Pro Tour 1 / Workbenches!
08-February 04
Raven-SDI Offline
Hello.Thanx iris for organising this, and thank you Toon for the best workbench I've seen!
Great! So I'm gonna try my best at my entry the forthcoming month(s)...
Good luck all, and may the best winz!
Thanks Raven for even thinking of the idea...
Good luck to everyone in the first Pro Tour and Toon, god damn son...
Platinum Angel of Death
§Æ§ -
Evil WME Offline
the rct2 workbench needs the path to be connected so the peeps wander of, or are able to wander in. (i fixed it with 8 cars) other than that i guess it´s ok, lot´s of useless objects, and i really don´t like how the wooden roofing isn´t complete coz it´s the one i´m most suitable with anyways. I don´t know if i´ll be able to make it rct2, but i´ll try, and otherwise i´ll throw in rct1 once more. I´d really like to make a rct2 park tho..
Nice to see this thing started =D. -
Micool Offline
No, you've got the math wrong. It's like doing an entire row a day, which is, in fact, larger than a square.[font="Arial"]
You guys can finish a park by May!
That is like doing one square a day in RCT terms.
Still, I'll be finished. I've already started my winning entry. -
Six Frags Offline
Thanx Raven, for thinking of the idea, the cash, and for getting me into this!!!
Hello.Thanx iris for organising this, and thank you Toon for the best workbench I've seen!
Great! So I'm gonna try my best at my entry the forthcoming month(s)...
Good luck all, and may the best winz!
Thanks Raven for even thinking of the idea...
Good luck to everyone in the first Pro Tour and Toon, god damn son...
Platinum Angel of Death
SF -
John Offline
Yay! It's finally underway... and I've decided on an idea. It'll be unique, that's for sure. -
ECC Offline
Hell of a workbench Toon. Lots of great new objects. And I love the small egyptian walls! -
Ride6 Offline
Toon, That workbence is great except for that thing with peeps wandering in. Could someone explain how to fix that?
The way we'll have to add windows and doors, etc. is really wierd. Its cool but unless John is willing to zero-clearence the shit out of this he'll have a real hard time managing to build he "muilti-layered" buildings. Nice bench though.
10 meg.s though, shit!
ride6 -
Kumba Offline
It would be really funny if you came in last ride6. and then you were like "no wait, my entry was misunderstood" -
iris Offline
For the LL bench, you can use whatever trainers you want to get all the walls, etc.
Sorry it doesnt come with it, it was supposed to. -
posix Offline
About the "Posix, stop your bitching about the harsh deadline" issue; Note that not everyone is a fast parkmaker and that there are other projects which one might want to finish first, also for their own benefit. I could not break everything I'm doing right now and put all efforts into ProTours. Note also that parks want to be well planned, which takes me about a month because I am very fussy about it.
But luckily I don't have too many projects at the moment so I might give it a try. -
Tech Artist Offline
I can tell you all that etheir Fatha or Mala will win this thing. Thier like 2 of the best or maybe they won't get done in time, who knows. Good luck to all who are in this! I look forward to lots of creative entrys.
EDIT: I'll probably download the workbench just to check out what you guys will be building with. -
Fatha' Offline
I just need to figure out something good to make... thats gonna be hard for me...needs to be 'original'
We should call out ideas for our own so people dont copy ideas.. and youd end up having two of the same parks made... -
Evil WME Offline
1. don´t build any pathsToon, That workbence is great except for that thing with peeps wandering in. Could someone explain how to fix that?
2. invert land (8cars)
3. go back to game to wait a second
4. own all land (again with 8 cars)
5. and lookie there ya go, peeps accessing your NE Pro Tour entry -
x-sector Offline
I'm winning it this timeI can tell you all that etheir Fatha or Mala will win this thing.
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