General Chat / What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?

  • jon%s's Photo
    I was wondering what is the scariest thing that's happened to you. Mine is kind of a near-death expereince that was amazingly avoided. I was 9 at the time. Here is the story:

    "My dad, my sister and me had gone to pick up my mum from work one night. We decided to stop at the shops on the way home. So we stopped and dad put the handbrake on in the car and took my sister to the toilet. Everything at that stage was fine and nothing strange was happening. About 2 mins later, my dad brought my sis back to the car and went to the shop with my mum. So there is only a 9 yr old me and my sis who was 6 at the time in the car. The radio was on and my sister was singing along to the songs. That's when it happened. I noticed that we were moving backwards. It started off slowly and then got faster. The handbrake in the car had snapped and we were rolling backwards very quickly towards a main road and major bus root. I was terrified and had a few seconds to react, I was too nervous to use the handbrake as I completely forgot how to use it. I foolishly began trying to steer the car but it did not work. Then I looked to my left, and there was a bus about 4 metres away heading towards us. We were only on the road for a bout 1/2 a second but the scariest 1/2 seconds of my life. We ended up crossing this road until we smashed into another car. We had also managed to avoid a recycling bin, 3 trees and another car which fortunately swerved to avoid us as we crossed the road. It may sound stupid but you really had to be there to feel and see what was going on. Scariest couple of seconds of my life but we both survived without injury amazingly and had a day of school due to shock. Again, it sounds stupid, but travelling backwards with no handbrake (it had snapped inside) with a bus heading towards you isn't really a funny moment IMO"

    What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? Not a coaster or a crappy fright your mate gave you. Serious stuff.
  • cg?%s's Photo
    my first memory is of my father, drunk, pounding the crap out of my mother. nothing i've gone through even compares to the horror of that memory, really.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    The neverending fights between my parents for 2 and a half years I guess. Divorce is fun, kids!
  • artist%s's Photo
    Well the scariest moment of my life is either when i visted my firends house, when i was young this is and there house is known to be haunted. Well we were playing with our walky talky`s and the ghost that apprantly haunts this house is a little girl. Well i had both walky talky`s in my hand one off and one turned on, i dunno why one was on.Then suddenly we heard a little girl singing along to the radio in the living room and then she started saying stuff like "where is my dolly" and shit like "my face hurts".

    I couldnt sleep for weeks after that.

    Another of my scariest moments is when is watch my girlfriend pass out because of this super skunk that someone had. I really though she was gonig to die all her eyes were rolling to the back of her head and her tounge went down the back of her throut.

    Theres more but i dont think nothing tops that ghost one.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    When we were in France and a drunkard got thrown out of his car outside our house. He then proceded to try and kick the door down, smash glass windows, and generally be french. We couldn't see him as it was dark but he sounded pretty hard. So we were standing just inside the front door with chairs and pen knives waiting for him to come through. While the french police took 45 mins to arrive. One of the hinges on the door broke, and then the police arrived. Probably doesn't sound that scary... but we had no idea what he looked like or what he was carrying.
  • Drew%s's Photo

    Divorce is fun, kids!

    Isn't it? :yup: 8@
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    All I can remember is this,
    1. 3-4 Asthma Attacks I had while living in Washington(the state). These happened when I was 7-10 or somewhere around that age.

    2. Hearing that my Dad was on this street and fell of his motercycle and was in the emergency room, but he was aight when he got home that night, just very very very sore.
    This happened while I was living in Cali., like 4 years ago I think.
  • cBass%s's Photo
    Copied from my post in an old Car Crashes topic...

    One night I was driving down a country road in the rain. My Escort came across some standing water (like 6" of water for 1/4 mile). I skidded sideways, flipped over, my window broke, I went into the ditch (where there was 3 feet of water), and my car filled up with water. So within a few seconds of hitting the standing water I found myself upside down, under water, strapped in (shoulder and lap belts), in the dark. After several seconds of struggling and freaking out (!) I found the door handle and opened the door a crack. That released the automatic shoulder belt. I then squirmed free of the lap belt, righted myself, and found the bit of air by the floor (now the ceiling) of the car. I was able to crawl out the broken window and flag down the next passing driver, who called for an ambulance. I had some scrapes and bruises but nothing serious. That was 11 years ago and I still get very nervous driving on wet roads.

