News / Send iris Money

  • JKay%s's Photo
    $3 on the way....sorry I couldnt give more iris, but I'm a budget too...but I had to give somethign to keep my #1 website running.... :D
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    i might want to pay, but there's no way i'm going to ask to use my parents credit card (i.e. "what for?" "a website" "is this secure?/why would you want to do that?/blabla something else") and i just have a regular bank acount and a savings one (over the internet, really sweet =D) I don't like the mailing part when it costs a lot to post and takes a long while to get there. Really, if you make it very do-able for me, i'd actually chip in. It's really more the fact that i have to go through trouble that i don't want to go through than it's the little bit of money, that i could probably spare.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo

    Me and Adix did the math.

    May wanna double check that ???
  • Richie%s's Photo

    i might want to pay, but there's no way i'm going to ask to use my parents credit card (i.e. "what for?" "a website" "is this secure?/why would you want to do that?/blabla something else") and i just have a regular bank acount and a savings one (over the internet, really sweet =D) I don't like the mailing part when it costs a lot to post and takes a long while to get there. Really, if you make it very do-able for me, i'd actually chip in. It's really more the fact that i have to go through trouble that i don't want to go through than it's the little bit of money, that i could probably spare.

    Same here, i love coming onto this site and i would like to donate something, but its just getting the money to iris. Even with a paypall acount i wont be able to, my mums not gonna let me use her credit card, they hate me visiting forums and say its a waste of time, so they definately wont let me. Posting it in the mail is pretty bad, if i wanted to send £10, it would end up at no more than 4 - 5 ££'s due to posting, and changing it up to dollars 8@
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Here's one for you. Get a fucking job.
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo

    It always has been for the fucking site.

    MY money is going to the prom and the girlfriend...NOT the site. I'm tired of being the only one putting up money for this thing. So how about...I go have a great time with my 'g/f' at prom, and you guys can sit there starting at a "page cannot be displayed" page.

    It's your site, deal with it. If it's too costly. Get some other Staff members to help out with. Or those so called Park Makers.

    Oh yea, If you guys want to send me some money too. Go ahead, then I can quit my job and sit on my ass.
  • Adix%s's Photo
    Congratulations on being an ignoramus. Unlike you, iris actually provides a service to the people he's asking for support from.
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Irsi acts all angry that he has to pay for the site

    Hey, wakeup, its your "fucking site" you made the commitment to creating it, and you may be tired of paying for it, but you cant expect others to pay it for you. Go have fun trying to get sponsored for RollerCoaster Tycoon. :p
  • Panic%s's Photo
    ^You left a while ago and are only coming back now. If you saw how frustrated Iris was getting a couple months ago about the site, and how hard he was working to keep it running 100% and galvanize some eagerness in things here and there despite his frustration, you would have more appreciation for the guy and what he has done for us. With the Top Rides list, H2H3, the Pro Tour, and other stuff (and that's only just recently), Iris has and has had a lot on his plate. Give the guy a little respect and some support for his efforts.

    Iris, I may be able to get you some, maybe $10.
  • Metropole%s's Photo

    but you cant expect others to pay it for you. Go have fun trying to get sponsored for RollerCoaster Tycoon. :p

    Evindently, he can expect it, because many people are sending money. He wouldn't be asking us all for money if he didn't mean it. At the end of the day, if the site closes, then it's all of our losses.

    Metro B)
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Actually I run a few sites of my own that I pay for. But I happen to have a job, and alot of other shit I have to pay for and I am not bitching. Iris, are you paying Car Inssurance? Gas Money? Music Equiptment? And pretty much everything every other person needs.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Oh brother.

    I own my own site which is already starting to cost me more than I used to pay (w/ extra space and bandwidth), I have a part-time job at a law office (try getting one of those NO), I keep up my grades in school with a 4.4 GPA (hence the part-time job), I am on the varisty tennis team at my school, and I have a lead in the school musical.

    I'm paying for the musical and tennis fees, I'm saving for my car, and I'm trying to juggle a job on top of everything else. It's killing me having little time to do anything else, and I'm just scraping by NO. I got lucky and my parents paid for prom, but iris is doing a lot himself, and in turn paid a crapload of money for it. He's also got to pay for this site, which is bigger than anything you've ever made, and he pays for the majority of it out of his own pocket. Cut him some slack. The guy does a damn good job around here for members like you who just bitch, complain, leave, and return.

    What exactly does that say about you NO?
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo

    I am on the varisty tennis team at my school, and I have a lead in the school musical.


    It's really a matter of whether or not you want this site to stay up. You shouldn't question the reasons behind it.
  • bctrainers%s's Photo
    Hey iris, try using Googles AdSense, i know thrillnetwork uses it. And it usually brings in the money quite a bit per month.

    --bc ;)
  • John%s's Photo
    Jacko, freak was talking about Nitrous Oxide. Not about iris.
  • Silenced%s's Photo

    If your site receives more than 20 million page views a month, our sales team can help customize the AdSense program for your business.

    Does New Element get that many hits a month?
  • bctrainers%s's Photo

    Premium Service
    If your site receives more than 20 million page views a month, our sales team can help customize the AdSense program for your business.

    I think you misread that part there knuckles. ;)
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    Oh brother.

    I own my own site which is already starting to cost me more than I used to pay (w/ extra space and bandwidth), I have a part-time job at a law office (try getting one of those NO), I keep up my grades in school with a 4.4 GPA (hence the part-time job), I am on the varisty tennis team at my school, and I have a lead in the school musical.

    I'm paying for the musical and tennis fees, I'm saving for my car, and I'm trying to juggle a job on top of everything else.  It's killing me having little time to do anything else, and I'm just scraping by NO.  I got lucky and my parents paid for prom, but iris is doing a lot himself, and in turn paid a crapload of money for it.  He's also got to pay for this site, which is bigger than anything you've ever made, and he pays for the majority of it out of his own pocket.  Cut him some slack.  The guy does a damn good job around here for members like you who just bitch, complain, leave, and return.

    What exactly does that say about you NO?

    But you see, you live in Riverside, the ghetto of all ghettos.
    So that isn't anything special.
  • Blackjack%s's Photo
    Iris, get off your ass and get a damn job. :fuck you: :fuck you: :fuck you: :fuck you: :fuck you: :fuck you:
  • Panic%s's Photo
    ^I just snorted soda after seeing his member information.


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