2004 / Nominee Choosing--Best Steel Coaster
14-April 04
iris Offline
Best Steel Coaster of the Year
This award goes to the person that created the best RCT Steel Coaster of the past year. The ride must have been released, either in a park, design, mini, etc, so nothing unreleased is considered. The ride must also have been built in the past year, so rides like "Paladin" and "Free Style Snowboarding" will be no shows. It can be any type of steel coaster...Beemer, Inverted, Suspended, Flyer, Dive Machine, merged steel coaster, Arrow Looper, the generic Loopers, etc. Without Nevis around anymore, it's a bit easier, but Fatha' is still around, one of the best RCT coaster creators of our time.
Before replying, realize that this is only to help choose two of the seven nominees, not to vote for the actual award. That doesn't come yet. In each award, I will be picking five out of the seven nominees (it's good to be king, no?) and the adoring public (you guys) can help decide who else will be placed on the ballot. Only put a maximum of two items in your post, don't fill up the forum with possible nominees. Pick two potentials that aren't already on the ballot and stick with it. Fill up the two blank spots please, and don't reply unless you have a vote with you. You can comment on the award, but make sure you have a vote/s as part of your post.
Best Steel Coaster Ballot
-Eversio Lumeria at Rivers of Babylon (sacoasterfreak)
-Creature at Sea World Atlanta (Fatha')
-331st Division Air Corps at Battlefield RCT (Coaster Ed)
-Steel Coaster From Hidden Spotlight #3 (NO REVEALING IT UNTIL I DO)
-Nucleophile at Atomkraftwerk (mantis)
- -
Coaster Ed Offline
Eep. Too many.
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots at WOMB - mantis
Flight of Stardust at Coral Creek - benni
APE at GOD - Evil WME
The Nemesis at Lumbini Point - OZONE
The Stone of Tizoc at Audrix Towers - Posix
Machete NE Design - Posix
Kukulkan at ROB - SACF -
Ride6 Offline
Yoshimi Battles Pink Robots @ WOMB- Mantis
The Red one in the midevil area in Ages of Empires...
sry, can't remember what it was called.
ride6 -
Prince Offline
First off I really hate to nominate myself because it makes me feal really selfish but I really would like to see maybe Hydra from WOP up there since it is probably my favorite ride I've ever made. Sorry if that came along selfish and it probably wouldn't win anyways.
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
Valp Offline
All I know is that these other two Easter parks keep popping up and I have no clue what everyone is talking about!
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots- Womb- Mantis
Zirillian of the Claw- AoE- Mantis -
jon Offline
Eversio Lumiera :: RoB :: SAC
Rising Waters :: Waters of Civilazation :: ride6
Neptune's Fury :: PT Qualifier :: Titan
Lotus :: RoB :: SAC
The 7th Wonder :: RoB :: SAC -
jon Offline
There's a few:
Eversio Lumeira :: RoB
The 7th Wonder :: RoB
Lotus :: RoB
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Screens alone as do not have LL) :: W.O.M.B
The Rising Waters :: Waters of Civilazation.
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