H2H3 / H2H3 Updated Rosters

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Posted Image
  • jon%s's Photo
    I'm on a great team. We got Prince, Mort and Nate who could produce some serious shit in LL. Doesn't Nate use RCT2 as well? Then there's Aero, NC and Deano, brent0's and me who are mainly RCT2ers (I think). I can see Mort and Prince_Ashitaka working well together for LL. For RCT2. I'd say NC and Deano but they're styles are different so I'm not sure. We'll just have to see what happens. I just hope I can work with NC and maybe Deano. The only work I've seen from Brent0's is a bridge he made for his Sea World park. I've not seen any of Hevydevy's work.

    Just one question. When does this thing start exactly?
  • JKay%s's Photo
    hmmmm....thought I had a spot somewhere, but I guess not.... ???
  • jon%s's Photo
    You were recommended to replace Scarface.Don't know if you are though.
  • yyo%s's Photo
    Hah, my teams great. I've always wanted to work with Titan or Kraken. Iris picked good team, great mix of up and coming LL and RCT2'ers

    I believe H2H starts in may, I don't know :huey:
  • gir%s's Photo
    There are only three LLers on my team. :'( I think.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Who's HeavyDevy?

    And Ya, we're still pretty damn good.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    HevyDevy hasn't been around recently, to the best of my knowledge. But, he did make a good entry to High Rollers (check out "Carnival of Lost Souls").

    Dammit, I wish my name would get spelled right.

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    Gymkids' Analysis:

    Team Kumba (although everyone knows ED is pulling the springs).
    -Strength: creativity. Look! Ed, Blitz, Phatage, Darkjanus. Ya.
    Steve, LeighX, and Metropole have a good-as-can-be-expected 2nd tier.
    -Weakness: People might tire of gimmic parks. I could see a good looking voodoo/slob park doing well. Also, Phatage and Darkjanus are fairly untested.


    Team Micool.
    Strengths: RCT2. Slob, John, Voodoo, and CBASS. With CBASS, they will be pulling some ED-calibur gimmics, but with the other 3 top RCT2 parkmakers in the game, they can make it LOOK GOOD. Really, everyone is underestimating the value of these 4 guys together. Who else is close? Those are THE TOP RCT2'ers. Maybe phatage, but his stuff isnt very good looking, maybe corky. Kraken could do well. but if anyone wants to get one of those 4, they are going to have to dish out HEAVY payment to micool, and their comparitive value in the competition has only increased due to Scarface's retirement. Jacko Shanty also may have an impact, and provide even more winning matchups with the other 4 all stars.

    Weakness: RCTLL. Micool, Gir, and Mightymouse better pull something out of their hat. I know Micool and Gir might be good, but they have an inordinate amount riding on "mightymouse".


    Team Iris.
    Strength: potential. Iris got probably the best "steals" of the draft, and nearly all of his team are improving. And Mantis.

    Weakness: Potential. Other than mantis, iris has a huge amount of liability. He has remarkably few players who have established themselves by releasing things.


    Team Gymkid.
    Strength: LL. I sacraficed the chance to get one of slob, voodoo, corky, adam, john, etc in order to get both Fatha and X. Let that sink in for a minute. Fatha AND X. 2 first round picks. Not only that, but they have TPM to work with to make a trio of the best LL parkmakers. Not only that, but after all of the wheeling and dealing, I haven't totally given up all my RCT2. A LOT is riding on turtle, is he gonna establish himself as on par with voodoo and slob? If AP can make his style a little more flashy, we might also have a "sleeper" RCT2 team...along with me and indyjones. and what is raven up to? Drew's project Onyx skills could be key.

    Weakness: RCT2. AP, ME, and indyjones, and drew NEED to step up to turtle's level in order for the team to not be buried aside from fatha and X.


    Team Butta:

    Strenghts: No "eyepopping" parkmakers like Fatha, X, CBASS, ED, or Mantis, but they have the MOST parkmakers. Corky, Pyro, Twisted, and whoever they get to replace Adam...not bad! Marshy looks to have improved a lot, and might be a big player.

    Weaknesses: I'm having trouble seeing corky in a productive matchup. Without working with fooz, it might be hard. His style just doesn't go with marshy or pyro in RCT2. Also, adam dropped out. Also, I don't think ANY amount of parkmakers is gonna replace the fact that they are going to lose to Mantis, Ed, Fatha/X, pretty much every time they face.



