(Archive) Advertising District / Disneyland Park
02-May 04
Meretrix Offline
Jesus Christ (wow I actually used capital letters)!!!!!
Grow a sense of humor.
Seriously though....that isn't a teaser. It doesn't show anything at all.
I am not "teased"....just wondering WHY you, who have shown such wonderful things to us in the past, are now trying to be "clever" with this screen.
Don't try to be "clever". Just keep building an amazing park. And show screens WHEN there is something to show.
Not to much to ask. -
Highball Offline
It's my decision if I want to be "clever" or not. And who's without a sense of humor? Sheesh...
Frontierland Shootin' Gallery
Prairie Outpost. Also seen to the far left is the start of the Woody's Round-Up facade. -
X250 Offline
You have the Western theme perfect there, awesome archy as usual and the 'baron wild west' thing you have going on in that screen give a great atmosphere. Amazing.
-X- -
OhioCoasteRFreaK36 Offline
Nice work, It is kind of like kumbas screen from Walt Mart just with bigger buildings..That is what it reminds me of.
Not to sound stupid but what is an outpost? -
DarkRideExpert Offline
^Self Explainatory. Outpost is well....an Outpost.
Looks absolute kick-ass from here on in.
It's truly magnificent. No complaints. -
PBJ Offline
last screen! why don´¨t you hack a sloped fence besides the stairs?
but great job indeed -
guljam Offline
The theming and pathes designs are good..
I really like where the place.. first screenshot,., -
Ride6 Offline
The water in those ponds (The body(s) of water in the middle of the path) is a bit high there. It looks like it's going to over flow.
Otherwise the screens are both excellent, I can't find any problem with the custom sceanery or it's use, etc. Looks great.
ps- Why did you change your name, it just confuses people. -
Highball Offline
Everyone thought I was black. Mad Dawg was my high school nickname, too. Since I've been out of HS for a year and a half now, I figured it was time for a change.ps- Why did you change your name, it just confuses people.
PymGuy Offline
Racist.Everyone thought I was black.
But seriously, it does look quite good. Blocky, but realistic. So I will forgive you! -
Highball Offline
Let's try this again. Splash Mountain is finished, but this is all you are going to see until the park is released. -
Disney Freak Offline
This is a step back IMO....... Sorry, but nothing here says Splash Mountain other than the log. It's way too bare (even if SM is bare). I know you can do better! -
MachChunk 2 Offline
^ That screen is unfinished, but its really done.
Anyways, this looks awesome. I noticed that your the only one that put the huge tree/vine infront. Lokks awesome as usual. -
Highball Offline
Splash Mountain is 100% done. If you don't like how it looks, oh well. It's almost impossible to do an accurate recreation of the mountain in RCT2, and I did my best. I like it, and that's all that counts. -
Meretrix Offline
Actually I did something "ver similar" in DTA. But made it more "brambly".I noticed that your the only one that put the huge tree/vine infront. Lokks awesome as usual.
Anyway...Since I can't see any of the actual ride...I can't comment.
The terrain seems a little blocky....whatever, as long as you're happy with it, it doesn't matter what any of us retards think.
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