General Chat / American Hostage beheaded

  • DragonInferno%s's Photo

    Just found this...


    apparently the guy who condemned it is misinformed about his own religion...

    You're just looking for reasons to hate muslims.

    I was thinking the same thing when I saw this reply, it look like the people who wrote this article were jsut trying to find a religion to blame for these incidents, for God's sake. I think this article is biased and racial, just because it says that it was done in there religion dosen't mean they're going to do it. They say legions of locusts were let loose by God, dosen't mean I'm going to gather up a whole bunch of locusts and let them loose in New York City.
  • minnimee85%s's Photo
    no im not looking for reasons to hate muslims...i have a friend who is iranian...i have no problem with the muslim people, just the assholes who do shit like this... now who is the one stereotyping?
  • Highball%s's Photo
    I think that the leaders of these terrorist groups have convinced their members that what they are doing is what their God would want. It's almost like these leaders are controlling their minds with psychological bullshit.

    I read that somewhere.
  • Toon%s's Photo
    In no way would I ever support such an action. It is an inexcusable act. However, I guarantee that over the course of the last 30 years, Americans have killed more innocents in the Middle East than people from the Middle East have killed innocent Americans.
  • aero21%s's Photo

    However, I guarantee that over the course of the last 30 years, Americans have killed more innocents in the Middle East than people from the Middle East have killed innocent Americans.

    I am very confident you have no proof to back that up Toon. Don't go makeing assumptions and trying to build a false case based on anti-American biased. Acountabilty is a tuff thing to take and place, i agree, but trying to pass off this terrible act back onto America is just wrong and lacking in logic.

    The truth is "beheading" is viewed as a sacred form of retaliation and punishment in the muslim world, it's also part of the Jihad war. They have been doing it for ages, it didn't just start after 9-11. My heart goes out to the family of Mr. Johnson, but it must also be said the man was warned by the US government to leave Saudi Arabia because of threats to americans and anyone else non-muslim. Mr Johnson had been working there for 10 years and never left. The Saudi's did everything they could to find him, it just happened too late.
    You have to understand that Saudi Arabia has to have these forigen workers to run the tech side of thier industries, there are over 35,000 workers from all over the world and if they all up and left (as the terrorists demanded) then the whole economic structure of that country would collapse (you think $2.10 is bad for gas, just wait if that happened) effecting possible every nation in the world. High wishes for Al-Queda, don't you think?

    You also have to love the Saudi ambasador's comments yesterday, speaking of Washingtons politcal bickering " Around June and July the air gets pretty "hot" around here." Which is a refllection of how our enemy's view us, as a bunch of polliticing, bickering fools who can't even decide if what were as a nation are doing is right.

    Did you also catch the statement from Russia's president Vladimir Putin?


    "After Sept. 11, 2001, and before the start of the military operation in Iraq, the Russian special services, the intelligence service, received information that officials from Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist attacks in the United States and outside it against the U.S. military and other interests," Putin said.

    That is HUGE! There is so much we as the common people do not know concerning what is really going on regaurding this war.

    P.S. Anyone who thinks John Kerry will defend the US is fooling themselvs. The guy has voted against every defense bill sent his way. He also, voted to support the troops before he voted against them. Hisrecord is very clear, he would much rather subjegate us to the direction and will of the UN (who know we find out could be the most corrupt institution in the world). I , for one, can not let that happen. Peace has never been accomplished through passivism, that is an undeniable truth.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    ^^^George Bush is still a scumbag piece of dog shit.

    I am not saying Kerry is bette rbut ANYOEN is fucking better than the W.

  • Highball%s's Photo

    ^^^George Bush is still a scumbag piece of dog shit.

    I am not saying Kerry is bette rbut ANYOEN is fucking better than the W.

    Amen to that.
  • Rage%s's Photo

    I am very confident you have no proof to back that up Toon.

    Im pretty sure there is proof. Im confident that the amount of civilians killed in raids, mistaken identity killings, crossfire, wrong targets, panic killings, airstrikes etc. is far more than the amount of American civilians killed. By civilians i mean innocents.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Does anyone else get the feeling the world would be a better place without religion? I look at the muslims, jews, christians etc who put their lives on the line in name of their faith - well, all but one group must be misled at least.

