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  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Ermm...scary. Heh. *insert nervous laughter*

    It looks good. :bandit:
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    TC is evil........EVIL...

    *hides in corner*


    The screens rock, Its the first screen I have seen in a while which has popped out and slapped me in the face, and thats a good thing, really.

  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Ok.. that was sad Timothy Cross.. really sad..
  • tyandor%s's Photo

    Timothy Cross, on May 28 2004, 02:20 PM, said:

    Well my computer is still messed up. I've got a nasty virus and windows won't even start up. I didn't back up the park's file so I'm not sure about it's future. As soon as I find my windows disk I'll try and reinstall it, so I've got my fingers crossed, but again, not sure if I'll be able to continue the project. I do not want to start over as I like what I've done so far, but I may have to. Now though, in response to some of your comments....

    RCTfan, Turtle, Deano & Corky- Thanks for your support.  :)

    "Lucifer"- God your worthless. Nothing but a BITCH. I can't believe theres a person in this world with a personality as retarded as yours. You go around in everyone's thread saying how much you hate their parks, when you, yourself could NEVER do any better. You used to be called "I C ded pplz" right? Remeber what I told you at the station? RCT is something people do for fun. they share their work with others because it adds to the fun. If you actually fucking get mad becuase, in YOUR opinion (which has no credibility anyways), their work sucks, it proves, UNDOUBTEDLY, that your nothing but an absoulute fucking LOSER. You my friend are an embarrassment to the RCT Community. You're not wanted. Everyone hates you. GO AWAY. Die a slow and painful death, go to hell, and get anal raped by satan himself, lucy.

    Try to start-up in safe mode or if that doesn't work then boot your computer with DOS (there is one which can access NTFS partitions if you're using XP/2k/NT4) If you're running in W98, just start up in DOS. Windows-virusses simply won't work in a DOS environment. This way you can retrieve all (small) important files you want to safe. I always recommend formatting you hard-drive to insure that the virus is completely gone after you've safe your files.
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    No, I'm not evil. I consider myself a nice guy, unless angry. I said what needed to be said. I don't know whats so sad about it, Evil WME, he had it coming to him.

    Tyandor, thanks for the suggestion, but I've decided I'm not going to mess with my computer until my step-father (who's a whiz at it), takes a look at it when he comes back to town on sunday. I admit I'm no computer genious. He should be able to figure it out.
  • skierace123%s's Photo
    when will the next update be
  • BreakAway%s's Photo
    Apparently not anytime soon. His computer broke...a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*takes breath*ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago.

    Check the dates next time you post something or you're gonna get flamed.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    wait what.

    man what happened to jkay?
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    You've got to be kidding me. I usually try to be nice to n00bs but he just bumped a three-year old topic.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    No need for this to be open


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