Quest for the Best: Xtreme / QFTB-X Begins...Challenges & Deadline
01-July 04
mantis Offline
I was discussing that with AK yesterday. He's being lazy so maybe he won't finish *crosses fingers*I don't see how so many people can have tpm over Alec, if Alec manages to finish something, even Mantis will have trouble.
Although I still think TPM is a big LL force, so that should be an interesting match up. -
IndyJones Offline
Yeah, I noticed that after I posted...sorry...and thanks.Yes. Some people have already sent their entries in.
rctfreak2000 Offline
Will I win? Probably not, right mantis
Either way though, I think that my entry has opened up some new doors from me in terms of theming, and it has also given me new ideas for future parks. -
Geoff Offline
I'm glad I participated and it was fun.
But I'm done for. Mine sucks hard
Thanks for the opportunity Iris. -
laz0rz Offline
So, if Metro doesn't get his in, I've got Turtle to deal with?I'm glad I participated and it was fun.
But I'm done for. Mine sucks hard
Thanks for the opportunity Iris. -
rctfreak2000 Offline
Gee, you're right on top of things...Lol i think Iris did this on purpose. He wanted to test your skills for rides yall not used to i guess.
MightyMouse Offline
Thats odd you say that Freak because it had the same effect on me.
Anyways, about 5 more days left gentlemen. -
Richie Offline
I think metro left for his holiday... so if iris doesnt have his entry already i dont know if he'll get it in.So, if Metro doesn't get his in, I've got Turtle to deal with?
iris Offline
About five days, still need like 45 entries to go.
If there aren't 45-50 entries in for this thing, I'm just going to end it right there. -
Valp Offline
I'm still in for sure... but, probably like everyone else, am sending it in at the last possible moment... I'll use all the time I get. -
Richie Offline
Mine was going great and then i didnt touch rct for a few days. I need to kick myself to get it done, i will get it in though. Even if i have to rush the end. -
Kumba Offline
remember with the last contest (the PT) more then half the entrys came on the last day, im guessing we will see a repete of that, but if the # of entrys is low maybe just skip a round and if their are people left over kick out the ones with the worst entrys. as someone who did get an entry in I think it would suck if this was called off. -
mantis Offline
Same feelings here, Kumba. It'd be harsh on people who have entered for others to screw it over by dropping out. I don't even know why some people entered cos it's almost inevitable that they won't complete even a first round entry. It's unfair on the people who didn't get to sign up who would be more willing to play. Ah well. -
Toon Offline
I honestly think there should be some sort of repurcussions on the site for anyone who doesn't finish at least a first round entry. It's not like your situation changed a lot after the contest was announced as it started almost immediately. I also feel there was more than enough time to finish something and one themed coaster is not that big a requirement. I'd be pissed if I didn't get in and a whole bunch of people forfeit. As for cancelling the contest...I wouldn't do that, because at least you know the people who make it thru the first round are dedicated enough to get something in for future rounds. If there are too many forfeits, you could reorganize the brackets a bit to get things evened out again and we can carry on. Mine will be in, but not before Thursday. It's done enough to submit, but I will spend the next 5 days on finishing touches. -
the_legacy Offline
I think if there are any forfiets, his/her opponent should not just be granted automatic entry into the next round. I think that the best runner up in the same bracket should go against the person who has no opponent.
If you don't understand that (which I don't) I'll use my situation as an example.
Say if metropole drops out, and machChunk has no opponent. I lose to Toon as expected, and out of the other two losers in my bracket who are producing inverters, I score the highest. So then MachChunk goes against myself. Whoever has the highest of points out of the two of us goes through. This means the seedings are not really upset and you don't get people going through who don't really to deserve to. It will also stop people from producing half ass parks because they know their opponent has dropped out.
This is just an idea.
Additionally, if you think I was assuming that ill beat anyone in this example, you are wrong, I was just trying to make things easier to explain.
I also agree with Toon on what he said, people should banned from NE for a certain amount of time if they quit, as it means the effort people have already put in is void, and that is unfair. You were warned by iris that by entering this comp you were going to have to put in the work.
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