News / Hidden Parks - Park 5 Revealed
23-March 04
iris Offline
Hidden Parks Return!!!
That's right, there are five parks currently hidden all around the site, waiting to be found for this round of Runner Ups. Definitely one of the best rounds we've had in a long time. Rules are simple, a link can be ANYWHERE, in any part of the site except for the forums. I'm sure there will some of you trying to cheat, and if you wanna try and get away with it..ruin the fun for yourself, who cares, just don't ruin the fun for everyone else. We're also about done adding a tracker for those that try to cheat that will automatically ban those we catch. Don't worry about how it's done...but I guarentee you it's there, Adix is a genius in these sort of things.
We also have individual forums for each park for comments on them, all needing password access. The password to these forums are cleverly written on the page, so only those that have found the park can comment on them.
Good luck and more then anything...HAVE FUN! -
Coaster Ed Offline
EDIT: Spoke too soon. It works now. Four more to go.
Eeep, now the download doesn't work. Looks like I'm too fast for you iris. -
Geoff Offline
so you just click on any link, and if you click on the right one, it will have the password? -
Oneofakind0490 Offline
I only found one. Its a great idea and IO wont ever be able to find the rest. Can't wait for DL. -
Adix Offline
If only you knew how much scrambling we do as soon as we release things to get them to work... hahahahahahaha. Damn, being on staff is too much fun.
I found all five... -
Adix Offline
Certain images and snippets of text of the main site will take you to a page with the password for the park's forum, the download link, and a preview. They can be ANYWHERE on the main site. -
Vidgms Offline
Ok so if I got a password, where do I go to enter it or if I think that I got a password? -
iris Offline
The password doesnt mean anything except that you can view the forum and comment on the park.
Normal runner-up page links are hidden throughout the site. You find the hidden link it takes you to the runner-up page with the download. It also gives you the password in case you wanna comment on the park or just make an appaerance proving you found the park. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
I found one. This is so hard.. it could take weeks to go through all those pages. I must admit though.. clever idea.
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