General Chat / Virus Alert

  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    I recieved 4 emails yesterday into my inbox, from staff at RCT2, Hotmail and from members at NE. They come with an attachment and a message saying "Here they are", or "I await your reply", with attachments with filenames such as "Swimming Pool", or "Information". Be careful, the attachment is in fact a worm that will do nasty things to your computer :( If you don't have a virus scanner, get one at

    That is all.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    Thanks for the alert.
  • The Iron Dragon%s's Photo
    Thanks for the Warning. :rolleyes:
  • posix%s's Photo

    If you're searching for a good virus scanner then use the above. It is even rated better than all of the Norton AntiVirus products. Plus, it's freeware, comes in many different languages and provides almost daily online updates which can easily and automatically be applied out of the program. Really something you should at least try out.
  • Super_Shadow%s's Photo
    yeah thanks i just got on and they don't have their piture agn
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    There really is no reason that you need to use a virus program.
    I mean, the only reason you WOULD get virii is because of mal-email practises.
    I don't use one and I have never gotten a virus, and I am trogen free.
    All it requires is that you don't by stupid.
  • Richie%s's Photo

    [font="Arial"]All it requires is that you don't by stupid.

    Meaning no free porn sites! :lol:

    No seriously.. thats really dodgey if you dont have any protection.. virus protection.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    [font="Arial"]All it requires is that you don't by stupid.

    Meaning no free porn sites! :lol:

    No seriously.. thats really dodgey if you dont have any protection.. virus protection.

    Why would it be dodgy?
  • zach%s's Photo
    People still use IE...and you can contract viruses from sites that exploit it [ IE ] or people who don't have shit like active-X diabled.


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