    Strenghts: Mortician. This guy was MADE for h2h. He works fast, his stuff looks good, and gets votes.

    Weaknesses: These guys are in trouble. Mort and Nate can do okay in RCTLL, but those 3 are about it, as Prince seems to be a good parkmaker and a weak h2h player. Aeroglobe might come through with a big win paired with mort or nate. RCT2 they look to be in trouble. NemChris looks to be the leader of their RCT2 team, but it looks like he has 0 other possible people to work it. No real RCT2 rising stars.


    in North Divison: micool #1, Kumba #2, iris #3. No real reason, this division is clearly a great match, with each team having really unique strengths and weaknesses. I think the sheer skill of team cool will beat out the gimmics of team Kumba, and iris seems to be taking too many gambles. Are you SURE kraken was worth that pick? How about turtleman? We'll see!11!

    in South: gymkid #1, butta #2, curse a distant 3rd. The south is filled with much more balanced teams. Not only does sircurse not have any eyepopping superstars (altho one could make the argument for mortician), but they also don't have depth. Butta has no eye poppers, but they DO have depth. Gymkid has 2 eyepopping superstars, but depth could be an issue. In the end, I don't see butta beating X/Fatha/TPM, and i think my RCT2 squad will come through...and don't forget X DOES play RCT2...
  • sloB%s's Photo
    I love my team :)
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    alright gymkid keep leaveing me off your creativity lists, you'll be kicking yourself for that soon :w00t:

    and yes Ed pulls all the strings, i cant even post if he's drinking water :twitch:
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    alright gymkid keep leaveing me off your creativity lists, you'll be kicking yourself for that soon :w00t:

    and yes Ed pulls all the strings, i cant even post if he's drinking water :twitch:

    The creative (yet still uses brown and TT's spiked bushes WAYYY to much) list:
  • iris%s's Photo
    You seriously think I'm not making the playoffs?
    I've won the championship every time I've done this...

    All good...keep doubting....especially when I can guarentee a better record then your team...
  • artist%s's Photo
    Yeah well Gymkid does have a point, i dont really have anyone that will help me out in the Rct2 department. I think we should try and get some more Rct2 players.
    If your up fot it Nate i would love to work with you and make a rct2 park, but then i have Deano, man do you think we could adapt our styles to fit into a park? I think we could, if you want to work with me that is.So we have three RCT2 players me,Deano and Jon, I think we should try and get one more RCT2er so we have an even number of RCT2 players, it would get more matchups for Deano aswell as me.
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    alright gymkid keep leaveing me off your creativity lists, you'll be kicking yourself for that soon :w00t:

    and yes Ed pulls all the strings, i cant even post if he's drinking water :twitch:

    The creative (yet still uses brown and TT's spiked bushes WAYYY to much) list:

    thank you :)
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    You seriously think I'm not making the playoffs?
    I've won the championship every time I've done this...

    All good...keep doubting....especially when I can guarentee a better record then your team...

    i hope you do.

    X and Fatha will tear through Mantis/Turtleman (similar to X/Fatha, but not as good) easier than they could through CBASS and Voodoo or Slob or John (different playing fields, lotsa people know nothing about RCTLL and will vote solely on game).

    You got told!11

    Seriously though, that was just a guess. All three teams in that division are so specialized and unique.
  • iris%s's Photo
    Hey Gymkid....let this sink in..
    Your two man team ya got there went 2-3 last year.
    And those two wins were by FORFEIT :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Secondly...your two 'big names' had as many wins last year as mantis. By himself. Only he didn't win by forfeit. He won by beating your big namers ;)
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo

    I know Micool and Gir might be good, but they have an inordinate amount riding on "mightymouse".

    Mightymouse is actually really good. His Survivor section was my personal favorite on the Tonto map. As far as LL goes.. I'm not sure.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    Hey Gymkid....let this sink in..
    Your two man team ya got there went 2-3 last year.
    And those two wins were by FORFEIT  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    Secondly...your two 'big names' had as many wins last year as mantis. By himself. Only he didn't win by forfeit. He won by beating your big namers  ;)

    oh YA! ya? oh.

    well...Fatha and X didn't work together!!. And Fatha and TPM lost only coz stupid voters voted for the mediocre RCT2 park over the excellent RCTLL park. Bithc1!!!
  • John%s's Photo
    Much love for the Coolers.


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