(Archive) Advertising District / Disneyland Park
02-May 04
Turtle Offline
Wow, this all seems so beautiful, and very well thought out. I especially love the castle, the white accents look wonderful... -
X250 Offline
Everything is so damn luvlay, it makes me cry with envy...
I think i am going to have dreams over that carousel its that good...
-X- -
Highball Offline
Ya'll really think the Carousel covering is ok? I thought it was a little small myself so I may still change it. I also got the new screen of Dumbo up now.
Dumbo, the Flying Elephant. Take flight on a timeless classic! Dumbo soars over Fantasyland on this attraction sure to put a smile on faces young and old. -
mantis Offline
There's something about this park that is very surreal. I think it must be something to do with the outsized scale, but that's not the whole story...I can't put my finger on it. Anyway, rct has changed a LOT. I find it hard to appreciate these screens in the same way I normally do (looking at the technical difficulty first, then the look/atmosphere etc), mainly because I find it hard to look at them at all for any period of time - they somehow hurt my 'rct eye' lol. Anyway, I think I like what I see, especially the castle, so well done. I'm not sure i'll be too quick to look at the park for long though, because if the screens mess up my head, then the park is sure to kill me! -
John Offline
The facade for Pinocchio's Daring Journey could use some work, it doesn't flow like the other structures do.
The color-texture combinations don't blend together very well.
I love the carousel, it has a simplistic beauty to it that is very refreshing.
But I don't think I'll be able to adjust to the path texture at all. -
Meretrix Offline
Do not TOUCH the carousel!!!
The Dumbo fences should be a different color.....not sure what though. Maybe the ride needs to be a different color. And hide the entrance/exits...the tents are yucky!
But what do I know? I've shrugged off MY mouse ears. -
Highball Offline
How do I do that? I'm no good at hacking... the only thing I've done so far is zero clearance a few times...And hide the entrance/exits...the tents are yucky!
BTW, could a mod please change the subtitle of this topic to "Disneyland Park"? The entire resort consists of 3 parks, and each will have its on topic, so I need this one changed to be more specific. Thanks in advance. -
Meretrix Offline
Put architecture AROUND the buildings. You don't need to hack.
Use the grey fences. They will look beter. -
Highball Offline
It's.... cute? Kinda morbid but pretty amusing too. I've always been a Donald Duck fan myself... -
SirSpinster Offline
fuck image. It's all about the game, man. Avatar looks nice though...
Anyways, I like the tents. They look better and more realistic than the Dumbo ride IMO plus they match it sorta. Landscaping is perdy. Very Disney-esque. Keep it up! I love you. -
Meretrix Offline
nothing matters in RCT anymore.....
but your archy is terribly pretty MD.
Maybe try the classical entrances for Dumbo?
Cheerio. -
Highball Offline
Aw man. I was going through my research pictures looking for this entrance you were talking about and I never even saw them before! Shows how observant I am, huh? I'll try that entrance 'Trix, but it may not work because of how close to the edge of the map Dumbo is. I gotta leave room for the Railroad ya know.nothing matters in RCT anymore.....
but your archy is terribly pretty MD.
Maybe try the classical entrances for Dumbo?
And Fatha', from the smiley face I'm hoping that's a good thing? -
Looks very Disney and the Archy matches Disney just so well. Once again like Mantis said its hard to put a finger on it but there is something about it thats just... I dunno lol.
-XxCPFxX -
Jellybones Offline
That big update on the last page, the links aren't working! Sorry for being a month behind, but I'm stupid and what I've seen on this page leaves me wanting more. -
Fatha' Offline
And Fatha', from the smiley face I'm hoping that's a good thing?
Those smileys are in all my posts...I just dont like the screen ebcause its too 'real.' Meretrix's parks push it for me, and they are a bit more fantasy-ish than your park.
Still, that castle gets a thumbs up from me. -
CaptnPineapple Offline
The fullsize pics aren't grainy... only the regular ones, but I'm fixing his pics as we speak
Segaman75 Offline
Alright, I had to come out of lurker mode here and state that those screens are absolutely amazing. It just blows me away what's being created in RCT nowadays. I remember back to the Danimation days when megaparks were first coming out, all bland and basic... now look at this stuff. It's simply mindboggling how people do it so well. I try to build something in RCT 2 and it frustrates the heck out of me. Too bad my LL won't work because of some stupid error trapper message I STILL can't clear out for some reason. Oh well.
Great, great work, keep it up. I'm looking very much forward to seeing the finished product.
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