News / Send iris Money

  • natelox%s's Photo

    It always has been for the fucking site.

    MY money is going to the prom and the girlfriend...NOT the site. I'm tired of being the only one putting up money for this thing. So how about...I go have a great time with my 'g/f' at prom, and you guys can sit there starting at a "page cannot be displayed" page.

    Iris, let's get a few things straight. First, yes this is your site so you do what you want with it. Keep in mind however, that NE is home to over 1200 members, all of whom appreciate the site. You said it, "what goes around comes around". As for your girlfriend. I really don't see why you would spend $900 on your girlfriend for one night. It is obviously you're choice, but that is a huge amount of money for one night and there is something really out of tune with that number. As for your comment about "you guys can sit there starting at a "page cannot be displayed" page." really shows your true colours. If you want money from NE's members I would suggest you treat them with a much nicer attitude.

    A solution to this problem is simple: Get users to pay for the running of the site. It must be done professionally however. Currently asking for money and getting it sent to your grandmother is not professional and makes me wonder if any money I might send you would be put to good use. If you charged 50cents a month to visit this site, you would get $6.00 a year from every memeber. Now, if 100 memebers invest in this, you'll have over $600 a year. Divide that by 12 months and you're making $50 a month which is way over the required amount for bandwith. If you dropped it to 25cents a month, thats only $3.00 a year for the members! And assuming you have more members because of the cheaper price, perhaps 200 memebers, you still have a $50 cash flow each month. If NE is home to over 1200 members, I'm sure atleast 200 would be willing to pay for the incredibly cheap price to keep this site running.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    I go have a great time with my 'g/f' at prom, and you guys can sit there starting at a "page cannot be displayed" page.

    My life will go on.
  • Critic%s's Photo
    If I had any money I'd send some.

    And yeah, the PayPal account would help.
  • Adix%s's Photo
    I liked that one episode where people said they'd help, not saying anything about paypal, and then didn't send anything. That was so... cool... that it hurt. A lot.

    Where's my fucking sledgehammer?
  • Atticus%s's Photo
    If I send like, $20, can I be unbanned.

    /account banned
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I agree with Nate.
    Even though I don't really wanna pay to visit sites, I would cause I like coming to this site so much.
    Perhaps with that $3.00 you could include some useful features for the paying members, I know that has been disscused before but it is a good thing to keep in mind.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    If I had any money, I'd send some also. I should be getting some money here soon so your gonna be seeing something from me soon.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    40 Bucks in the mail, bitches.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Surprisingly enough, I do have other things that fill my time apart from visiting NE, so it would be nice to be respected as members, because everyone here makes the site what it is by visiting and posting, not just you iris.

    On another note, I'm going into town tomorrow so I'll put something in the post, because I think that's only fair, but it would be nice to have some sort of respect and not be treated like a gimp who lives in the basement.
  • Blackjack%s's Photo
    McDonald's is hiring! :@
    Instead of bothering US for money, go out in the real world and get a god damned job you moocher.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, one more thing, I burned, and served you.
  • iPark%s's Photo
    He shouldn't have to "work at McDonalds". This site probably costs quite a lot, in terms of cash and time to keep up. However, I do think there should be a PayPal account added. A nice little "Donate" button/link in the menus would be good too. PayPal is really quick and easy to set up; with this standard of website, it's hardly going to be a problem for the people behind it to set up a PayPal account. Also, why are there no banner ads on the site? I know that nowadays they don't amount to much, but they would help a little... Or Amazon Associates or something could be good too.. If you encourage all the members to buy RCT3D through NE on Amazon this fall, you could make yourself a little bit back. Also, I can't help thinking you bring on the bandwidth problems...
    Some of the pages here are not really needed, and can be quite image-heavy. There are loads of other things too; why are there so many smilies? Wouldn't it be wise to clear out forum posts older than 6 months every month or so maybe (even if just to get some more space back)? The hidden parks clearly use huge amounts; some clues like the last easter round could reduce this...
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    If you set up a pyapal account, and each ACTIVE member here only gave you a dollar a month, you'd have more than enough money to keep the site running at its' current pace. Capiche?
  • iris%s's Photo
    Deano, I meant no disrespect to all the members (except for whoever the hell Blackjack is, that dude needs a life...quicky. "I burned and served you!!! Boy, bet you got a real kick outta that huh? Fuckin loser). All I was saying was, I am the only one who spends money on the site (except those that have donated). And nobody here, with the possible exception of Adix, puts as much time into this site as I do. So I personally think I should be able to get a little help here and there. If nobody said they were sending anything, that's one thing. But when everyone tells me they are sending money, and I depend on that money being there...and it's not, well it just leaves me in a really bad position (happened this week).

    I know the members are what makes this place go, but I need some help makin sure that these members have a place to make go.
  • KaiBueno%s's Photo
    Honestly now...mailing money? That sure is the safest way to do things now isn't many financial and delivery services out there suggest NOT doing that? :!!:

    I say replace the "powered by php" button with a Paypal one...about the same size...and blue/white too if I remember correctly.

    I'd consider contributing something that way, but the other is just crazy...

    Best wishes funding the site, your gf's birthday, and the prom bill.

    If we do get the "bandwidth has been exceeded" page, then well, it's a good thing I did high school a decade ago, and that my site gets far less in terms of hits. The joys of hosting for $7 a month.

    Lol. :lol:

    Kai :scarface:
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo


    Seriously, set up a PayPal account for the site. It takes 1 day if you want to get everything up and running (EG, getting a debit card, putting your bank account on it and so on and so forth.). A lot of people are too lazy to send money via the post office.

    I am broke right now, but I do have a few bucks in my PayPal account that I could send you.
    So stop bitching and open one. It would really benefit the site in general and not just for keeping it up.

  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    I would send money, but really mailing it to someone I do not know is not looked apon brightly by my parents.

  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Mail orders bitches.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo

    EDIT: Oh yeah, one more thing, I burned, and served you.

    for the record, the "you got served" thing was NOT intended for this.
  • Outlaw%s's Photo
    Pop-ups solve all problems. I don't care if I have to click on it every fucking time I visit the site, if it's bringing in money then it's worth it. Right?

    Oh yeah, and BlackJack, I'm assuming your an alias of some sort, and if so, either be man enough to say it on your normal name or get the fuck off the site.
  • spider%s's Photo
    I'll send some.

    Seems to me this shouldn't be a debate. The guy has worked tirelessly for almost 3 years, after school, late into the night, etc. to keep the site current and enjoyable. HOW Iris asks for help, or hypotheses as to how much it costs to keep the site running or WHAT this $$$ would be used for is not relevant. If he has to work at "McDonalds", then the site will not stay updated. The countless hours for maintenance, contests, etc are done when he might otherwise be working.

    I'm sure each of us a $5, $10, $20 at SOME point to send it along. - One less beer, or cd. This site has cost over 1500.00 since its inception. Just try to show appreciation. Iris doesn't usually ask.

    RCT Station couldn't stay alive financially. Please don't let NE go down - it just takes a little from each member.


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