  • Richie%s's Photo
    The scariest thing didnt happen to me, but my dad a couple of years ago.

    I was upstairs in my room, when i heard my mum screaming "whats the matter?" then my dad shouting "theres no floor, the floors gone, i cant see!" I ran downstairs, and my dad was stading against the wall, with his heels and back against the wall, still saying "theres no floor". My mum was trying to get him to walk, repeating herself, "there is a floor, trust me".

    He was there for about 5 minutes, then my mum managed to get him to lay down on the sofa. A couple of minutes later he suddenly started saying, "what am i doing here, i was in the shed?"

    We took him down to the hospital, he couldnt remember a thing. He was in the shed sorting tools and stuff before this. I was soo scared, i couldnt sleep for a couple of nights after that. I felt really ill.

    The hospital kept him in a couple of days, then said they think he had a stroke, but it was pretty only a mild one, caused by stress. They also found he had a high colestrol(cant spell) and that could have been part of the reason.

    The scariest thing thats happened to me, was probably getting mugged on the way home from school, and threatened with a glass bottle.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo

    One night I was driving down a country road in the rain. My Escort came across some standing water (like 6" of water for 1/4 mile). I skidded sideways, flipped over, my window broke, I went into the ditch (where there was 3 feet of water), and my car filled up with water. So within a few seconds of hitting the standing water I found myself upside down, under water, strapped in (shoulder and lap belts), in the dark. After several seconds of struggling and freaking out (!) I found the door handle and opened the door a crack. That released the automatic shoulder belt. I then squirmed free of the lap belt, righted myself, and found the bit of air by the floor (now the ceiling) of the car. I was able to crawl out the broken window and flag down the next passing driver, who called for an ambulance. I had some scrapes and bruises but nothing serious. That was 11 years ago and I still get very nervous driving on wet roads.

    You win.
  • bokti%s's Photo

    ... smash glass windows, and generally be french.

    if only there was a smilie with a higher intensity than this one: :lol:

    but back to the topic. my scariest moment would probably be when my colon started to protrude from my asshole when i was laughing so hard at what deanosrs said. goos fucking show.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    A few years ago, me and my girlfriend, her brother and his other half all went camping up in the mountains. My bitch's bro decided he was gonna get whacked on coke (cocaine for all you sensitized kiddies), even though we'd all made a pact not to take drugs at all (not even alcohol). We all saw him fall off a cliff, and plummet at least 20 metres to his death, on the jagged rocks below. We saw him hit the ground. Nothing can erase that horrifying memory from my head.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo

    A few years ago, me and my girlfriend, her brother and his other half all went camping up in the mountains. My bitch's bro decided he was gonna get whacked on coke (cocaine for all you sensitized kiddies), even though we'd all made a pact not to take drugs at all (not even alcohol). We all saw him fall off a cliff, and plummet at least 20 metres to his death, on the jagged rocks below. We saw him hit the ground. Nothing can erase that horrifying memory from my head.

    lol that sucks for you
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    Yes, yes it does... :'(
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Being on a walk with my family when I was about 7 and having an army jet on a training flight fly so low over the top of us that I fell over cos of the noise.

    Picking up an apple juice carton which had a slug on it and putting my hand on the slug. Hysterics for 30 minutes.

    Fainting for the first (and second) time.
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    On a flight to Atlanta once, we were just touching down, and as we started to slow down, the engines reved up again. We lifted back up just in time to avoid hitting another airplane that was still on the runway. We probably cleared it by about 50 feet. Scared the shit out of everyone sitting in window seats.
  • bokti%s's Photo
    too bad you didn't collide.
  • Lucifer%s's Photo
    When i turned the light out to go to sleep, and my body began glowing purple. Yes, i had purple "fluro" coloured light shining from me. That scared the shit out of me.

    Algeestars amuses me; i love a happy ending... :D
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    Repeat after me...........Acid is not my friend.
  • Lucifer%s's Photo

    Repeat after me...........Acid is not my friend.

    I've never done any sort of drugs in my life.

    I don't intend to, either.


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