Pro Tour 1 / The Official Pro Tour Prediction Thread
03-June 04
Kumba Offline
you know im starting to think your PT mite be good coz of how much you keep saying its bad....i just hope i dont get last.
deanosrs Offline
I won't do the whole list... but I'm looking forward to mala, gymkid, voodoo, slob, john and cbass. Kumba, I'll be very surprised if you finish in the top half. -
mantis Offline
I won't! That screen kicked ass. Then again, there are a lot of cool people in.I won't do the whole list... but I'm looking forward to mala, gymkid, voodoo, slob, john and cbass. Kumba, I'll be very surprised if you finish in the top half.
Kumba Offline
I changed alot of stuff in that screen.....I won't! That screen kicked ass. Then again, there are a lot of cool people in.
hope its still good, same "feel" IMO
deanosrs Offline
I wasn't that keen on the screen. Plus, that's only a screen, the whole park is 80x80. I don't think Kumba possesses the quality that most of the other people in the pro tour do, that's all. -
Leighx Offline
6:Butter finger
17:Evil WME
21:Six frags
23:Ride6? -
John Offline
As would I mantis.
That'd be a pleasant surprise, nevertheless.
I'm content with a wait-and-see approach on things.
Better to be stunned in the quiet than have to recant everything I say. -
Evil WME Offline
My Prediction as to how i will like them.. sort of.
1. Mala
2. Bokti
3. Evil WME
4. Mantis
5. Corkscrewed
6. Kumba
7. Phatage
8. Posix
9. Cbass
10. Natelox
11. Slob
12. Rwadams
13. Prince Ashitaka
14. Gir
15. Twisted
16. Nemesis Chris
17. John
18. Butterfinger
19. Ride6
20. Voodoo
21. Six Frags
22. Micool
23. Gymkid Dude -
Leighx Offline
oh shitDude, you have Cork twice.
And i'd be pretty stunned if slob/john got 1 and 2.
who am i missing -
sloB Offline
lol, yeah I don't know about #1, Leighx...
Thanks for the nod anyway though.
I'm with John. I don't wanna rank them either.
I'm just so in awe of the amount of great parkmakers that entered.
I'll predict this though, the PT will undoubtably be the greatest RCT contest.
Can't wait. -
Corkscrewed Offline
oh shitDude, you have Cork twice.
And i'd be pretty stunned if slob/john got 1 and 2.
who am i missing -
Jacko Shanty Offline
cBassoh shit
who am i missing
Edit: Corkscrewed beat me to it. I guess it's a good omen. -
JKay Offline
Did toon drop out?....cos I dont seem him on anyone's list...hmmm
My top 15 will be:
1. cBass
2. toon (if he's still in)...mala if not
3. mantis
4. Corkscrewed
5. gymkid dude
6. John
7. natelox
8. Phatage
9. Evil WME
10. Kumba
11. botki
12. butter
13. Prince
14. Posix
15. slob -
bokti Offline
i will say this.. it's a good thing i hate all of you bitches with the slight exception of Evil WME. -
thorpedo Offline
1. Mala
2. mantis
3. botki
4. CBass
5. Posix
6. natelox
7. voodoo
8. Corkscrewed
9. Butterfinger
10. Evil WME
11. Phatage
12. Prince Ashitaka
13. John
14. Micool
15. gymkid
16. Twisted
17. nemisis chris
18. slob
19. Six Frags
20. gir
21. ride6
22. rwadams
23. Kumba
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