Pro Tour 1 / PT Screens
21-March 04
Ride6 Offline
Sorry about all the overhyping of my entry. At this point it'll either:
a ) End up being a disapointment or
b ) End up impressing you anyway because you thought I was incapable of such a thing.
I wish I hadn't been such an ass. Sorry. I will post a screen but not for another week or two...
gir-That's pretty nice. I little too much path maybe since this is such a small map, however, you should do what you think is best.
ride6 -
Corkscrewed Offline
The scary thing is that cBass really IS showing off a screen of his park.... *shifty eyes* I mean... wow. I love that coaster cBass!
Great stuff here. Who will Pyro give the 10 to this time? -
Tech Artist Offline
Where?The scary thing is that cBass really IS showing off a screen of his park.... *shifty eyes* I mean... wow. I love that coaster cBass!
John Offline
Since it's Raven's cash, you'd be giving it to iris as a goodwill the sounds of it, either ride6 will win, or i will.
...only, guess who's willing to give irsi head..? -
natelox Offline
I've heard rumors he won't be judging, THANK GOD! Penguins shouldn't judge RCT contestsGreat stuff here. Who will Pyro give the 10 to this time?
John Offline
cBassSee you all June 2, 2004.
Corkscrewed Offline
LMAO! What, you think just because they have flippers they can use a mouse well?I've heard rumors he won't be judging, THANK GOD! Penguins shouldn't judge RCT contests
Prince Offline
As long as Posix isn't judging I might have a chance, lol. I'm still contemplating if I should post a screen or not...
~Prince Ashitaka~ -
sloB Offline
I've only just begun building coasters, so you guys will have to settle for my entrance.
enjoy 'er. It'll have to last till June. -
posix Offline
slob, it's fucking cute. Reminds me of old x-sector work. Very nice. Nothing more though.
And Prince, why do you care so much for my opinion?
Believe it or not but I'm not always in a bad mood. Meaning, my posts might actually turn out to be "nice". -
Steve Offline
I'm missing how it looks "cute."
But still, looks like top 10 material to me.
Nice work. Love the colors too. -
John Offline
I don't know why, but slob's entrance looks familiar.
Like I've seen something really similiar to it before.
Maybe I saw it before you posted the screen. Not sure. -
Jacko Shanty Offline
Nice work, slob. The white on the portcullis bars = delicious.
I don't really like the queue paths used there though.
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