Pro Tour 1 / Workbenches!
08-February 04
iris Offline
LL Bench
Time for the Pro Tour official round.
DEADLINE - MAY 2 (3 months approximately)
Now for the rules:
-It's basically the same exact concept as the High Rollers Contest, only with more participants and a bigger cash prize.
-You must use the benches provided, no questions asked.
-Have fun, and for God's sakes be creative!
*AT LEAST one parkmaker will be chosen from this contest.
List of Possible Entrants:
5.Coaster Ed
8.Evil WME
13.Gymkid Dude
22.nemesis chris
31.Six Frags
Entries from anyone else will not be accepted. -
Kumba Offline
Toon that bench is amazeing, its like 50 new Toon objects!
i mite start now, i could finish this tiny map in weeks, but you will not see my entry till the deadline is very near.
this scenery will help to make these RCT2 entrys as detailed as ever. again the bench is perfect.
Corkscrewed Offline
Y do U need invisible path?
Iris, post this on the front page, for goodness sakes.
Use my logo!!!!
Three months only? Sonofa... and during school too. Please extend this to June. Pretty please?
Time to check it out. -
JBruckner Offline
[font="Arial"]Y do U need invisible path?
Iris, post this on the front page, for goodness sakes.
Use my logo!!!!
Three months only? Sonofa... and during school too. Please extend this to June. Pretty please?
Time to check it out.
That's the last thing this contest needs, maybe you will work harder and finish that damn park WDE.
[/font] -
Kumba Offline
corky you did a PT logo? i just hope its not set to the backdrop of SFMM or something...
btw what can we say/not say about are entrys? or what will get you DQ'ed? -
Kumba Offline
yeah i can do that, but i would like to know the rule(s) just to be on the safe side.How about just say nothing and surprise us all at the end.
Six Frags Offline
Thanx iris for organising this, and thank you Toon for the best workbench I've seen!
Great! So I'm gonna try my best at my entry the forthcoming month(s)...
Good luck all, and may the best winz!
SF -
darkfire Offline
I just have a few questions,
Firstly alot of train types and car types are not available on the work bench as well as the gates, this was indended right? (Beacuse the Save Game modifier dosen't allow you to select what trains should be available so I don't see how you have chosen which train/car types you are allowed, it looks like who ever made it just forgot to use the dragons or beast trainer to enable all of the rides)
When you say "use the workbenches provided"; I take it you are also implying that no objects can be added or in the case of LL use a trainer to enabe all rides and that we cannot change the map size (I'm sure we're not alowed to do either, Iris just didn't actually say that)
Am I right to assume that those two things are not allowed.
And another related question, what restirctions are there on changing the cars of a ride. I see that alot of trains and car types are not on the LL workbench. So are we allowed to use a trainer to change the train/ cars to any kind that you can get on the workbench, any type in the game (as they are not part of the workbench), or are we not allowed to change the train/car types at all? (assuming the restriction are intensional)
Please can someone (preferably Iris) just clear these things up, I'd like to know the answers before I start.
There's always has to be one who questions everything ay.
Thanks in advance.
<darkfire> -
posix Offline
darkfire, don't worry. They did the same shit with the H2H2 LL workbench.
It misses gates, it misses trains... I don't want to know whatelse it misses.
At least it's hack friendly.
But please people, release a proper, an updated workbench before too many people download the wrong one.
No, we can not simply click "enable all rides".
iris, I do not understand why you don't post it on the front page when one of the biggest NE events of the year starts, as Corkscrewed has pointed out. 2nd of May is quite a bit harsh as well. I'll be interested how many people actually finish a park. I doubt I'm going to be one of them. -
artist Offline
Wow nice bench toon it could have been a little better but no worries.
My only problem 85x85 is too small for me lol so i should finish easily.
Good luck everybody.
NC -
x-sector Offline
Yay I can get started and this time I'm winning hehe.
Hmmmmmm what theme to do I got a few lined up that I'm trying out.
Great work on the rct2 bench toon some nice object addtions.
May the 2nd is ages away people so stop your moaning if you can't make a park that is only 85 by 85 in that huge amount of time your crap
well thanks -
KaiBueno Offline
I know I'm not on the tour, but how about: If you don't post anything (text/images/etc...), you aren't likely to violate any disclosure rules, therefore no need to verify any rules to be safe, 'cos you already will be!yeah i can do that, but i would like to know the rule(s) just to be on the safe side.
It's that simple really...besides, surprises are good.
Best of luck everyone, and Toon...nice bench!
ps: wants to see infamous corky/PT logo spoken of. please. -
JBruckner Offline
Posix, suck it up!
You guys can finish a park by May!
That is like doing one square a day in RCT terms.
Quit bitching.
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sloB Offline
Don't be so sure...-It's basically the same exact concept as the High Rollers Contest, only with more participants
I'll get one in, it's just that I have no clue what I'm gonna do.
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