably be way better than mine. -
Steve Offline
Acually, I'm almost done.I wonder how Steve's doing...I'm moving along...more to go...
Best of luck to you, Kai. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Huh? I thought Europe is ahead of the U.S. Thus, if it's Thursday night over here, it's Friday morning in Britain, et. al., and Friday afternoon and evening in, say, Japan.Thursday morning for the Europeans actually.
Thanks on the clarification...
I wonder how Steve's doing...I'm moving along...more to go...
Unless my mind suddenly got screwy... -
mantis Offline
You're right, Croky. It's suppertime here, but only lunch time there.
You'd better enter MM. -
Scarface Offline
I tried to send to you yesterday, you went off aim.Scarface...still nothing...
It doesnt fit in an email
I have finished, is there anyone i can send to who can pass it on ? -
Dixi Offline
What you could do to cut the size down, is cut it in half:I tried to send to you yesterday, you went off aim.
It doesnt fit in an email
I have finished, is there anyone i can send to who can pass it on ?
Send iris the work bench with nothing on 'cept the scenrery. Then send him the full version, but uncheck the export scenery box 1st.
+ mine's in. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
I could try to host it, but I'm at work right now.
Try asking chapel. He's got hosting too. He could definitely help. Tell him Freak sent ya. lol -
deanosrs Offline
Send it to me via aim and I can pass it on scarface. Hosting or email... I have plenty of both. -
Themeparkmaster Offline
I'm confused, is there any chance of an exact time (European) for the deadline please. -
mantis Offline
If it's thursday night (midnight) there, it'll be around 6am friday morning here. If you wanna stay up that late -
Kumba Offline
5 am for England I think, 6 am for more eastern Europe. Good thing I live in iris time zone, makes shit EZ'er
All my team in, good now i don't need to hurt anyone -
KaiBueno Offline
Um....ignore the man behind the green curtain!
Huh? I thought Europe is ahead of the U.S. Thus, if it's Thursday night over here, it's Friday morning in Britain, et. al., and Friday afternoon and evening in, say, Japan.Thursday morning for the Europeans actually.
Thanks on the clarification...
I wonder how Steve's doing...I'm moving along...more to go...
Unless my mind suddenly got screwy...
Shoot me please.
(this is what i get for talking on the phone, working, and posting all at the same time)
Damn that's embarrassing...and I know what times are what really...damn.
Kai -
Corkscrewed Offline
It's okay, Kai. You're smart most of the time, so you need to balance it out with the occassional screwup. -
Marshy Offline
*waves*I sure hope Marshy gets his in. Him and JB would be the toughest match-up to decide.
Turtleman Offline
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
I got to hurry. I am going to try to finish this. It's just I have a fucking final this week in Biology for summer school and I have root canal shit. Fuck!
I'm going to try. I'll have to stay up all night on Wednesday.
I can do it. I have to.
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