    May not be entirely relevant to this topic, but the above argument, tbh, bores me because it's been going round and round in circles for years now.
  • Rage%s's Photo
    I totally agree with Deanosrs. Religion IS the root of all evil. IMO It was invented to give people stability in their lives so that they dont have to worry about the huge questions in life like why am i here, what happens after death etc. It was intended to be a good thing but instead caused more hate, violence and suffering than anything else on this world.

    I also think its sad that it seams like Religion HAS to be destroyed. Wouldnt it be better for EVERYONE if we could all just accept each other, get along and be curtious. Sure, you might not like someone but thats because of your personality. Race, Religion, Football team etc. should NOT come into it.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    I totally agree with Deanosrs. Religion IS the root of all evil.

    no...i think greed and human nature is that.

    Anyways aero...It is always terrible when American soldiers die in Iraq, but I HAVE seen statistics indicating the # of iraqi civilians killed, and it is several times the # of American civilians.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    It's not the root of all evil... but it's hard to think of a war that doesn't involve religion in one way or another. The problem with religion that I personally have in respect to this argument is what rage said, that the arrogance of conviction that religious people have that they are right and that everyone else is going to hell. That's what they think gives them the right to fly planes into buildings, cut people's heads off etc. And it's not just the muslims, either, they're just the most extreme example right now.
  • bokti%s's Photo
    it's about time.
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    Stop trying to justify this. Nobody has ever claimed that the US has not killed Middle Eastern civilians. I am not sure how this man was killed but the guy awhile ago had his head slowly cut off. The United States spends millions of dollars developing precision guided missiles. These missiles are created to prevent the deaths of civilians. Also, many of these terrorists force civilians to be in the buildings with them as a means of claiming that the United States killed civilians.

    As for those that love Kerry. He has never held the same position twice. He is constantly just trying to look good. You think Bush has created a bad ally situation? Think of what would happen with Kerry always trying to make everybody happy. Nations have interests, not friends. You are a fool if you think the wishes of all the other peoples of the world are the same. They will conflict. Kerry's record shows that he will always try to make whoever he is dealing with happy. Talk about a 100% practice of appeasement. And if you think appeasement works then go read a book on the Second World War.

    The idea that religion is the root of evil is religion. Most religions preach tolerance and peace. This is exactly what most people today practice. You will always have your bad eggs in any sort of division. The only way to eliminate this sort of radicallism would be to eliminate differences. Of course differences tend to be attacked by tyranical people.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Religion also teaches arrogance, and it teaches the jews that israel is theirs and they should fight for it. Just an example for you to ponder there.
  • lazyboy97O%s's Photo
    Every aspect of individuality creates some degree of arrogance. That is what I just said in my previous post. Nations, races, ideas, religons, etc. They will all cause it to some degree. The only way to eliminate this would be to eliminate individuality.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    He has never held the same position twice.

    Since we at this board seem to be so into facts and flaming those with uninformed opinions...prove it. Or take it back.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    I hope you have the same view of the American military. They, or any military for that matter is no better.

    Those that took part in the prison scandal I also scorn, but just as I don't categorize all Muslims as, say, "vile bastards," I don't consider the entire military to be scum.

    I don't categorize. I don't generalize. I look at specifics, and I don't pretend to simplify complex matters.


    Kerry is by no means the ideal canidate, but he's better than Bush misinforming the American people and going into a war that still has yet to be justified for the reasons provided by the government.

    I actually voted for Edwards in the primaries, just for the record.

    Furthermore, those blaming religion need to remember that:
    1. If there was no religion, people would find another reason for war... like maybe ownership of land. Then we'd be arguing that money was the root of all evil, and that would it be great to have no money and allow people to give each other stuff at will.

    2. It is only religion taken by fanatics who twist the truth and train youth so that it is the only thing they know that is bad. Fanatacism in ANYTHING is bad, because it leads to misinformation and radical actions such as what you see with cults and terrorists. Don't forget that religion also leads many people to do good and pursue righteous paths because of its morals and teachings. The belief in a higher power that can punish evil doers is a major part in why many people are good rather than bad, but you don't hear about these things because they're commonplace.

    In considering these topics, remember that the media typically shows you negative stories because they are more intriguing. Thus, don't always be denouncing things while ignoring the good. Be sure to give credit to either side where needed.
  • MachChunk 3%s's Photo

    ^^^George Bush is still a scumbag piece of dog shit.

    I am not saying Kerry is bette rbut ANYOEN is fucking better than the W.

    Thank you.


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