General Chat / What's the last film you saw?
- 17-June 04
jon Offline
The last film I saw was some shitty 'The Truman Show' ripoff called EDTv. It was quite crappy really but my German teacher didn't want to teach so she put it on. -
Richie Offline
Kill Bill vol1. - Pretty dissapointing if you ask me, im not sure ill bother seeing vol2 unless my 1 of my m8s get it, then i can see it for free. -
Rct Flame Offline
Shrek 2. Saw Stepford Wives a few days ago, and saw Soul Plane a week or two ago. I'm a cinema whore so far this summer. -
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
Um, probably Pirates of The Caribbean on mehs big screen.
I hate movie theatres... -
PBJ Offline
a por....
no the last one is: The Day After Tomorrow
and i can say i thing it suck hell!!! -
Jellybones Offline
Yeah, it was pretty good. Nothing we haven't seen from a Stephen King movie before (ie dead animals, incompetent sheriffs, etc), but I found it entertaining nonetheless. Suspense/thriller/horror movies (whatever this is) aren't my thing though, so it might suck to a fan of the genre, I don't know. But Johnny Depp is in it, and Johnny Depp could take a shit and it would reek of cool. It would probably reek of human feces as well, but there would definitely be the odor of cool in there somewhere as well.Was it good? I want to see it.
natelox Offline
The Snow Walker
It is an absolutly incredible movie. I bought it, it's out on DVD now as it was in theaters a few months ago. The Snow Walker is a Canadian film about this arrogant asshole bush pilot in the North West Territories who picks up an Inuit woman to take to a hospital (She has TB). His plane crashes in the middle of the artic and then the movie starts. I strongy recomend this Canadian film. I doubt most of you will even consider this, but vTd and Coaster Ed should definetly try and find it at the local video store. -
DippyDoodle Offline
The Stepford Wives. That movie, though somewhat funny, had the weakest plot ever!
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