Pro Tour 1 / PT Screens
21-March 04
Micool Offline
Do you get beat up in school?I do believe there is a rule, Ride6 that says your screenshots must be fully zoomed in.
Panoramical Offline
Apologies.Dude. It is fully zoomed in. If you didn't notice the "plus" symbol for zooming in is faded out.
And Micool, as I am lucky enough to go to a good school beating ups dont happen often so I hope that answers your question. And no i dont anyway. -
gymkid dude Offline
I beleive that "beating ups" is grammatically incorrect, and that you intended to write "beatings up". -
Panoramical Offline
actually i think you'll find it's a colloqueal expression anyway and therefore neither are grammatically correct in the english language -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Actually, that screen does look zoomed out, but only because it is compressed into a smaller screen.. it gives the illusion that the buildings are smaller. -
Ride6 Offline
Well when I have a 128meg Radion 9700 TX why not run everything in Hi-Def. I just leave the settings on everything up nice and high. Yes the screen size and file type were changed in order to allow the picture to fit within NE's upload size limit.
ride6 -
mantis Offline
Hopefully someone will clean this shit up so we can actually find the fucking screens without having to trawl through shitloads of drivel.
GAH. Brent - just fuck off if you can't be civil.
haha. -
Kumba Offline
Hopefully someone will clean this shit up so we can actually find the fucking screens without having to trawl through shitloads of drivel.
what an idea *starts editing first post*
ok go look at the first post now. i think that will help a bit -
Ride6 Offline
Nope, not really. Just a few people stirring eachothers pot the wrong way and getting excited about it.
ride6 -
RRP Offline
ive been busy hacking gunbound and the likes,id like to think im one step closer to rct2 window mode
A .txt file explaining the basics of window mode ive been given
well see you in a few weeks again most likely........
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