News / New Parkmaker!
21-March 04
iris Offline
cBass Parkmaker Page
As some of you guys may have probably already noticed, we have crowned ourselves a new parkmaker. Congratulations cBass and welcome to the team. You've more then earned it with your one of a kind style of parkmaking and insane ideas. Starting with Wisconsin, one of the most fun parks I've ever 'walked through', to your Pro Tour entry that basically sealed the deal. Not to mention the optical illusions your pulling in your Master's Pallette area. Absolutely cannot wait for your work in the Pro Tour!! Congratulations once again cBass, you've definitely earned it! -
Ablaze Offline
Well done cBass, just looking at your page. Love the Suprise park with the box, never saw that until then. Thought that was a good idea. -
Metropole Offline
Very deserved parkmaker spot there goes to a very imaginative parkmaker. Congradulations Cbass, and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Metro -
PyroPenguin Offline
Congrats CBass, the screens for your new park are quite impressive. Looking forward to seeing more from you. -
Dixi Offline
I think anybody saying you aint deserving of the spot is just jelous. Give it 6 months and you'll be considered a legend. Congrats home boy. *clapclap* -
cBass Offline
Thank you, Iris.
Thanks also to Kai and the members of RCTM.
Finally, thanks to everyone who has offered encouragement, and thanks to those who tell me what they think I could do better. That's what NE's all about.
I hope not to disappoint. -
thorpedo Offline
You definetely won't disappoint, with what you've already made and that excellent Pro Tour entry coming up.
Congrats on becoming parkmaker. -
Scorchio Offline
Congrats - and I ask a fave - since I don't own RCT2, what's inside that big pressie? -
Pym Guy Offline
Well now, that would ruin the supriseCongrats - and I ask a fave - since I don't own RCT2, what's inside that big pressie?
BigFoot Offline
Congrads Cbass, you have the talent for sure. Interesting to see the 'Surprise' park up their, was the entry to my contest.
My only claim to fame. lol.
Congrads! -
Tech Artist Offline
Congrats cBass, glad to see you as NE's new parkmaker. I hope to see great things from you as I already have.
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