General Chat / A-Rod's A Yankee

  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    I think Soriano should be placed in there. ;)
  • MickMaximus%s's Photo
    "If you pay him he will come."

    It is now official. Bud has given his ok.

    Plus spring training opens tomorrow. What could be better than this.
  • Steel Falcon%s's Photo

    What could be better than this.

    The Yankees dying.

    I hate the Yankees.

    -Steel Falcon-
  • The Langolier%s's Photo

    Personally, I think A-Rod should play SS and maybe Jeter should play 3rd.  Regardless, A-Rod should be SS... he's the best SS in the league... him not playing SS is like... un-holy.

    -Steel Falcon-

    A-Rod is solid defensively but nothing special. It's true he's a better hitter than Nomar, Jeter, and Tejada but to tell the truth I'd take any of those three over A-rod defensively. (And I'd take Rey Ordonez over anyone defensively, Ha! Go Padres!) Jeter's got better range and A-rod has the hands for third base. Personally if he is okay with it then I'd feel good either way if I was you. To have both of them in one lineup is a sin. But Red Sox fans - who led the league in hitting last year? If I remember right, it was your third baseman. The Red Sox will make the playoffs, again. Personally I feel sorry for the Blue Jays. Last year the 4 premier shortstops were all in the AL, now they're all in the AL East. I don't even know who the Blue Jays' 3B IS.

    The Yankees won't win.
    AP: I don't think they're planning on starting Wilson at second.

    Yes, they are starting Wilson at 2nd. THen when Boone gets better (next year as of now), theyll put jeter or ARod at 2nd (probably Jeter), then Boone at 3rd.

    ^Id like you to die to falcon :bring it: ...its a joke :lol:
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    i still cant belive they won that shit....again! :OMG:
  • Vidgms%s's Photo
    The AL East is going to be the L.A. Lakers of baseball, even though I hate the Lakers.

    Go Broncos!
  • Micool%s's Photo

    I think Soriano should be placed in there.  ;)

    Yeah too bad he's not a Yankee ???
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    The AL East is going to be the L.A. Lakers of baseball, even though I hate the Lakers. 

    Go Broncos!

    That doesn't even make sense.

    You mean the Midwest Division of baseball?

    Anyway, DAMN YANKEES! It ain't fair!

    But I'm a firm believer of the old adage "Pitching and defense wins in baseball." Yankees have all offense, but their pitching is a lot weaker, and their defense... well, now that they have A-Rod it's better, but still, I hope they choke like the Mavs every year!

  • KaiBueno%s's Photo

    Yankee for Life

    Well does it get any better than this.  Kai what's up now.  Red Sox get Schil and the Yanks get the best player in baseball.  I know you have a comment on the big green (cha' ching) machine.

    Come on Red Sox fans let me have it.

    Boo Yah

    Let's see...the last two years' formula was: Winning=Pitching + Heart (teamwork)

    Here's how the following teams fared in 2003:

    Marlins=Great pitching + Heart (teamwork)=World Series Champs

    Yankees=Great pitching + Selfish multi-millionaires=World Series Losers (last two times-ha!)

    Red Sox=Marginal Pitching + Heart (teamwork) + Offense - Lack of dominant closer=Robbed by foolish basketball playing 3B named Boone (out for year-ha!)

    Cubs=Decent Starting rotation + Heart (teamwork) - Goat=Not made a W.S. appearance in eons.

    This year:

    Marlins=Pitching + Heart (teamwork)-Pudge

    Yankees=Offense + Even more Selfish multi-millionaires (A-Rod is perfect for you-overpriced player for an overpriced collective of players (note: team concept not applicable here))

    Red Sox=Same offense + Schilling/Foulke to sure up pitching issues + Heart (teamwork)

    Cubs=I don't really care to be honest...

    The Yankees and A-Rod are all spoiled rotten...have fun.

    Kai :huey:
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    Yeah too bad he's not a Yankee ???

    No, I mean Alfonso Soriano.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    sfgadv02, did you think the Rangers were going to trade A-Rod for nothing? They didn't sell him. Soriano went to Texas. Really it's a good trade for the Rangers because they got an extremely solid middle infielder with power and a huge upside, plus, it frees up about a billion dollars to go get pitching, which is what they really need anyway.

    PS Mick got burned by Kai, *******/***** on that post :lol:
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Oh dear, my second double post of the day!

    Posted Image

    33 reasons Red Sox fans should feel better than Yankees fans!

    10 More
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo

    sfgadv02, did you think the Rangers were going to trade A-Rod for nothing? They didn't sell him. Soriano went to Texas. Really it's a good trade for the Rangers because they got an extremely solid middle infielder with power and a huge upside, plus, it frees up about a billion dollars to go get pitching, which is what they really need anyway.

