General Chat / What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?
11-April 04
Hyperion Offline
I would say yesterday, when I crashed into my friends truck. 2 people infront of him were in the crash, too. It wasn't horrible, my car got away with just a hole in the fender from rearending the trailor-hitch, but his frontend got messed up pretty bad. I guess the scariest part was talking to the cop though really.
-Hypes -
Super_Shadow Offline
when i was proboly about 5 or 6 my neiborhood(sp?) was reparing the fence b/c it sucked and they were told to remove the nails off of them then being a stupid kid i had to use the bathroom and i wasn't looking down and i steped on one of the beams(sp?) of the fence. There was a nail right where i steped, it went through my shoe and though my foot, and my mom wraped my foot up and i lost a lot of blood i passed out so i don't really remember what happend when i wnt to the hospital, but that hurt like hell -
JKay Offline
Two weeks ago, my wife had a grand mal seizure....scariest shit Ive ever seen.....had to call 911...she seized for 7 mins and it was the longest 7 mins of my life....everything turned out fine, she was released from the hospital the same night....but damn was that scary.... -
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
Well, I was in a car crash with one of my friends, pretty scary seeing a Jeep Liberty bear down on you when you're in a Jetta...
Then one time I woke up and it felt like something was pushing me down. I thought I saw something floating above me, but then it went away. Man that was weird... -
Ride6 Offline
^ do the words "When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimps... Out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now. The child has grown, the dream is gone" mean something to you now?
(Confortably Numb: Pink Floyd, The Wall)
-First of all you must realize that I am severally alergict to milk. Not like Lactos intollerent or any of that BS, that just gives you gas and cramps. Mine is a full-out alergy, as in it milk could kill me given that I bacame exposed to too much of it in too small a time.
My mom runs a daycare though and I was eating snack with the kids like I always do when somehow the drinks got mixed up... I was watching TV and didn't even notice that I was drinking milk untill half the cup (about 4 fluid ounces) were in my system. My body began it's normal reactions. Itchy throught, swelling (which could close my airway), heartburn, etc. I quickly got a double-dose of Benidrell (sp?) since that is my normal door to safty. This time though it did nothing and after the longest 20 minutes that I can recall I threw up everything that was in my stomic (in the toilet). The fear was over at that point. I started to feel better but the stress of the situation left me without any energy. I fell asleep for the remainder of the night. Luckily I had no homework or anything because teachers never understand this kinda shit.
ride6 -
Richie Offline
I agree, i broke my wrist and the teacher still expected me to have done the homework.Luckily I had no homework or anything because teachers never understand this kinda shit.
1. I was in hospital for hours, i wouldnt have time
2. How can i write with a newly broken wrist
My friends cousin had an allergic reaction to milk. One time the 2 glasses got mixed up and he was killed because of it. The thing is, it was his aunt that gave it to him, and my friend got his cousins(special) milk -
RollerC Offline
The scariest thing that happened me is when me and my cousins were riding bikes down my aunts hill. its not a rinky dink hill. It goes winding down for a about 6 miles. Well, they live by the woods and in the depth of the woods is an indian burial graves. Me and my 4 cousins were speeding down it. Our bikes had pegs so we didnt need for bikes. Well.... about half way down, my cousin looses control and rames in to me and we both go flying into the woods. I hit a log and the cousin that was on my pegs goes flying off and down a 40 foot ravine with me behind him. After we all made sure that everyone was Ok, we started back up the hill, but since we never went that far in the woods, we were lost. After about 6 hours of walking, we here noises. It sounded like someone was behind us. We walked faster. It got dark. Then the real freaky stuff happened. We kept seeing glowing eyes in the distance. I was so scared that I wanted to kill my self. I had a mental break down. Then out of no where, a helicopter appears over head. It was like a miracle. Then the police and my parents came running behind us. I was so happy. We then learned that we were at the entrance of the Burial grave. I was grounded for two months for leaving without my cell.. Till this day, we still dont know what we saw.
JBruckner Offline
[font="Times"]when i was proboly about 5 or 6 my neiborhood(sp?) was reparing the fence b/c it sucked and they were told to remove the nails off of them then being a stupid kid i had to use the bathroom and i wasn't looking down and i steped on one of the beams(sp?) of the fence. There was a nail right where i steped, it went through my shoe and though my foot, and my mom wraped my foot up and i lost a lot of blood i passed out so i don't really remember what happend when i wnt to the hospital, but that hurt like hell
No wonder you're so dumb.
[/font] -
The Langolier Offline
On a flight form Chicago Midway to of the engines started losing oil and caused it to catch on fire 15 min. into the flight. The pilot turned off the engine, and we had to make an emergency landing at O Hare. When we landed, rescue vehicles lined the runway.
We didnt get on another flight until the next day, but we were upgraded to 1st class 9cause there was enough room) for free. It was still scary though. -
rK_ Offline
last year when i was racing my sled, (snowmobile if you dont know) my ski caught a ridge in the ice, snapped off and sent me over the handle bars doing 92mph, fractured my knee in so many places and i got a nice scar on the side of my head from the suspension link going through the visor of my helmet just missing my face by not even an inch. I was awake through all of this, i felt my knee pop out off place and the scariest part was when i took my helmet off to see the suspension link in my visor and the helemt soaked in blood, my knee pops so loud when i kneel down and locks up time to time, and when i got tossed off the sled it was almost in slow motion, until i hit the ice.
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