Pro Tour 1 / If you were a judge.
17-June 04
Ride6 Offline
14 #21 Poplar Grove – ride6
I was hoping you would be judging because I knew you would understand this park better than anyone else. And Pyro would love the amusement park part. Oh well, it was rushed anyway.
ride6 -
Kumba Offline
Before we get into the PT2 I just wanted to bring this topic back up to reflect on our last Pro Tour. We have all had time to view each park tons of times so I just want to post my recent thoughts on these (IMO) classic parks.
23. Darkwood Amusements by Posix - Sorry, but that empty work just does not work for me and it seemed to be to much a rip of JS's collabo theme.
22. Country Squire Amusement Park by RWadams - No idea why you used LL for your entry, but it just does notsuit you as well as RCT2 does and the park did not have that much to offer.
21. Poplar Grove by ride6 - Really not that bad, but not that good. You seemed to get sidetracked and went from a nice old amusement park to a military zone with a wild hacked coaster for no reason and that just was weird.
20. Elements by gir - I liked the empty contempery kinda look like around the stage show and the hyper/giga kicked ass, but still it was still really baron and that hurts it.
19. Harmony Harbor by Micool - To much water, hardly any map used, but you did do some really neat stuff on the map you did fill and your wild use of track was really fun to look at.
18. Ancient Enchantments by Prince - Just nothing more then good or nice really and so much standered LL stuff I could not really get that into it.
17. Palm Springs Florida by Nemesis Chris (Now artist) - Some old school Chris here, back when you buttfucked Voodoo's style to death, but in other spots like with that B&M you showed the ablity to do some Fatha' style stuff and were copying off a new parkmkaer, that really showed groth, but jokes aside I enjoyed the park.
16. Disney MiniSeas by John - I loved the center of the earth theme, maybe you deserved the parkmaker spot on that alone coz imo the rest of the park was just very weak attempts at building like Cork.
15. WTF by bokti - the sandcastle theme was amazing, but the rest of the themes were maked in skill
14. The 10th Kingdom by Six Frags - You really placed kinda low imo. I really enjoyed just about all the themes, mainly the troll one even tho it was purely puke green. I hope you do better this time around.
13. The Three Villages by Natelox – Very nice theme with a charming concept, but overall it was just to simple for me to put it above to many parks, but you did execute the idea very well.
12. Gouvia Point by Voodoo (Now Adonis) – I was very happy to see nemesis voodoo used in this park, it is an awesome coaster and I love the dark colors in the area that give off a magical feel. Terra Khan was a great spin of to Dragon Khan, your mine train was really neat and I enjoyed the entry area. Pretty soild work, sould have been higher then 15th imo.
11. The Lehseban Wilderness by Evil WME – I loved the use of fire and wooden poles, the buildings were great and I enjoyed the dulers, but I just was not that into the overall atmosphere of the park and all the earthy-ness.
10. Valkar Sol by Corkscrewed – Nice stuff, I enjoyed it, but nothing really stuck out or seem extra innovative. The archy was very nice, but still sorta simple and in your simi generic old forms, but overall it was a pretty soild entry.
9. Continent Traasok by Twisted – Second for me out of all the LL entry’s. I really liked the entrance and your theme choices are really neat. Your coasters were also pretty cool, like Iron Man with its diagonal camalbacks. Great entry, I was not surprised to see you win a spotlight months later.
8. N.E.R.D. by Gymkid – I loved the coasters, namely hexor with its custom supports and wild giga layout. That area was awesome, I loved the l33t speak refrances and coaster track used all over. Then the triple LIM duel was just crazy like the custom mushroom and that area themed to a comic by a name I can’t re-call atm. You did have a pretty big weak spot tho with your random use of ugly flowers, but I managed to overlook that somehow. Id love to see you and blitz do a park, that would be truly insane.
7. Epica by Phatage – I must admit I don’t get it and when you told me what is was meant to be that really did not help at all. Unlike your other work I don’t think I will enjoy this more and more as I view it like I do with Unfriendly Invador, Fright Nights and Fire dragon. However that internal icebergs ride and structure mite be one of the coolest things ever made in RCT, so major props on that.
6. Darwood Grove by Me – It’s not so much that I like my own entry more, just some of the others I don’t like as much as I did, but this sits at par imo.
