2004 / Nominee Choosing--Best NE Member/Moderator
14-April 04
iris Offline
Best NE Member/Moderator
Last year we had two awards...the Best NE Member and the Best Mod, but this year we're cramming it into one award, and giving it to the best all around member on the boards. The only person excluded from consideration are me and Adix, because we already know we're the shit. Chances are, if a non-mod wins this award, they will get elevated to Ride Op status...and if a Ride Op wins, they move up to Chief Ride Op, and so on.
Before replying, realize that this is only to help choose two of the seven nominees, not to vote for the actual award. That doesn't come yet. In each award, I will be picking five out of the seven nominees (it's good to be king, no?) and the adoring public (you guys) can help decide who else will be placed on the ballot. Only put a maximum of two items in your post, don't fill up the forum with possible nominees. Pick two potentials that aren't already on the ballot and stick with it. Fill up the two blank spots please, and don't reply unless you have a vote with you. You can comment on the award, but make sure you have a vote/s as part of your post.
Best NE Member/Moderator Ballot
-Coaster Ed
- -
John Offline
John. (Wow, do I feel conceited today. I want to be a mod!)
Blitz-sama. I love his posts. -
gymkid dude Offline
this is out of left field and he wont win, but metropole's posts are good to read and usually well thought out. -
Six Frags Offline
Kumba (interviews, all his PT entries/runner-ups, miss-spelled posts to laugh at ("Resluts") etc..)
but my vote will go to coaster ed...
SF -
Jacko Shanty Offline
I would nominate you.. but the thought of you as a mod makes me shudder.I.
I'll go with Raven and cBass.
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