(Archive) Advertising District / Farialy Bay Ghost Town
07-April 04
PBJ Offline
i don´t agree with you! I love the water/lave idea! i add some great looking coulers to the park! so Muuuh keep on the good work!!But im sorry the lava ruins the whole screen and makes the park look tacky.
muuuh Offline
i have beginn a new part. the name is Bloody Bay.
here are screens:
old part:
new part. it`s not mutch^^:
and the overview:
http://mantisflight..../uebersicht.jpg -
PBJ Offline
oke i agree it is not much but it is some!!
and again i like it! the only thing is that the last thing seems to be the same thing as the rest and in one post you said:Posted on Apr 19 2004, 03:04 PM
I have finnished the Ghost town Part
but it doesn´t matter i like it! -
Richie Offline
It looks good, i think the que line needs to be shorter and more interesting though. And those custom supports look VERY odd with the normal supports. I like the archy and the colours, its very interesting so far. I would like to see more of that coaster, it looks like it would finish at a very high speed, andways, keep it up and looking forward to more updates.
EDIT* I just noticed the lava coming out of the skull, it looks cool. Nice ideaEdited by *RiChiE*, 24 April 2004 - 02:09 PM.
muuuh Offline
oh thanks for the posts!
I will build an other part in some other colours.!! perhaps the walls black and the windows yellow? It`s not spooky, or?
muuuh -
muuuh Offline
So, i have begin a new part mitvery different colours. i hope you`ll like it: Two houses are complete. -
X250 Offline
I like it a lot, you have used different colours but have not escaped the theme of your park. The archy skills you have are very precise and a lot of work has been put into this you can tell. Very good- congrats. -
JKay Offline
This park is certainly interesting....colors are cool...I'm curious about are what purposes are of all the bldgs....I mean they look nice and scary, but dont know what they are there for....I also think there is too much scenery crammed into them...I think they are overdone...I know that I tend to over-do things to, but my bldgs dont even have that much scenery crammed together.....but it is different than what most other people are building these days....props for that -
muuuh Offline
i have finnished my new house. it isnt a spooky house! I wont build the whole park in spook theming.
here is a screen: -
X250 Offline
wow- nice use of scenery there and i love the windows. Also i like the fences around the roofs and the house.
I think maybe a brick path would look better than the path you have now though...
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