    PS Mick got burned by Kai, *******/***** on that post :lol:

    That shows that he isnt that popular. ;) LOL, jk.
  • The Langolier%s's Photo
    There once was a Cubs fan, a Braves fan, a BoSox fan, and a Yankees fan that went to the side of a cliff. The Cubs fan went to the edge of the cliff and said," This is for all the Cub fans," and he jumped off. The Braves fan goes to the edge of the cliff and said," This is for all the Braves fans,' and jumped off. The BoSox fan went to the edge of the cliff. THe Yankees fan said "This is for all the Yankee fans," and pushed the Bosox fan off.

    Oh, and Kai, that was pretty narrow-minded. The Yankees have just as much heart as any other team, they dont express it well enough, though.
  • KaiBueno%s's Photo

    Oh, and Kai, that was pretty narrow-minded.  The Yankees have just as much heart as any other team, they dont express it well enough, though.

    Narrow-minded? I don't suggest usage of this to anyone that wants to discuss the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry that as a point to counteract/refute either sides jabs/commentary/insults/etc...

    BOTH sides are narrow-minded.

    Red Sox fans hatred of the Evil Empire (Yankees) blinds us at times to being objective, and Yankees fans are so spoiled and obnoxious in their success/expectations that they don't know how to be.

    Now, back to my point, that being about the current Yankees and their's rather hard to express what you don't have, or for the sake of your argument, the heart that is at the bank, not the ballpark.

    Try again. 8@

    KaiPosted Imageueno
  • AustinPowers%s's Photo

    Red Sox=Same offense + Schilling/Foulke to sure up pitching issues + Heart (teamwork)

    you forgot the big minus in the equation.......curse of the sox aren't going anywhere but to another heartbreak in the playoffs....

    RedSox could have forked over the cash...they have the cash...other owners could afford it...but they didn't....
  • rK_%s's Photo
    i live in lynn, 15mns away from boston, and this is all over the news, every channel, radio, everything, its fucking annyoing, and now sox fans are on the tobin bridge, why?, because we didnt get a player, OMG, shut the fuck up, red sox suck, so just keep supporting the pats, atleats they know what they are doing
  • MickMaximus%s's Photo

    sfgadv02, did you think the Rangers were going to trade A-Rod for nothing? They didn't sell him. Soriano went to Texas. Really it's a good trade for the Rangers because they got an extremely solid middle infielder with power and a huge upside, plus, it frees up about a billion dollars to go get pitching, which is what they really need anyway.

    PS Mick got burned by Kai, *******/***** on that post :lol:

    That shows that he isnt that popular. ;) LOL, jk.

    Actually Kai and I are great friends....popularity aside ;)

    I knew I could rattle Kai's cage here.

    Red Sox fans don't be mad at me because my owner wants to win more than yours. You had your chance to have A-Rod and you blew it plain and simple. The Boss isn't even the wealthest owner in baseball but his desire and love of the game and the fact that he lets nothing stand in his way of winning is very commenable.

    It is either Eat or be eatin......and we choose to eat.
  • KaiBueno%s's Photo

    Actually Kai and I are great friends....popularity aside  ;)

    I knew I could rattle Kai's cage here. 

    Red Sox fans don't be mad at me because my owner wants to win more than yours.  You had your chance to have A-Rod and you blew it plain and simple.  The Boss isn't even the wealthest owner in baseball but his desire and love of the game and the fact that he lets nothing stand in his way of winning is very commenable.

    It is either Eat or be eatin......and we choose to eat.

    -Indeed, friends we are, despite serious baseball issues...

    -Not rattled. If you told me the commish gave you a 10 game lead to start the season since you don't have solid pitching (and apparently won't get Maddux-how sad :'(), then I'd be rattled.

    -You think your owner wants to win more than the Red Sox owner? First off, you can't ever PROVE that, but secondly, I don't care that we "blew it". A-Rod wouldn't be good for the chemistry we have, and Boston already has its Sports Hero to rally around, that being the Patriots' Tom Brady. The fact that A-Rod will likely be a Yankee for life is sickening, but as a Sox fan, once we win the title, nothing matters. We could trade all our players, you could win 5 more titles, whatever. The last part is highly disturbing, but the glee from winning the Series would last quite a while...just make sure Steinbrenner doesn't kick it before we win the title.

    Anyway, back on subject...Steinbrenner's personal wealth has nothing to do with this. If he puts 90% of the earnings back in the pot when some owners put 20% and keep the rest for themselves, then fine - that's "commendable" if you insist. The thing is, it's an irrelevant point. The actual bit that matters is that the Yankees (with their market (NYC) and fanbase) have the hightest REVENUE in the league, and always will. This means that even in a scenario where every owner put in the same percentage of earnings towards player salaries, the Yankees would still have an distinct advantage, and admittedly so, Boston would be likely the 2nd or 3rd team with the similar leverage over smaller market teams, albeit considerably behind New York.

    -The Yankees are afforded that privilege, just realize they're looking pretty much like Fat Bastard...bloated and going nowhere.

    KaiPosted Imageueno
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Field of Dreams? ???


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