Pro Tour 1 / If you were a judge.
17-June 04
mantis Offline
Here's the new one...vTd's 4th and 6th lowest parks haven't been revealed yet. Yikes. -
Ride6 Offline
22. Country Squire- rwadems
21. Darkwood- posix
20. Palm Springs- NC
19. Elements- gir
18. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
17. Ancient Enchantments- PA (Sorry, loved the enterence, didn't really like the rest)
16. Harmony Harbor- Micool (I admit it, I love what's there and I couldn't care much less about what isn't)
15. Gouvia Point- Voodoo (Like Ancient Enchantments, except the rest of the park was really good too)
14. NERD- Gymkid Dude (I love parks that are fun and this the the most "fun" park I've ever seen)
My opinion.
ride6 -
Scarface Offline
14. Gouvia Point- Voodoo
15. Ancient Enchantments- Prince Ashitaka
16. Palm Springs Florida- NC
17. Elements- Gir
18. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
19. N.E.R.D.- Gymkid Dude
20. Harmony Harbor- Micool
21. Darkwood Amusements- Posix
22. Poplar Grove- Ride6
23. Country Squire Amusement Park- rwadams -
Ride6 Offline
No ShitNo shit?
ps- You are violating section #1 of the Ass Hole code mantis, releasing rct parks and being a pain. -
mantis Offline
Well, then i'm not an asshole!
Personally I think Twisted's park is the best so far, and am really beginning to expect mine because it's definitely not that good.
Here you go. vTd is the most eccentric of the lot. By miles. -
Metropole Offline
23: Country Squire (RWadams)
22: Darkwood (Posix)
21: Elements (Gir)
20: Poplar Grove (Ride6)
19: Palmsprings (NemChris)
18: 10th Kingdom (SixFrags)
17: N.E.R.D (Gymkid)
16: Harmony Harbour (Micoooooool)
15: Ancient Enchantments (Prince Ashitaka)
14: Continent Traasok (Twisted)
13: Gouvia Point (VooDoo)
Mantis. Thank you for these charts. Extremely insightful.
Metro -
deanosrs Offline
Just added Kumba and twisted in here where I'd place them...
23. rwadams
22. micool
21. ride6
20. posix
19. gir
18. six frags
17. prince ashitaka
16. nemchris
15. twisted
14. voodoo
13. gymkid dude
12. Kumba
from here on: (things again switched since my last one, the entries that have come out have changed what I think is going to happen)
11. butterfinger
10. corkscrewed
9. mantis
8. slob
7. natelox
6. phatage
5. bokti
4. john
3. evil wme
2. cbass
1. mala -
AustinPowers Offline
As for predictions:
1:Phatage -
Ride6 Offline
22. Country Squire- rwadems
21. Darkwood- posix
20. Palm Springs- NC
19. Elements- gir
18. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
17. Ancient Enchantments- PA (Sorry, loved the enterence, didn't really like the rest)
16. Harmony Harbor- Micool (I admit it, I love what's there and I couldn't care much less about what isn't)
15. NERD- Gymkid Dude (I love parks that are fun and this the the most "fun" park I've ever seen)
14. Continent Traasok- Twisted
13. Gouvia Point- Voodoo (So, it moved up? What can I say, it's growing on me)
12. Darwood- Kumba (Great effort man)
ride6 -
mantis Offline
Cos i'm bored waiting for the next one, WME gets his wish. Everyone take note: another person's gonna get badly vTd'ed, because his #18 has yet to be released!
black = no pyro effect <5
orange = medium level pyro effect 5-10
red = high level pyro effect. DANGER! 10+
The number after the actual order on the right shows the overall difference between judges on that particular entry - ie the lower it is, the more the level of agreement. Hence the judges agreed most on rwadams, but least on Six Frags. -
Ride6 Offline
It appears that there is opportunity for a couple people to get Ravened and Pyro'd there too.
ride6 -
Kumba Offline
People will get Raven'ed too his 18-14 are free for the top 11 parks.
and im glad you guys seem to think my entry was the best yet, thats great, I got Toon'ed thobut thx to the others judge's, I really did get some very good scores.
mantis Offline
Really worried now - pyro and vTd are set up for -8 or worse pyros...there might even be a high level -ve pyro if we're unlucky. Astonishingly, Pyro is the second most consistent judge, but I guess that's cos of the polarity of vTd and Raven, with Toon doing his own thing in the middle. Iris doesn't have any colour yet, but that #13 of his could yet become a medium level pyro. -
Titan Offline
Finally got to check out a few. Wish I could have seen more, but of the ones I saw, I would have put them in this order:
1. Gouvia Point - VooDoo
2. Universal's Cayman IOA - slob
3. The 10th Kingdom - Six Frags
4. Darwood Grove - Kumba
5. Palmsprings Florida - Nemesis Chris
6. Disney's MiniSeas - John -
Scarface Offline
10. Universals Cayman IOA - slob
11. Continent Traasok - Twisted
12. Gouvia Point- Voodoo
13. Disneys Mini seas - John
14. Darwood grove - Kumba
15. Ancient Enchantments- Prince Ashitaka
16. Palm Springs Florida- NC
17. Elements- Gir
18. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
19. N.E.R.D.- Gymkid Dude
20. Harmony Harbor- Micool
21. Darkwood Amusements- Posix
22. Poplar Grove- Ride6
23. Country Squire Amusement Park- rwadams
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