(Archive) Advertising District / Disneyland Park
02-May 04
Tech Artist Offline
Well if you like it then don't change it. Here's my opinon anyway.
I don't really like it that much. It is way too green, needs more dark and green foliage, and some other things and the biggest flaw, very blocky.
That is just my opinon so if you like what you got then don't change it.
Now your outpost screen I liked, it looked very realistic and the realism through out the park is the best aspect of this park.
I look forward to more screens and I look forward to downloading this park.
Keep up the awsome work Iceman! -
JAYJAY Offline
I for one like the splash the way he has it set up it is able to add the grassy effect and make it more of a vertical and steeper mountain ( like splash really is) so I like it and i Cant wait to see what u do with big thunder mountain! hope to see a new update soon, keep up the good work.! -
Panic Offline
I hate to be a killjoy, but it seems that you're relying on stackable custom scenery too much in that particular screen, having used it nicely and tastefully in previous screens. Why use the blocks, which are only one shape, and make it look obvious that you did rather than take that land tool and make the mountain with that? It will look much more realistic and serve the purpose just as well. -
Highball Offline
Actually, Splash Mountain is not a nice slopey hill. If you look at it, you will see that it is kind of a "step-mountain". It "steps" up if you will. It does slope in some parts, but you really can't see them except from certain vantage points. -
JAYJAY Offline
I think it looks great, its the best Splash i have seen in rct 2 and i havent seen the hole mountain yet. but i can tell by what u have. so great job man, And i hope to see a update somtime soon!?. Keep up the good work, ( Btw - This is disneyaniac from wdwmagic forums ).
Toon Offline
The use of the the square landblocks makes it look terrible. I would much prefer just using regular landscaping techiniques here. The fake rocks mixed with the 1/4 grass blocks look really bad and the big tree on top just looks big and out of place also. You can defend it all you want, but this is just not a very high quality screenshot. -
JAYJAY Offline
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think u need to take another look at a splash picture. its is not a round mountain it has alot of step ups and its goes vertical very narrowly. The way he has it set up is the best way you can make splash with this game. also The grass makes it more of a splah kinda mountain if u look at splah its covered with grass like that mostly, and what are u talking about the tree and the rocks also make it more of a splash look, if u have seen splash u would know that there are alot of similar rock built into the mountain...... The tree make this even more of a great splash for rct2. -
Toon Offline
ummmmmmmmmm, the tree is an ugly piece of scenery imo with terrible shading. To use it in such a prominent way just amplifies how ugly it is. The mountain looks like it was madeout of lego and nothing like the real splash mountain. If this is your idea of some of the best RCT2 work out there, then you seriously need to look at more parks. A parkmaker has to take responsibility for all aspects of his parks including scenery choices and not hide behind the (it's the best I could do with what's available argument). As for this being the best you can do with this game, I can think of a ton of parkmakers who I know could do better...starting with 'Trix who already has. -
JAYJAY Offline
I have see like everyone disney park possible for rct2. have u see one splash that has a tree on the top of the mountain like the real splash does? This is the only one i have see to use it. The tree on the top is like the main peace of the mountain. so i dont know what ur talking about. And the real spash make not be blocky in real life but it isnt a round mountain, and it has step up layers of the mountain that go up to the top ( where the tree and drop is) also has rock to and the hole mountain is covered in grass on the the real splash. so since rct is built in blocks its hard to recreate but with this game that is very well done, dont act like i dont know what i have been talking about, ive been playing this game for a long time and ive have loved and studies disney for like all my life. Witch is why im going to become a WDI. So i say great job and keep it up!. -
JAYJAY Offline
are u not complaining about how it is blocky? Oh my bad i guess u meant u want in diaginal? -
gir Offline
Hahah, you make me laugh. So hard, so hard. If thats your dream in life, you have problems.Witch is why im going to become a WDI.
JKay Offline
Ummmm....you decided to argue with the wrong person there buddy....so i dont know what ur talking about
I personally agree that using standard landscaping techniques without the 1/4 would've achieved a Splash Mountain more accurately. -
Toon Offline
Well, I just spent the last few minutes looking at pictures of Splash Mountain as JayJay suggested, and I actually think this is worse now than I did before. Splash mountain looks like an rocky spire covered with shrubbery with that beautiful rock arch at the bottom of the drop surrounded by pines and smallish trees. This doesn't capture that feel at all.
So to Iceman, I make the following suggestions. I would seriously tear this right down and start over using the 1/4 tile land blocks I made and using lots of shrubs to give it the green feel. I think the smal 1/4 tile fern that is out there would be an excellent choice along with the to brambly looking shrubs that came with the game. If you insist on keeping what you have, why don't you soften the edges of the squares by having some darker coloured bushes to break up the step feeling a little. You may also want to make the 'mountain a bit taller and stack some bushes so they look like they're hanging over the edges of the rock faces. Also, hack some shrubs around the base of the tree stump so it doesn't stick out so badly (I think you could get away with this piece of scenery if it was softened up a bit). I hate the zoo tycoon rocks, but doubt I'll talk you out of those. I can't see the bottom of the drop, but It doesn't look overgrown enough to me, so I would consider adding more trees and it also looks like the curve is to soon after the drop, so I would consider more of a flat section letting to boats slow down before they hit the curve. That's all for now. -
gir Offline
JAYJAY: Hmm, despite my (lets say) dislike in general for Disney parks, and I'm not saying that they don't have great rides or anything, but uh. I don't know. Maybe you should just aim for something more realistic. -
JAYJAY Offline
Ok thats great, you should go make ur own splash since u can make it better. ( Im sry who is this? Was I argueing with this person? hmm...). -
JAYJAY Offline
Um I dont know who you think you are but please do not try to tell me what I should do or not, I am going to become a WDI and I will be enrolled for Disney College program for the summer of 06. I have decided my career and nothing will change it and i dont think its for u to say.
Also: If you have read what Iceman has said...... Then you would have read that it is 100% done, he likes it and he is not going to change it. And if he likes it then thats all that matters, go make your own splash and do better if u can do better.
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