5. Universal's Cayman Islands of Adventure by sloB – I really enjoyed this park, such a clean feel and both coasters were really awesome, but Pendragon mainly, I just loved that ride and I think you were the first to do that type and boy did you do it well. Outstanding park and like always the atmosphere really owned.
4. Devine Comady by Mantis – What a concept, hell and purgatory and you exacuted both very very well, but I think I liked purgatory the best due to the mules going up the hills, I loved that little detail and that’s what really made this park the details. If it were a full scale park I think id have liked it better then
WOMB. You need to get back to parkmaking!
3. BOMB by cBass – I had a huge smile on my face as soon as a opened up this park and found myself face to face with your brain. Each area was awesome, but I liked the music and sex areas the best. That keyboard was stunning and the sex symbol’s fucking each other was hilarious. An amazing park and surely an all-time RCT classic.
2. Rift Valley by Mala – Ok Psycho Speedway is likely the best coaster I have ever seen, the timeing, the elements, its just out of this world. You spare no detail in this park, like on Sunday drive, I just love seeing how much you put into small things like that car ride, hey even the shops were made with lots of thought and care. Like always you treated us to an amazing park and I really hope we get to see more work from you in the years to come.
1. Butter's Platypus Paradise by Butterfinger (Now the Persnickety Platypus) – WOW, now this what I call a park, Butter pretty much said “Fuck everyone im making what id like to have for a park” and he sure did with the custom house with that amazing floor-plan layout, the basement roller coaster and basketball court where he is beating Shaq at 1 on 1. The best parts were the weird things and fantasy things like the bikini contests and the a day in the life of a platypus was inspireing. Damn there are some many details… I really liked how you made fun of yourself with the museum themed to your past crappy parkmakeing aspects, that was really funny, then you did things that were just so crazy and creative like the flat rides and the spaceship lunch. IMO it’s the best entry in the contest bar-none coz you when 100% the other way from the norm and did what you wanted in a way people could relate to. I enjoy it more and more every time I look at it and it really inspired my own PT this year. Amazing. -
Ge-Ride Offline
Butta's park is awesome, especially that drunken swan. The only thing I didn't really like was all of the brown. -
tracidEdge Offline
lesheban wilderness, disney's miniseas, and the three villages all need to be higher.
i'd say the divine comedy was my favorite. -
iris Offline
Since PT2 judging will start in about a day...I'll play along.
If I had to redo my's how it'd go (no hurt feelings everyone!) I'm also going to include X-Sector's for shits and giggles.
24.Country Squire Amusement Park
22.Harmony Harbor
21.Palm Springs Florida
20.Darkwood Amusements
19.Poplar Grove
18.Ancient Enchantments
17.Gouiva Point
16.The 10th Kingdom
15.Valkyr Sol
14.New Element's Realma Digital
12.The Lesheban Wilderness
11.Disney's MiniSeas
10.Continent Traasok
9.The Three Villages
8.Darwood Grove
7.The Divine Comedy
6.Universal's Cayman Islands of Adventure
5.Basics of my Brain
4.Butter's Platypus Paradise
3.Love Token
2.Rift Valley
1.Epica -
Ride6 Offline
Top five:
5) Either BOMB or Divine Comedy, not sure...
4) Butter's Platypus Paradise
3) Love Token- X-sector
2) Epica- Phatage
1) Rift Valley- Mala -
Ge-Ride Offline
My top five would be:
1. Rift Valley
2. Love Token
3. Basics of my Brain
4. Butta's Platypus Paradise
5. Divine Comedy -
Metropole Offline
My top five would be
5. Lehseben Wilderness
4. Love Token
2. Epica
1. Rift ValleyEdited by Metropole, 14 February 2006 - 12:25 PM.
Splash-0 Offline
Hmmm interesting
I'd say
1) Rift Valley
2) The Divine Comedy
3) Love Token
4) Butter's Platypus Paradise
6) Universal's Cayman Islands of Adventure
7) The Lesheban Wilderness
8)EpicaEdited by Splash-0, 14 February 2006 - 11:09 AM.
Six Frags Offline
Parks I'm still looking at sometimes: (so those I guess for me were the 'best')
1) Slob - Universal's Cayman Islands of Adventure
2) Evil WME - The Lesheban Wilderness
3) John - Disney's MiniSeas
4) Adonis - Gouvia Point
But 'competition wise' there are better ones I guess..
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