Pro Tour 1 / PT Screens
21-March 04
Micool Offline
I like it but I can tell that screen alone took hours. Wish I could do something that cool, but much like you but much more, I don't have time. Maybe I ought to show a screen as well, to get my fat arse in gear. -
Aeroglobe Offline
Wow! Looking very good. I'm imagining this path layout similar to the Rooty section, with single paths going all over the place, and the coaster going everywhere.
Knowing your work, I have no doubt that I'm all wrong on this guess, also.
I'm sure it'll surprise.
Aérôglòbe -
Turtle Offline
Ooooh, i like. It's bizarre, but then, it's you, so...yeah. Not sure i like it all, bit of a wierd tree selection amongst other things. -
mantis Offline
I really like it, Micool. The only thing i'm not keen on (and this is true of a lot of your screens) is that grey-surface/brickwalled/hedge lined bit that faces onto the path. It's the fact that there's nothing to stop the blankness of the path from merging into the blankness of the wall...there should be a shrub, or arches, or anything. Just to break it up. But yeah it looks great, and i'm expecting those banners to read something interesting -
Tech Artist Offline
Sure ya will.
I like it. It looks like it will be another Happyplace or possbily a spin-off. -
Micool Offline
You are mistaken.One dolphin statue is enough, Micool. Looks good.
mantis I completely agree with you and in this section I have finally begun to experiment with hacking bushes and flowers onto the paths. However that's not a very good angle because you can't see it at all. The problem with that little wall is that I want it to be there and it's not high enough to have an arch there...and it looks to akward to have bushes just lying out there in front. I don't know, I'll think of something to fix those things since it happens more than once.
And about the signs... -
Aeroglobe Offline
Nice. I'm liking the hat stalls behind the archways. Great job using colors, and making the atmosphere work (overgrown, jungle-ish).
Aérôglòbe -
Marshy Offline
Micool..Nice screen.
Just one minor thing which really puts me off, the dolphins, they suck.
Other than that, I'm lovin' it. -
Scarface Offline
Toon - amazing
Mantis - Strange because i cant figure it out lol , but also looks good
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