2004 / Nominee Choosing--Best RCT Hotel of the Year

  • iris%s's Photo
    Best Hotel
    RCT Hotels have become such a popular part of parkmaking, and there have been so many great ones produced in the past year, that we just had to add them to the award schedule. This award goes for either LL or RCT2, but only for hotels that have been pubically released, so nothing from upcoming parks will be placed on the ballot. With more and more adventerous parkmakers, it looks like this award will stay around for a long time, and continue to get more and more interesting.

    Before replying, realize that this is only to help choose two of the seven nominees, not to vote for the actual award. That doesn't come yet. In each award, I will be picking five out of the seven nominees (it's good to be king, no?) and the adoring public (you guys) can help decide who else will be placed on the ballot. Only put a maximum of two items in your post, don't fill up the forum with possible nominees. Pick two potentials that aren't already on the ballot and stick with it. Fill up the two blank spots please, and don't reply unless you have a vote with you. You can comment on the award, but make sure you have a vote/s as part of your post.

    Best Hotel Ballot
    -Hotel Yorba at Walkman of my Brain (mantis)
    -Imperial Riyadah Resort (John)
    -Jurassic Point Hotel at Arnos Springs Resort (x-sector)
    -Mt. Fuji Hotel at Arnos Springs Resort (mantis)
    -Myttica Resort (Corkscrewed)
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Ritz-Carlton by rwadams
    Everglades Majest by Micool
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Hacienda Resort Mexico by deanosrs
    Ritz-Carlton South Beach by RWAdams

  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Everglades Majest--Micool.

    Nuff said.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Ritz-Carlton by rwadams
    Everglades Majest by Micool
  • gir%s's Photo
    Easily Evergaldes Majest by Micool. I liked it more than John's Pro Tour entry -- sorry John, lol. :p
  • John%s's Photo
    I'm not too fond of my hotel anymore as it is, actually. ;) :p
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    guess it has to be released, but the hotels in the nascar thing are all without doubt in my mind infinitely better than those written above.
  • jon%s's Photo
    Myticca Resort by Corky.
  • sircursealot%s's Photo
    Everglades Majest
    Myttica Resort
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ritz Carlton
    Everglades Majest
  • sloB%s's Photo
    Myttica is undoubtably the best.
  • artist%s's Photo
    Hacienda Resort Mexico by deanosrs


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